Bing Ads API Release Notes

See below for information about changes to Bing Ads API Version 13 by month.

Breaking changes (recent and upcoming)


The following upcoming changes may require that you take action to avoid disruption of service or loss of functionality.

Multi-factor authentication API notice


In June 2022, we introduced multi-factor authentication as a requirement for Bing Ads. You may still need to make a code change in order to become compliant with this requirement. Microsoft Advertising is performing technical enforcement checks in early October.

This blog post outlines the steps you should take to ensure compliance.

For more information, see the multi-factor authentication requirement guide.

September 2024

See below for Bing Ads API updates during this calendar month.

New API Interfaces

Bulk Service

Bing Ads API SDK Updates

The Bing Ads Java SDK is updated. For details please see release notes for Microsoft Advertising Java SDK version

July 2024

See below for Bing Ads API updates during this calendar month.

New API Interfaces

Bulk Service

Bing Ads API SDK Updates

The Bing Ads .NET, Java, Php, and Python SDKs are updated. For details please see release notes for Microsoft Advertising .NET, Java, Php, and Python SDK version 13.0.21.

March 2024

See below for Bing Ads API updates during this calendar month.

New API Interfaces

Bulk Service

  • Disable VerifiedTrackingSettings in BulkCampaign. New fields AutoGeneratedImageOptOut and AutoGeneratedTextOptOut for Perfromance Max in BulkCampaign.
  • Add bulk mappings BulkAccountNegativeKeywordList, BulkAccountNegativeKeywordListAssociation and BulkAccountSharedNegativeKeyword for Account Level Negative Keyword List.
  • Support PageFeedIds for Performance Max in BulkCampaign.
  • Add bulk mapping for TargetCostPerSale.
  • Add bulk mappings for AutoBidding, BulkSeasonalityAdjustment and BulkDataExclusion.

Bing Ads API SDK Updates

The Bing Ads .NET, Java, Php, and Python SDKs are updated. For details please see release notes for Microsoft Advertising .NET, Java, Php, and Python SDK version 13.0.19.

November 2023

See below for Bing Ads API updates during this calendar month.

New API Interfaces

Bulk Service

Bing Ads API SDK Updates

The Bing Ads .NET, Java, Php, and Python SDKs are updated. For details please see release notes for Microsoft Advertising .NET, Java, Php, and Python SDK version 13.0.18.

August 2023

See below for Bing Ads API updates during this calendar month.

New API Interfaces

  • Campaign Management API: GenreCriterion for AdGroup level, DealCriterion for Campaign level.
  • Bulk API: LogoAdExtensions.

Bulk Service

  • Bulk support of AdGroupGenreCriterion and CampaignDealCriterion.
  • New fields DestinationChannel and IsMultiChannelCampaign in BulkCampaign, VerifiedTrackingData in BulkResponsiveAds.
  • Added mappings of TargetWidth and TargetHeight for ImageAsset.

Bing Ads API SDK Updates

The Bing Ads .NET, Java, Php, and Python SDKs are updated. For details please see release notes for Microsoft Advertising .NET, Java, Php, and Python SDK version 13.0.17.

June 2023

See below for Bing Ads API updates during this calendar month.

New API Interfaces

Bulk Service

  • Bulk support of PMax campaigns: AssetGroup, AssetGroupListingGroup, AudienceGroup, AudienceGroupAssetGroupAssociation, CampaignNegativeWebPage.

Bing Ads API SDK Updates

The Bing Ads .NET, Java, Php, and Python SDKs are updated. For details please see release notes for Microsoft Advertising .NET, Java, Php, and Python SDK version 13.0.16.

December 2022

See below for Bing Ads API updates during this calendar month.

