PowerShell support for Power Apps and Power Automate

With PowerShell cmdlets for Power Platform creators and administrators, you can automate many monitoring and management tasks. Tasks that are only possible manually today in Power Apps, Power Automate, or the Power Platform admin center.


Cmdlets are functions written in the PowerShell script language that execute commands in PowerShell. Running these Power Apps cmdlets allows you to interact with your Business Application Platform without having to go through the admin portal in a web browser.

You can combine cmdlets with other PowerShell functions to write complex scripts that can optimize your workflow. You can still use the cmdlets if you're not an admin on the tenant, but you're limited to the resources you own. Administrative user account use cmdlets that start with Admin.

Cmdlets are available on the PowerShell gallery as two separate modules:

For information on the Power Apps admin module, see Get started using the Power Apps admin module and Microsoft.PowerApps.Administration.PowerShell.

Get started with PowerShell

If you're new to PowerShell and need help with finding and launching it, go to Getting Started with PowerShell. If you need help with using PowerShell or the cmdlets, go to The PowerShell Help System.


PowerShell in this article requires Windows PowerShell version 5.x. To check the version of PowerShell running on your machine, run the following command:


If you have an outdated version, go to Upgrading existing Windows PowerShell.


The modules described in this document use .NET Framework, which is incompatible with PowerShell 6.0 and later. These later versions use .NET Core.

Module installation and sign in

To run PowerShell cmdlets for app creators:

  1. Run PowerShell as an administrator.

    Screenshot that shows how to run PowerShell as an administrator.

  2. Import the necessary modules.

    Install-Module -Name Microsoft.PowerApps.Administration.PowerShell
    Install-Module -Name Microsoft.PowerApps.PowerShell -AllowClobber

    Alternatively, if you don't have admin rights on your computer, use the -Scope CurrentUser parameter for installation.

    Install-Module -Name Microsoft.PowerApps.Administration.PowerShell -Scope CurrentUser
    Install-Module -Name Microsoft.PowerApps.PowerShell -AllowClobber -Scope CurrentUser
  3. If you're prompted to accept the change to the InstallationPolicy value of the repository, accept [A] Yes to all modules by typing A, then press Enter for each module.

    Screenshot that shows where to accept the InstallationPolicy value in PowerShell.

  4. Optionally, before accessing the commands, you can provide your credentials. Credentials are refreshed for up to eight hours before you're required to sign in again. If credentials aren't provided before a command is executed, then a prompt for credentials appears.

    # Opens a prompt to collect credentials (Microsoft Entra account and password).
    # Here is how you can pass in credentials (to avoid opening a prompt).
    $pass = ConvertTo-SecureString "password" -AsPlainText -Force
    Add-PowerAppsAccount -Username [email protected] -Password $pass
  5. Optionally, a specific endpoint can be targeted. The default endpoint is prod. If a user wants to run a PowerShell script targeting an environment in a non-production region, such as GCC, the -Endpoint parameter can be changed to usgov for GCC Moderate, or usgovhigh for GCC High, or dod for GCC DOD. The full list of endpoints supported is: "prod,preview,tip1,tip2,usgov,usgovhigh,dod,china".

    # An environment in another region, such as GCC, can be targeted using the -Endpoint parameter.
    Add-PowerAppsAccount -Endpoint "usgov" 

Module updates

You can check the version of all your PowerShell modules using Get-Module.


And you can update all your PowerShell modules to the latest using Update-Module.


Alternately, check the Power Platform modules version, using Get-Module and the -Name parameter.

Get-Module -Name "Microsoft.PowerApps.Administration.PowerShell"
Get-Module -Name "Microsoft.PowerApps.PowerShell"

Update the Power Platform PowerShell modules, using Update-Module and the -Name parameter.

Update-Module -Name "Microsoft.PowerApps.Administration.PowerShell"
Update-Module -Name "Microsoft.PowerApps.PowerShell"

Power Apps cmdlets for app creators


Users with a valid Power Apps license can perform the operations in these cmdlets. However, they only have access to resources, like apps and flows, that are created or shared with them.

Cmdlet list - Maker Cmdlets


We've updated some of the cmdlets function names in the latest release in order to add appropriate prefixes to prevent collisions. Refer the following table for an overview of what has changed.

