Azure DevOps Roadmap

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Product roadmap

This feature list is a peek into our roadmap. It identifies some of the significant features we are currently working on and a rough timeframe for when you can expect to see them. It is not comprehensive but is intended to provide some visibility into key investments. At the top you will find a list of our large multi-quarter initiatives and the features that they break down into. Further down you will find the full list of significant features we have planned.

Each feature is linked to an article where you can learn more about a particular item. These features and dates are the current plans and are subject to change. The Timeframe columns reflect when we expect the feature to be available.


GitHub Advanced Security for Azure DevOps

GitHub Advanced Security (GHAS) for Azure DevOps is now generally available. Any project collection administrator can now enable Advanced Security for their organization, projects and repos from the Project Settings or Organization Settings. You can learn more about how to configure GitHub Advanced Security for Azure DevOps in our documentation.

New capabilities we expect to deliver include:

Feature Area Quarter
Display contextual comments to pull requests containing newly introduced Advanced Security findings GitHub Advanced Security for Azure DevOps 2024 Q3
Determine detected partner secrets validity GitHub Advanced Security for Azure DevOps 2024 Q4
Automatically fix detected dependency scanning vulnerabilities with Dependabot security updates GitHub Advanced Security for Azure DevOps Future

Minimizing the risks associated with credential theft

Azure DevOps supports many different authentication mechanisms, including basic authentication, personal access tokens (PATs), SSH, and Microsoft Entra ID (formerly Azure Active Directory) access tokens. These mechanisms are not created equally from a security perspective, especially when it comes to the potential for credential theft. For example, unintended leakage of credentials like PATs can let malicious actors into Azure DevOps organizations where they can gain access to critical assets like source code, pivot toward supply chain attacks, or even pivot toward compromising production infrastructure. To minimize the risks of credential theft, we will focus our efforts in the upcoming quarters in the following areas:

  • Enable administrators to improve authentication security through control plane policies.

  • Reducing the need for PATs and other stealable secrets by adding support for more secure alternatives.

  • Deepening Azure DevOps' integration with Microsoft Entra ID to better support its various security features.

  • Avoiding the need to store production secrets in Azure Pipelines service connections.

Feature Area Quarter
PAT lifecycle APIs General Done2022 Q4
Control plane for personal access tokens (PAT) General Done2022 Q4
Managed Identity and Service Principal support (preview) General Done2023 Q1
Workload identity federation for Azure Deployments (preview) Pipelines Done2023 Q3
Granular scopes for Azure Active Directory OAuth General Done2023 Q3
Managed Identity and Service Principal support (GA) General Done2023 Q3
Workload identity federation for Azure service connection (GA) Pipelines Done2024 Q1
Workload identity federation for Docker service connection Pipelines 2024 H1
Full web support for Conditional Access Policies General 2024 H1
Policies to disable authentication methods General Future

Improved Boards + GitHub Integration

The existing Azure Boards + GitHub integration has been in place for several years now. The integration is a great starting point, but it does not offer the level of traceability that our customers have grown accustomed to. Based on customer feedback, we have put together set of investments to enhance this integration. Our goal is to improve upon it so that Azure Boards customers who choose to use GitHub repositories can maintain an equivalent level of traceability to having repositories in Azure DevOps.

These investments include:

Feature Area Quarter
Add link to GitHub commit or pull request from work item Boards Done2024 Q1
Show more details about a GitHub pull request Boards Done2024 Q1
Improve scalability when searching and linking GitHub
repos to an Azure DevOps project
Boards Done2024 Q2
AB# links on GitHub pull request (preview) Boards Done2024 Q2
Create branch on GitHub repository from work item Boards Done2024 Q3
! mentions support for GitHub pull requests Boards 2024 Q4

YAML and release pipelines feature parity

For the past several years, all our pipelines investments have been in the area of YAML pipelines. Furthermore, all our security improvements have been for YAML pipelines. For example, with YAML pipelines, the control over protected resources (e.g., repositories, service connections, etc.) is in the hands of the resource owners as opposed to pipeline authors. The job access tokens that are used in YAML pipelines are scoped to specific repositories that are specified in the YAML file. These are just two examples of security features that are available for YAML pipelines. For these reasons, we recommend using YAML pipelines over classic. Adoption of YAML over classic has been significant for builds (CI). However, many customers have continued to use classic release management pipelines over YAML for releases (CD). The primary reason for this is the lack of parity in various CD features between the two solutions. Over the past year, we addressed several gaps in this area, notably in Checks. Checks are the primary mechanism in YAML pipelines to gate promotion of a build from one stage to another. We will continue to address gaps in other areas over the next year. Our focus will be on user experiences, traceability, and environments.