New API Interfaces

Bulk Service

  • Bulk support for OnlineConversionAdjustment

  • Bulk support for Hotel Ad entities, i.e. HotelAdvanceBookingWindowCriterion, HotelCheckInDayCriterion, HotelCheckInDateCriterion, HotelDateSelectionTypeCriterion, HotelLengthOfStayCriterion and HotelListingGroup

  • Bulk support for UseOptimizedTargeting, HotelAdGroupType, CommissionRate and PercentCpcBid in BulkAdGroup


UseOptimizedTargeting will be deprecated. Use UsePredictiveTargeting instead.

Bing Ads API SDK Updates

The Bing Ads .NET, Java, Php, and Python SDKs are updated. For details please see release notes for Microsoft Advertising .NET, Java, Php, and Python SDK version 13.0.15.

June 2022

See below for Bing Ads API updates during this calendar month.

New API Interfaces

Bulk Service

  • Bulk support of CampaignConversionGoal, AdCustomizerAttribute, CampaignAdCustomizerAttribute, AdGroupAdCustomizerAttribute, KeywordAdCustomizerAttribute, and schedule support in bulk feed.

Bing Ads API SDK Updates

The Bing Ads .NET, Java, Php, and Python SDKs are updated. For details please see release notes for Microsoft Advertising .NET, Java, Php, and Python SDK version 13.0.14.

January 2022

See below for Bing Ads API updates during this calendar month.

New API Interfaces

Bulk Service

Bing Ads API SDK Updates

The Bing Ads .NET, Java, Php, and Python SDKs are updated. For details please see release notes for Microsoft Advertising .NET, Java, Php, and Python SDK version 13.0.13.

November 2021

See below for Bing Ads API updates during this calendar month.

Bing Ads API SDK Updates

The Bing Ads .NET, Java, Php, and Python SDKs are updated. For details please see release notes for Microsoft Advertising .NET, Java, Php, and Python SDK version 13.0.12.

August 2021

See below for Bing Ads API updates during this calendar month.

Google Ads import entity map

Ad group, ad, and keyword ID mappings from Google Ads to Microsoft Advertising are now supported in the Campaign Management GetImportEntityIdsMapping service operation. Previously only the campaign ID mappings were available.

Bing Ads API SDK Updates

The Bing Ads .NET, Java, Php, and Python SDKs are updated. For details please see release notes for Microsoft Advertising .NET, Java, Php, and Python SDK version 13.0.11.

July 2021

See below for Bing Ads API updates during this calendar month.

Multimedia ads

Multimedia ads are supported in the Campaign Management ResponsiveAd object.

The ResponsiveAd object is used for Multimedia ads in the search network and Audience ads in the Microsoft Audience Network.

Most supported properties are the same, but there are some of the key differentiators. For more information see responsive ad remarks.

Unlimited and open-ended insertion order

Unlimited and open-ended insertion orders are supported in the Customer Billing InsertionOrder object.

For an open-ended insertion order you can set the EndDate element nil or empty.

For an unlimited budget insertion order you can set the SpendCapAmount element nil or empty.

June 2021

See below for Bing Ads API updates during this calendar month.

Page visitors rule normal form expansion

If you already use page visitors rules for remarketing lists, please read this section about required changes.

Remarketing rules are conditions used to determine who to add to your remarketing list. You can create rules for custom events, page visitors, page visitors who did not visit another page, and page visitors who visited another page.

For the page visitors rule, previously Microsoft Advertising only supported disjunctive normal form (DNF). First, in each rule item group the rule item conditions for the same page are joined using the logical AND operator. Then, each result from the list of rule item groups are joined using the logical OR operator. In other words, the user will be added to your remarketing list if all of the specified rule item conditions are met within any of the rule item groups.

  • Rule 1 OR Rule 2
  • (Rule 1 AND Rule 2) OR Rule 3
  • (Rule 1 AND Rule 2) OR (Rule 3 AND Rule 4)

We are introducing support for conjunctive normal form (CNF). First, in each rule item group the rule item conditions for the same page are joined using the logical OR operator. Then, each result from the list of rule item groups are joined using the logical AND operator. In other words, the user will be added to your remarketing list if any of the specified rule item conditions within all of the rule item groups are met.