Purpose Cmdlet
Add a canvas app to a Microsoft Dataverse solution Set-PowerAppAsSolutionAware
Read and update environments Get-AdminPowerAppEnvironment (previously Get-PowerAppsEnvironment)
Restore-PowerAppEnvironment (previously Restore-AppVersion)
Read, update, and delete a canvas app Get-AdminPowerApp (previously Get-App)
Remove-AdminPowerApp (previously Remove-App)
Publish-AdminPowerApp (previously Publish-App)
Read, update, and delete canvas app permissions Get-AdminPowerAppRoleAssignment (previously Get-AppRoleAssignment)
Remove-AdminPowerAppRoleAssignment (previously Remove-AppRoleAssignment)
Read, update, and delete a flow Get-AdminFlow
Read, update, and delete flow permissions Get-AdminFlowOwnerRole
Read and respond to flow approvals Get-AdminFlowApprovalRequest
Read and delete connections Get-AdminPowerAppConnection (previously Get-Connection)
Remove-AdminPowerAppConnection (previously Remove-Connection)
Read, update, and delete connection permissions Get-AdminPowerAppConnectionRoleAssignment (previously Get-ConnectionRoleAssignment)
Set-AdminPowerAppConnectionRoleAssignment (previously Set-ConnectionRoleAssignment)
Remove-AdminPowerAppConnectionRoleAssignment (previously Remove-ConnectionRoleAssignment)
Read, and delete connectors Get-AdminPowerAppConnector (previously Get-Connector)
Remove-AdminPowerAppConnector (previously Remove-Connector)
Add, read, update, and delete custom connector permissions Get-AdminPowerAppConnectorRoleAssignment (previously Get-ConnectorRoleAssignment)
Get-PowerAppConnectorRoleAssignment (previously Set-ConnectorRoleAssignment)
Remove-PowerAppConnectorRoleAssignment (previously Remove-ConnectorRoleAssignment)
Read, add, and remove policy URL patterns Get-PowerAppPolicyUrlPatterns
Read, register, and remove management apps Get-PowerAppManagementApp
Read, create, update, and import protection keys Get-PowerAppRetrieveAvailableTenantProtectionKeys

Power Apps cmdlets for administrators

For more information on Power Apps and Power Automate cmdlets for admins, see Get started with PowerShell for Power Platform Administrators.


  • Use Get-Help followed by a CmdletName to get a list of examples.

    Screenshot that shows usage of the Get-Help command.

  • After you type dash -, you can press Tab to cycle through the input tags. Place this flag after the cmdlet name.

Example commands:

Get-Help Get-AdminPowerAppEnvironment
Get-Help Get-AdminPowerAppEnvironment -Examples
Get-Help Get-AdminPowerAppEnvironment -Detailed

Operation examples

Following are some common scenarios that show how to use new and existing Power Apps cmdlets.

Environments commands

Use these commands to get details on and update environments in your tenant.

Display a list of all environments


Returns a list of each environment across your tenant, with details of each (for example, environment name (guid), display name, location, creator, and more).

Display details of your default environment

Get-AdminPowerAppEnvironment –Default

Returns the details for only the default environment of the tenant.

Display details of a specific environment

Get-AdminPowerAppEnvironment –EnvironmentName 'EnvironmentName'


The EnvironmentName field is a unique identifier, which is different from the DisplayName (see first and second fields in the output in the following image).

Get-AdminEnvironment command.

Power Apps commands

These operations are used to read and modify Power Apps data in your tenant.

Display a list of all Power Apps


Returns a list of all Power Apps across the tenant, with details of each (for example, application name (guid), display name, creator, and more).

Display a list of all Power Apps that match the input display name

Get-AdminPowerApp 'DisplayName'

This command lists all Power Apps in your tenant that match the display name.


Use quotations around input values that contain spaces. For example, use "My App Name".

Feature an application

Set-AdminPowerAppAsFeatured –AppName 'AppName'

Featured applications are grouped and pushed to the top of the list in the Power Apps mobile player.


Like environments, the AppName field is a unique identifier, which is different from the DisplayName. If you want to perform operations based on the display name, some functions will let you use the pipeline (see next function).

Make an application a Hero app, using the pipeline

Get-AdminPowerApp 'DisplayName' | Set-AdminPowerAppAsHero

A Hero app appears at the top of the list in the Power Apps mobile player. There can only be one Hero app.