Feature Area Quarter
Auditing for checks Pipelines Done2022 Q4
Custom variables in checks Pipelines Done2023 Q1
Checks scalability Pipelines Done2023 Q2
Bypass approvals and checks Pipelines Done2023 Q4
Sequencing approvals and other checks Pipelines Done2024 Q1
Deferred approvals Pipelines Done2024 Q1
Rerun single stage Pipelines Done2024 Q1
Stage-level concurrency Pipelines 2024 Q3
Manual queuing of stages Pipelines 2024 H2
Stage-level traceability Pipelines 2024 H2
Service connections in checks Pipelines Future
Checks extensibility Pipelines Future

All features

Azure DevOps Services

Timeframe Feature Area
2024 Q3 Full web support for Conditional Access Policies General
Permanently delete work item attachment Boards
Create branch on GitHub repository from work item Boards
REST API suppport for connecting GitHub repositories (general availability) Boards
Enable area and iteration level fields Boards
Stage-level concurrency Pipelines
Manual queuing of stages Pipelines
Removal of TFVC from new projects Repos
Restore deleted test plans and test suites using REST API Test Plans
Display contextual comments to pull requests containing newly introduced Advanced Security findings GitHub Advanced Security for Azure DevOps
Display contextual comments to pull requests containing newly introduced dependencies GitHub Advanced Security for Azure DevOps
2024 Q4 Secret Validity Checking GitHub Advanced Security for Azure DevOps
New Boards Hub on by default Boards
Improve cut and paste of images into work item comments Boards
! mentions support for GitHub pull requests Boards
Remove deleted tags from suggested list on work item form Boards
Future Auditing GA General
Policies to disable authentication methods General
Access events for PAT, SSH will be available in the Auditing Log General
Commits search General
PR search General
Additional fields on page filters Boards
Show build status when using a YAML build pipeline with GitHub repository Boards
Show status of GitHub Actions work flow run Boards
Track repo cloning Repos
Ability to run tasks on next available Node version, if targeted
version is not available
Support Pipelines App with GitHub Enterprise Pipelines
Service connections in checks Pipelines
Checks extensibility Pipelines
Stage-level traceability Pipelines
Package promote task in Azure Pipelines Artifacts
Deprecate old Azure Artifacts tasks in Azure Pipelines and default to new, auth-only tasks Artifacts
Test Plan task in Pipelines Test Plans
JUnit / Java support in Test Plans Test Plans
New Test Runs experience Test Plans
Improve traceability of in-progress test executions Test Plans
Dependabot Security Update Support GitHub Advanced Security for Azure DevOps

Azure DevOps Server

Timeframe Feature Area
2025 H1 Automated team work item rules Boards
Improved GitHub app and AB#{ID} validation Boards
Add link to GitHub commit or pull request from work item (preview) Boards
Show more details about a GitHub pull request (preview) Boards
Markdown editor for work item comments (preview) Boards
All in-the-box tasks run on Node 16 Pipelines
Ability to download and install old runners on self-hosted agents Pipelines
Ability to run tasks on next available Node version, if targeted version is not available Pipelines
Removal of Node 6 and 10 from Microsoft hosted pools Pipelines
Sequencing approvals and other checks Pipelines
In-product recommendations for secure settings Pipelines
Manual queuing of stages Pipelines
Rerun single stage Pipelines
Stage-level concurrency Pipelines
Stage-level traceability Pipelines
2025 H2 Reduce time to filter test plans and test suites in copy and import operations Test Plans
Code coverage policy at a folder level Test Plans
New Boards Hub on by default Boards
Create branch on GitHub repository from work item Boards
Improve scalability when searching and linking GitHub
repos to an Azure DevOps project
Future Policies to disable authentication methods General
Substring search General
Commits search General
Additional fields on page filters Boards
Delivery plans improvements to filtering by parent Boards
Markdown editor for work item multi-line fields Boards
Track repo cloning Repos
Stop shipping Node 6 and Node 10 runners with the agent Pipelines
Ship a Node 16 only agent in addition to the one that has all three versions (6, 10, 16) Pipelines
Support Pipelines App with GitHub Enterprise Pipelines
Service connections in checks Pipelines
Checks extensibility Pipelines
Package promote task in Azure Pipelines Artifacts
Deprecate old Azure Artifacts tasks in Azure Pipelines and default to new, auth-only tasks Artifacts
Dashboard Global Parameter Reporting
Dashboard Template Reporting
Sort test plans by any column Test Plans
Test Plan task in Pipelines Test Plans
JUnit / Java support in Test Plans Test Plans
Improved co-relation between test run and test case versions Test Plans
Restore deleted test plans and test suites using REST API Test Plans
Improve traceability of in-progress test executions Test Plans
Sort test suites in alphabetical order Test Plans

How to provide feedback

We would love to hear what you think about these features. Report any problems or suggest a feature through Developer Community.

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