  • Rule 1 AND Rule 2
  • (Rule 1 OR Rule 2) AND Rule 3
  • (Rule 1 OR Rule 2) AND (Rule 3 OR Rule 4)

The addition is applicable only for the PageVisitorsRule and does not include CustomEventsRule, PageVisitorsWhoDidNotVisitAnotherPageRule, or PageVisitorsWhoVisitedAnotherPageRule.


The default normal form for a new page visitors rule remains DNF. However, you must ensure that your application can appropriately read and distinguish between CNF and DNF. Your application should no longer assume that the rule is disjunctive.

For more information about how to get and set the new normal form property, see the reference documentation.

  • Campaign Management API: The NormalForm element of PageVisitorsRule can be set to Conjunctive or Disjunctive.
  • Bulk API: Continue using the Remarketing Rule column in the bulk file. For upload, you can choose to format the string as CNF or DNF. For download, your application must read the string in the same column and distinguish between CNF and DNF.

Required conversion goal categories

If you already use conversion goals, please read this section about required changes.

You can categorize your conversion goals however makes sense for your business. Goal categories don't affect performance - they are here to help you segment your goals and their performance metrics.

Previously Bing Ads API did not require conversion goal categories. Depending on the goal type the default category is set to Download, None, Other, or Purchase.

Now (as of June 2021) when you add or update the custom event, offline conversion, or URL goals you must set a goal category or the Campaign Management service will return an error. There are no changes to the default category of other goal types as shown in the table.

Goal type Default before Default after
None No default; Service returns an error
Other Other
InStoreTransactionGoal Purchase Purchase
AppInstallGoal Download Download

For more information, see our API documentation about conversion goal categories.

Reduced look back for bulk download

When downloading campaigns with the Bulk API you can request only to get settings that have been modified (added, updated, deleted) since a specific date and time.

Previously if you set a date and time that is more than 90 days prior, an error will be returned.

The maximum look back period decreased from 90 days to 30 days on September 1st, 2021. Now, if you set a date and time that is more than 30 days prior, an error will be returned.

Asset performance label for RSA

The asset performance label is available as a read-only attribute when you get or download the responsive search ad.

This lets you know how well the headline and description assets you set up for your responsive search ads are performing.

Possible values are described in the table below.

Value Description
Low This asset's performance is low and we recommend you replace this asset to improve your ad performance.
Good This asset is performing well. We recommend you keep this asset and add more assets to improve your ad performance.
Best This asset's performance is among the best and we recommend that you add more similar assets.
Unrated We don't have any performance rating for this asset. This can be due to the asset being inactive, not having enough information to determine its performance, or if there aren't enough similar assets to compare against it.
Learning The asset's performance is being actively evaluated. Once the evaluation is complete, the asset rating will be Low, Good, Best, or Unrated.

For more details, see the Responsive Search Ad record (Bulk API) and AssetLink (Campaign Management API).

Dynamic search ads

You can no longer add, update, or retrieve campaigns that only support dynamic search ads. The campaign type of your existing campaigns has been updated from "DynamicSearchAds" to "Search". The ad groups are now considered "dynamic" ad groups, but there are no structural changes i.e., they contain the same auto targets and dynamic search ads as before.

Bing Ads API SDK Updates

The Bing Ads .NET, Java, Php, and Python SDKs are updated. For details please see release notes for Microsoft Advertising .NET, Java, Php, and Python SDK version 13.0.10.

May 2021

See below for Bing Ads API updates during this calendar month.

Dynamic search ads

You can no longer add new campaigns with the DynamicSearchAds campaign type. The campaign type is being updated from "DynamicSearchAds" to "Search" during May and June. You can still view and edit these campaigns before and after the campaign type update.

April 2021

See below for Bing Ads API updates during this calendar month.

Portfolio bid strategy


Not everyone has this feature yet. If you don't, don't worry—it's coming soon!

A portfolio bid strategy is an automated bidding feature that manages bidding across multiple campaigns that are all working toward the same goal.