The pipe | character between two cmdlets takes the output of the first cmdlet and passes it as the input value of the second, if the function is written to accommodate the pipe.


An app must already be a featured app before it's changed to a Hero.

Display the number of apps each user owns

Get-AdminPowerApp | Select –ExpandProperty Owner | Select –ExpandProperty displayname | Group

You can combine native PowerShell functions with the Power Apps cmdlets to manipulate data even further. Here we use the Select function to isolate the Owner attribute (an object) from the Get-AdminApp object. We then isolate the name of the owner object by pipelining that output into another Select function. Finally, passing the second Select function output into the Group function returns a nice table that includes a count of each owner's number of apps.

Get-AdminPowerApp command.

Display the number of apps in each environment

Get-AdminPowerApp | Select -ExpandProperty EnvironmentName | Group | %{ New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{ DisplayName = (Get-AdminPowerAppEnvironment -EnvironmentName $_.Name | Select -ExpandProperty displayName); Count = $_.Count } }

Get-AdminPowerApp environment.

Download Power Apps user details

Get-AdminPowerAppsUserDetails -OutputFilePath '.\adminUserDetails.txt' –UserPrincipalName '[email protected]'

The above command stores the Power Apps user details (basic usage information about the input user via their user principal name) in the specified text file. It creates a new file if there's no existing file with that name, and overwrites the text file if it already exists.

Export a list of assigned user licenses

Get-AdminPowerAppLicenses -OutputFilePath '<licenses.csv>'

Exports all the assigned user licenses (Power Apps and Power Automate) in your tenant into a tabular view .csv file. The exported file contains both self-service, sign-up, internal trial plans and plans sourced from Microsoft Entra ID. The internal trial plans aren't visible to admins in the Microsoft 365 admin center.

The export can take a while for tenants with a large number of Microsoft Power Platform users.


Output of the Get-AdminPowerAppLicenses cmdlet only includes licenses for users that have accessed Power Platform services (for example, Power Apps, Power Automate, or Power Platform admin center). Users that have had licenses assigned in Microsoft Entra ID (typically via the Microsoft 365 admin center) but have never accessed Power Platform services won't have their licenses included in the generated .csv output. Furthermore, since the Power Platform licensing services caches the licenses, updates made to license assignments in Microsoft Entra ID can take up to seven days to reflect in the output for users that haven't accessed the service recently.

Set logged in user as the owner of a canvas app

Set-AdminPowerAppOwner –AppName 'AppName' -AppOwner $Global:currentSession.userId –EnvironmentName 'EnvironmentName'

Changes the owner role of a Power App to the current user, and replaces the original owner as a "can view" role type.


The AppName and EnvironmentName fields are the unique identifiers (guids), not the display names.

Display a list of deleted canvas apps in an environment

Get-AdminDeletedPowerAppsList -EnvironmentName 'EnvironmentName'

This command displays all canvas apps recently deleted, as they might still be recovered.

Recover a deleted canvas app

Get-AdminRecoverDeletedPowerApp -AppName 'AppName' -EnvironmentName 'EnvironmentName'

This command recovers a canvas app discoverable through the Get-AdminDeletedPowerAppsList cmdlet. Any canvas app that isn't displayed in the Get-AdminDeletedPowerAppsList isn't recoverable.

Designate SharePoint custom form environment

The following cmdlets can be used to specify and verify which environment SharePoint custom forms are saved to, instead of the default environment. When the designated environment for SharePoint custom forms changes, this environment is where newly created custom forms are saved. Existing custom forms don't automatically migrate to different environments as these cmdlets are used. The ability for a user to create a custom form in a designated environment requires that user to have the Environment Maker role. Users can be granted the Environment Maker role in the Power Platform admin center.

Any environment that isn’t the default environment can be deleted. If the designated SharePoint custom form environment is deleted, the custom forms are deleted with it.


This command returns the EnvironmentName for the environment currently designated for newly created SharePoint custom forms. If an environment has never been designated, the default environment is returned.

Set-AdminPowerAppSharepointFormEnvironment –EnvironmentName 'EnvironmentName' 

This command designates the environment newly created SharePoint custom forms save to, instead of the default environment. Existing custom forms don't automatically migrate to the newly designated environment. Only production environment can be designated for SharePoint custom forms.


