permissionGrantPolicy resource type

Namespace: microsoft.graph


APIs under the /beta version in Microsoft Graph are subject to change. Use of these APIs in production applications is not supported. To determine whether an API is available in v1.0, use the Version selector.

A permission grant policy is used to specify the conditions under which consent can be granted.

A permission grant policy consists of a list of includes condition sets, and a list of excludes condition sets. For an event to match a permission grant policy, it must match at least one of the includes conditions sets, and none of the excludes condition sets.

For more information, see Manage app consent policies.


Method Return Type Description
List permissionGrantPolicy collection Retrieve a list of permissionGrantPolicy objects.
Create permissionGrantPolicy Creates a new permissionGrantPolicy object.
Get permissionGrantPolicy Read properties and relationships of permissionGrantPolicy object.
Update permissionGrantPolicy Update permissionGrantPolicy object.
Include condition sets
List includes permissionGrantConditionSet collection Get the condition sets that are included in this permission grant policy.
Create in includes permissionGrantConditionSet Add a condition set that is included from this permission grant policy.
Delete from includes None Remove a condition set that is excluded from this permission grant policy.
Exclude condition sets
List excludes permissionGrantConditionSet collection Get the condition sets that are excluded in this permission grant policy.
Create in excludes permissionGrantConditionSet Add a condition set that is excluded from this permission grant policy.
Delete from excludes None Remove a condition set that is excluded from this permission grant policy.


Property Type Description
id String The unique identifier for the permission grant policy. The id prefix microsoft- is reserved for built-in permission grant policies, and may not be used in a custom permission grant policy. Only letters, numbers, hyphens (-) and underscores (_) are allowed. Key. Not nullable. Required on create. Immutable.
displayName String The display name for the permission grant policy.
description String The description for the permission grant policy.
includes permissionGrantConditionSet collection Condition sets that are included in this permission grant policy. Automatically expanded on GET.
excludes permissionGrantConditionSet collection Condition sets that are excluded in this permission grant policy. Automatically expanded on GET.
includeAllPreApprovedApplications Boolean Set to true to create all pre-approval policies in the tenant. Set to false to disable all pre-approval policies in the tenant. The default is false.
resourceScopeType String The resource type the pre-approval policy applies to. Possible values: team for groups and teams, chat for chats, tenant for all supported resources in the tenant. Required.


Relationship Type Description
includes permissionGrantConditionSet collection Condition sets that are included in this permission grant policy. This navigation is automatically expanded on GET.
excludes permissionGrantConditionSet collection Condition sets that are excluded in this permission grant policy. This navigation is automatically expanded on GET.

JSON representation

  "id": "string (identifier)",
  "displayName": "string",
  "description": "string",
  "includes": "collection(microsoft.graph.permissionGrantConditionSet)",
  "excludes": "collection(microsoft.graph.permissionGrantConditionSet)"