We automatically adjust your bids to balance under- and over-performing campaigns that share the same strategy, whether to maximize conversions, clicks, target impression share, or other performance goals. Portfolio bid strategies could be a great option for advertisers who want to make sure their entire budgets are spent efficiently.

All you have to do is choose a bid strategy type and include campaigns with complementary budgets in the portfolio. Microsoft Advertising will adjust your bids based on the performance of the entire portfolio. If your portfolio includes any campaigns with a shared budget, then you should include all of the campaigns that share the same budget.

Portfolio bid strategies work best with one goal in mind, using complementary campaign and bid strategy types. You cannot change a portfolio's bid strategy type. If you want a campaign in the portfolio to use a different bid strategy you can move it to another portfolio. Once you choose a campaign type, the portfolio can only include campaigns of that type.

Portfolio bid strategies are supported in the Campaign Management BidStrategy object and Bulk Bid Strategy record.

Target impression share


Not everyone has this feature yet. If you don't, don't worry—it's coming soon!

Target impression share is an automated bidding strategy that you can use to get the target impression share for the ad position where you want your ads to appear.

Target impression share is supported via the Campaign Management BidStrategy, Campaign, and TargetImpressionShareBiddingScheme objects and the Bulk Bid Strategy and Campaign records.

Bing Ads API SDK Updates

The Bing Ads .NET, Java, Php, and Python SDKs are updated. For details please see release notes for Microsoft Advertising .NET, Java, Php, and Python SDK version 13.0.9.

March 2021

See below for Bing Ads API updates during this calendar month.

Bing Ads API SDK Updates

The Bing Ads .NET, Java, Php, and Python SDKs are updated. For details please see release notes for Microsoft Advertising .NET, Java, Php, and Python SDK version 13.0.8.

December 2020

See below for Bing Ads API updates during this calendar month.

Bing Ads API SDK Updates

The Bing Ads .NET, Java, Php, and Python SDKs are updated. For details please see release notes for Microsoft Advertising .NET, Java, Php, and Python SDK version 13.0.7.

November 2020

See below for Bing Ads API updates during this calendar month.

Auction Insight Absolute Top of Page Rate

Absolute top of page rate is defined as the number of times an ad is shown as the very first ad above the organic search results, divided by the total number of impressions it actually received. Ads at the absolute top of the page tend to receive more clicks.

The AbsoluteTopOfPageRate element is not returned by default. For more information see the AuctionInsightKpiAdditionalField value set.

Impression Tracking URLs for Responsive Ads

The URLs for 1x1 impression tracking pixels. Each pixel will report Microsoft Audience Network impressions to your third-party ad reporting tool. You can include up to 2 impression tracking URLs for each responsive ad.

For each Microsoft Audience Network impression, Microsoft will ping the URL to enable impression tracking in your third party ad reporting tool. Advanced-level user tracking such as conversion tracking or tracking based on cookies or IP addresses is not supported.

Impression tracking URLs are supported in the Campaign Management ResponsiveAd object and Bulk Responsive Ad record.

When you get ads with the Campaign Management service the ImpressionTrackingUrls element is not returned by default. For more information see the AdAdditionalField value set.

Flyer Ad Extensions

Flyer Extensions enable advertisers to distribute product or store catalogues (flyers) to potential customers. They can display prominently on broad queries like "weekly deals" or "weekly sales" and thus encourage shoppers to click on your ad instead of the competition's. By their nature they help to better inform searchers, and as a result, increase user engagement e.g., click through rate.

Flyer extensions are supported in the Campaign Management FlyerAdExtension object and Bulk Flyer Ad Extension record.


Flyer Extensions are available for customers in the feature pilot (GetCustomerPilotFeatures returns 802).

Prominence Metrics

With prominence metrics, you can take a more holistic view of where your ads are appearing on search results pages. These clear insights can help you better optimize your bidding strategy.

The AbsoluteTopImpressionRatePercent and TopImpressionRatePercent columns are added to the following report column value sets.