This resets the default environment as the designated environment to save SharePoint custom forms.

Display tenant setting for ability to share apps with Everyone

$settings = Get-TenantSettings 

This setting controls whether users with the Environment Maker security role can share canvas apps with Everyone in an organization. When the setting is set to true, only users with an admin role (Dynamics 365 admin, Power Platform Service admin, Microsoft Entra tenant admin) can share apps with Everyone in an organization.

Regardless of this tenant settings value, makers with the sharing privilege can share apps with security groups of any size. This control only determines whether the Everyone shorthand can be used when sharing.

Change tenant setting for ability to share apps with Everyone

$settings = Get-TenantSettings 
$settings.powerPlatform.powerApps.disableShareWithEveryone = $True 
Set-TenantSettings -RequestBody $settings

Surface your organization’s governance error message content

If you specify governance error message content to appear in error messages, the content in the error message is displayed when makers observe they don’t have permission to share apps with Everyone. See PowerShell governance error message content commands.

Associate in context flows to an app

Associate flows in context of an app to the app to create a dependency between the app and flows. To learn more about context flows, see What Power Automate capabilities are included in Power Apps licenses?

   Add-AdminFlowPowerAppContext -EnvironmentName <String> -FlowName <String> -AppName <String> [-ApiVersion <String>] [<CommonParameters>]

EnvironmentName and FlowName can be found in the flow url:

  • For a Non-Solution flow, the URL looks like this:


    The GUID after environments/ is the EnvironmentName and the GUID after flows/ is the FlowName

  • For Solution flow, the URL looks like this:


    The GUID after environments/ is the EnvironmentName and the GUID after flows/ is the FlowName

  • The AppName for a canvas app can be found on the canvas app details page.

    Screenshot that shows that the AppName for a canvas app can be found on the canvas app details page.

  • The AppName for a model driven app can be found in solution explorer.

    Screenshot that shows that the AppName for a model driven app can be found in solution explorer.

  • To see the examples, type: get-help Add-AdminFlowPowerAppContext -examples.

  • To get more information, type: get-help Add-AdminFlowPowerAppContext -detailed.

  • To get technical information, type: get-help Add-AdminFlowPowerAppContext -full.

Remove in context flows of an app

Remove the dependency between flows and an app with this PowerShell command. The Remove-AdminFlowPowerAppContext removes app context from the specific flow.

    Remove-AdminFlowPowerAppContext -EnvironmentName <String> -FlowName <String> -AppName <String> [-ApiVersion <String>] [<CommonParameters>]

    - To see the examples, type: "get-help Remove-AdminFlowPowerAppContext -examples".
    - For more information, type: "get-help Remove-AdminFlowPowerAppContext -detailed".
    - For technical information, type: "get-help Remove-AdminFlowPowerAppContext -full".

Power Automate commands

Use these important commands to perform administration related to Power Automate.

For a full list of Power Automate and Power Apps cmdlets for admins, see Get started with PowerShell for Power Platform Administrators.

Display all flows


Returns a list of all flows in the tenant.

Display flow owner role details

Get-AdminFlowOwnerRole –EnvironmentName 'EnvironmentName' –FlowName 'FlowName'

Returns the owner details of the specified flow.


Like Environments and PowerApps, FlowName is the unique identifier (guid), which is different from the display name of the flow.

Display flow user details

Get-AdminFlowUserDetails –UserId $Global:currentSession.userId

Returns the user details regarding flow usage. In this example, we're using the user ID of the current logged in user of the PowerShell session as input.

Remove flow user details

Remove-AdminFlowUserDetails –UserId 'UserId'

Deletes the details on a flow user completely from the Microsoft database. All flows the input user owns must be deleted before the flow user details can be purged.


The UserId field is the Object ID of the user's Microsoft Entra record, which can be found in the Azure portal under Microsoft Entra ID > Users > Profile > Object ID. You must be an admin to access this data from here.

Export all flows to a CSV file

Get-AdminFlow | Export-Csv -Path '.\FlowExport.csv'

Exports all the flows in your tenant into a tabular view .csv file.

Add flows into Dataverse solutions

Add-AdminFlowsToSolution -EnvironmentName <String>

Migrates all the nonsolution flows in the environment.

