ID3D11VideoContext::QueryAuthenticatedChannel method (d3d11.h)

Sends a query to an authenticated channel.


HRESULT QueryAuthenticatedChannel(
  [in]  ID3D11AuthenticatedChannel *pChannel,
  [in]  UINT                       InputSize,
  [in]  const void                 *pInput,
  [in]  UINT                       OutputSize,
  [out] void                       *pOutput


[in] pChannel

A pointer to the ID3D11AuthenticatedChannel interface.

[in] InputSize

The size of the pInput array, in bytes.

[in] pInput

A pointer to a byte array that contains input data for the query. This array always starts with a D3D11_AUTHENTICATED_QUERY_INPUT structure. The QueryType member of the structure specifies the query and defines the meaning of the rest of the array.

[in] OutputSize

The size of the pOutput array, in bytes.

[out] pOutput

A pointer to a byte array that receives the result of the query. This array always starts with a D3D11_AUTHENTICATED_QUERY_OUTPUT structure. The meaning of the rest of the array depends on the query.

Return value

If this method succeeds, it returns S_OK. Otherwise, it returns an HRESULT error code.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 8 [desktop apps | UWP apps]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2012 [desktop apps | UWP apps]
Target Platform Windows
Header d3d11.h

See also