October 2020

See below for Bing Ads API updates during this calendar month.

Bing Ads API SDK Updates

The Bing Ads .NET, Java, Php, and Python SDKs are updated. For details please see release notes for Microsoft Advertising .NET, Java, Php, and Python SDK version 13.0.6.

August 2020

See below for Bing Ads API updates during this calendar month.

Report Format Version

The FormatVersion element is added to the ReportRequest data object.

The data format for certain fields can be updated within the current API version without breaking existing client applications. See the Report Format Version technical guide for differences between format version 1.0 and 2.0.

Bing Ads API SDK Updates

The Bing Ads .NET, Java, Php, and Python SDKs are updated. For details please see release notes for Microsoft Advertising .NET, Java, Php, and Python SDK version 13.0.5.

July 2020

See below for Bing Ads API updates during this calendar month.

Bing Ads API SDK Updates

The Bing Ads .NET, Java, Php, and Python SDKs are updated. For details please see release notes for Microsoft Advertising .NET, Java, Php, and Python SDK version 13.0.4.

June 2020

See below for Bing Ads API updates during this calendar month.

Customer list

A customer list is a set of customer contact information that you have compiled to enable customer match.


Customer lists are available for customers in the feature pilot (GetCustomerPilotFeatures returns 579).

Customer lists are available via the Bulk API, but not yet available via the Campaign Management API. With the Bulk API you can use the following record types for customer list targets or exclusions.

For an overview and more information about audiences, see the Audience APIs technical guide.

May 2020

See below for Bing Ads API updates during this calendar month.

Combined list

A combined list is an audience created from a combination of multiple existing audiences.


Combined lists are available for customers in the feature pilot (GetCustomerPilotFeatures returns 618).

With the Bulk API you can use the following record types for combined list targets or exclusions.

With the Campaign Management API you can use the CombinedList object.

For an overview and more information about audiences, see the Audience APIs technical guide.

Parallel tracking

Parallel tracking is required for all accounts created after May 31st, 2020. Until November 2020 you can enable and disable the feature for accounts created prior to June 1st, 2020 i.e., set the account property to true or false. By the end of November 2020 all accounts will be enabled for parallel tracking, and the value can only be set to true.

Bing Ads API SDK Updates

The Bing Ads .NET, Java, Php, and Python SDKs are updated. For details please see release notes for Microsoft Advertising .NET, Java, Php, and Python SDK version 13.0.3.

April 2020

See below for Bing Ads API updates during this calendar month.

Promotion Ad Extensions

Promotion Extensions highlight special sales and offers in your text ads. By making offers stand out, potential customers are more likely to click on your ad, helping to generate more sales for you.

You can associate a promotion ad extension with the account or with campaigns and ad groups in the account. Each entity (account, campaign, or ad group) can be associated with up to 20 promotion ad extensions.


Promotion Extensions are available for customers in the feature pilot (GetCustomerPilotFeatures returns 720).

Bulk API for Promotion Ad Extensions

With the Bulk API use the following record types to manage promotion ad extensions.

Campaign Management API for Promotion Ad Extensions

With the Campaign Management API use the PromotionAdExtension object e.g., via the AddAdExtensions service operation.

Placement Exclusion List

Support for Account level website exclusions is added to the Campaign Management API. Negative sites (NegativeSite) can be added and deleted from a shared website exclusion list (PlacementExclusionList). The website exclusion list can be shared or associated with multiple ad accounts.


You can only view website exclusion lists in the redesigned Microsoft Advertising UI i.e., via Tools -> Shared Library -> Website exclusion lists. If you don't see it, look for the "Try the new Microsoft Advertising" prompt when you sign in. To use the redesigned Microsoft Advertising you must also be in the UI pilot (GetCustomerPilotFeatures returns 522).

You can manage the new website exclusions lists via the shared entity and shared list operations e.g., AddSharedEntity and AddListItemsToSharedList. Previously these operations were used exclusively for negative keyword lists, and existing applications should work without any code changes. For more details, see the Negative Sites technical guide.