Parameter variations can be used to migrate only specific flows, add into a specific solution, or migrate only a set number of flows at a time.

For technical details, see Add-AdminFlowsToSolution.

API connection commands

View and manage API connections in your tenant.

Display all native Connections in your default environment

Get-AdminPowerAppEnvironment -Default | Get-AdminPowerAppConnection

Displays a list of all API connections you have in the default environment. Native connections are found under the Dataverse > Connections tab in Power Apps.

Display all custom connectors in the tenant


Returns a list of all custom connector details in the tenant.


Get-AdminPowerAppConnector doesn't list custom connectors that are in a solution. This is a known limitation.

Data loss prevention (DLP) policy commands

These cmdlets control the DLP policies on your tenant.

Create a DLP policy


Creates a new DLP policy for the signed-in admin's tenant.

Retrieve a list of DLP objects


Gets policy objects for the signed-in admin's tenant.


  • When viewing a DLP policy using PowerShell, the display name of connectors are from when the DLP policy was created or when the connectors were last moved within the policy. New changes to the display names of connectors won't be reflected.
  • When viewing a DLP policy using PowerShell, new connectors in the default group that haven't been moved won't be returned.

For both of these known issues, a workaround is to move the affected connector to another group within the policy and then move it back to the correct group. After doing this, each of the connectors will be visible with their correct name.

Update a DLP policy


Updates details of the policy, such as the policy display name.

Remove a policy


Deletes a DLP policy.

DLP resource exemption cmdlets

These cmdlets allow you to exempt or unexempt a specific resource from a DLP policy.

Retrieve existing exempt resource list for a DLP policy

Get-PowerAppDlpPolicyExemptResources -TenantId -PolicyName 

Create a new exempt resource list for a DLP policy

New-PowerAppDlpPolicyExemptResources -TenantId -PolicyName -NewDlpPolicyExemptResources 

Update the exempt resource list for a DLP policy

Set-PowerAppDlpPolicyExemptResources -TenantId -PolicyName -UpdatedExemptResources 

Remove the exempt resource list for a DLP policy

Remove-PowerAppDlpPolicyExemptResources -TenantId -PolicyName 

To exempt a resource from a DLP policy, you need the following information:

  • Tenant ID (GUID)
  • DLP policy ID (GUID)
  • Resource ID (ends with a GUID)
  • Resource type

You can retrieve the resource ID and type using PowerShell cmdlets Get-PowerApp for apps and Get-Flow for flows.

Example removal script

To exempt flow with ID f239652e-dd38-4826-a1de-90a2aea584d9 and app with ID 06002625-7154-4417-996e-21d7a60ad624, we can run the following cmdlets:

1. PS D:\> $flow = Get-Flow -FlowName f239652e-dd38-4826-a1de-90a2aea584d9 
2. PS D:\> $app = Get-PowerApp -AppName 06002625-7154-4417-996e-21d7a60ad624 
3. PS D:\> $exemptFlow = [pscustomobject]@{ 
4. >>             id = $flow.Internal.id 
5. >>             type = $flow.Internal.type 
6. >>         } 
7. PS D:\> $exemptApp = [pscustomobject]@{ 
8. >>             id = $app.Internal.id 
9. >>             type = $app.Internal.type 
10. >>         } 
11. PS D:\> $exemptResources = [pscustomobject]@{ 
12. >>             exemptResources = @($exemptFlow, $exemptApp) 
13. >>         } 
14. PS D:\> New-PowerAppDlpPolicyExemptResources -TenantId b1c07da8-2ae2-47e7-91b8-d3418892f507 -PolicyName 65da474a-70aa-4a59-9ae1-65a2bebbf98a -NewDlpPolicyExemptResources $exemptResources 
16. exemptResources 
17. --------------- 
18. {@{id=/providers/Microsoft.ProcessSimple/environments/Default-b1c07da8-2ae2-47e7-91b8-d3418892f507/flows/f239652e-dd38-4826-a1de-90a2aea584d9; type=Microsoft.ProcessSimple/environments/flows}, @{id=/providers/Microsoft.PowerApps/apps/06002625-7154-4417-996e-21d7a60ad.. 

DLP exemption experience in the following scenarios

# Scenario Experience
1 User launches an app that’s not DLP compliant but DLP exempt. App launch proceeds with or without DLP enforcement.
2 Maker saves an app that’s not DLP compliant but DLP exempt With or without DLP exemption, DLP compliance doesn't block the app save operation. The DLP noncompliance warning is shown regardless of DLP exemption.
3 Maker saves a flow that’s not DLP compliant but DLP exempt With or without DLP exemption, DLP compliance doesn't block the flow save operation. The DLP noncompliance warning doesn't appear.

Governance error message content commands

The following cmdlets can lead your end users to your organization’s governance reference material. The command includes a link to governance documentation and a governance contact for when they're prompted by governance controls. For instance, when governance error message content is set, it appears in Power Apps Data Loss Prevention policy runtime enforcement messages.

Set governance error message content

New-PowerAppDlpErrorSettings -TenantId 'TenantId' -ErrorSettings @{  
  ErrorMessageDetails = @{ 
    enabled = $True  
    url = "https://contoso.org/governanceMaterial" 
  ContactDetails= @{  
    enabled = $True 
    email = "[email protected]" 

The governance error message URL and email can be shown independently or together. You can enable or disable the governance error message with the enabled field.

Governance error message content scenarios

# Scenario Availability
1 User launches an app created using Power Apps that’s not DLP compliant Generally available
2 Maker shares a Power Apps canvas app but doesn’t have share privilege Generally available
3 Maker shares a Power Apps canvas app with Everyone but doesn’t have privilege to share with Everyone Generally available
4 Maker saves an app created using Power Apps that’s not DLP compliant Generally available
5 Maker saves a Power Automate flow that’s not DLP compliant Generally available
6 User launches an app without security group membership to the security group associated to Dataverse environment Generally available

Display governance error message content

Get-PowerAppDlpErrorSettings -TenantId 'TenantId' 

Update governance error message content

Set-PowerAppDlpErrorSettings -TenantId 'TenantId' -ErrorSettings @{  
  ErrorMessageDetails = @{ 
    enabled = $True  
    url = "https://contoso.org/governanceMaterial" 
  ContactDetails= @{  
    enabled = $True 
    email = "[email protected]" 

Enforce DLP policy for violating connections - environment

These cmdlets allow you to enforce DLP policy for violating connections at environment or tenant level.

Enforce DLP policies for violating connections

You can enforce DLP policies on connections in an environment. Enforcing disables existing connections that violate DLP policies and enables any previously disabled connections that no longer violate DLP policies.

Start-DLPEnforcementOnConnectionsInEnvironment -EnvironmentName [Environment ID]
Example environment enforcement script
Start-DLPEnforcementOnConnectionsInEnvironment -EnvironmentName c4a07cd6-cb14-e987-b5a2-a1dd61346963 

Enforce DLP policies for violating connections - tenant

You can enforce DLP policies on connections in the tenant. Enforcing disables existing connections that violate DLP policies and enables any previously disabled connections that no longer violate DLP policies.


Block trial licenses commands



The allowed consent plans cmdlets can be used to add or remove access to a particular type of consent plan from a tenant. "Internal" consent plans are either trial licenses or developer plans that users can sign themselves up for via Power Apps/Power Automate portals/Power Automate for desktop. "Ad-hoc subscription" or "Viral" consent plans are trial licenses that users can sign themselves up for at https://signup.microsoft.com. Admins can assign users through Microsoft Entra ID or the Microsoft 365 admin portal.

By default all types of consent plans are allowed in a tenant. However, a Power Platform admin might want to block users from assigning themselves trial licenses but retain the ability to assign trial licenses on behalf of users. This rule can be accomplished by using the Remove-AllowedConsentPlans -Types "Internal" command and disabling the setting AllowAdHocSubscriptions in Microsoft Entra ID.


When using Remove-AllowedConsentPlans, all existing plans of the specified type are removed from all users in the tenant and aren't recoverable. This command blocks all future assignments of that type. If the Power Platform admin wishes to re-enable plans of that type, they can use Add-AllowedConsentPlans. If they want to view the current state of allowed consent plans, they can use Get-AllowedConsentPlans.

If you have questions

If you have any comments, suggestions, or questions, post them on the Administering Power Apps community board.

See also

Get started using the Power Apps admin module.
Preview: Programmability and extensibility overview