Impression Share for Microsoft Audience Network

The AudienceImpressionLostToBudgetPercent, AudienceImpressionLostToRankPercent, and AudienceImpressionSharePercent columns are added to the following value sets.

March 2020

See below for Bing Ads API updates during this calendar month.

Ad Scheduling by Account Time Zone

Ad scheduling by account time zone is available for customers in the pilot (GetCustomerPilotFeatures returns 655). Later this year it will be available in all customers.

The AdScheduleUseSearcherTimeZone element is available in the Campaign and Ad Group Campaign Management objects. The Ad Schedule Use Searcher Time Zone field is available in the Campaign and Ad Group Bulk records.

The new property for each campaign and ad group determines whether to use the account time zone or the time zone of the search user where the ads could be delivered.


If you do not specify this element or leave it null, the default value of true will be set and the search user's time zone will be used. Towards the end of Q2 or the beginning of Q3 Calendar Year 2020 and going forward, the new default value of false will be set and the account time zone will be used.

February 2020

See below for Bing Ads API updates during this calendar month.

Goal and Goal Type in Reports

The Goal and GoalType columns are added to the following value sets.

These columns were already available in the GoalsAndFunnelsReportColumn value set.

The goal is the name of the goal you set for the conversions you want, meaning actions customers take after clicking your ad. The goal type is the type of conversion goal. Possible values include AppInstall, Duration, Event, InStoreTransaction, OfflineConversion, PagesViewedPerVisit, and Url.

January 2020

See below for Bing Ads API updates during this calendar month.

Deprecating Accelerated Budget Delivery

As of January 2020 the budget type for shared and unshared budgets are read-only for all DynamicSearchAds, Shopping, and Search campaigns, and any budget type value that you attempt to set will be ignored without returning an error. Previous budget settings will be migrated from accelerated to standard, and the API will only return "DailyBudgetStandard" for DynamicSearchAds, Shopping, and Search campaigns, as well as for all shared budgets. You can still use accelerated budgets with Audience campaigns. The budget type data is not migrated for Audience campaign level unshared budgets. However, the budget delivery might change as described above if the Audience campaign uses a shared budget.

Action Ad Extension Types

Starting January 2020, nine action types are deprecated. For example, if you set the action type to "Browse" no error will be returned, but "LearnMore" is the effective value that will be stored and returned when retrieving the action ad extension. Your application should use the replacement values instead of the deprecated values.

Deprecated Action Type Replacement Action Type
Browse LearnMore
Explore LearnMore
Message ContactUs
NewCars ViewCars
SeeMore LearnMore
StartFree FreeTrial
UsedCars ViewCars
ViewNow LearnMore
VisitSite LearnMore

Also starting January 2020 two new action types are added i.e., RenewNow and Reorder. Please note that if you use the Campaign Management API, by default the action type returned is Unknown. (The design goal is to avoid a breaking change for clients with strict value set dependencies.) To determine the effective action type i.e., RenewNow or Reorder, include ActionTypesPhase3 when calling the GetAdExtensionsAssociations and GetAdExtensionsByIds operations.

One final update starting in January 2020, only the localized text for Sale and Coupon are updated to "See Sale" and "Get Coupon" respectively for all supported languages. The API value sets are unchanged for these action types. For the current localized text please see Action Text for Action Ad Extensions.

December 2019

See below for Bing Ads API updates during this calendar month.

Bing Ads API SDK Updates

The Bing Ads .NET, Java, Php, and Python SDKs are updated. For details please see release notes for Microsoft Advertising .NET, Java, Php, and Python SDK version 13.0.2.

November 2019

See below for Bing Ads API updates during this calendar month.

Final Url Suffix and Custom Parameter Expansion

Final URL suffix is now available at the account, campaign, ad group, ad group criterion, ad, and keyword level for all customers. Final URL suffix is available at the action, price, and sitelink ad extension level for Phase 3 pilot customers (GetCustomerPilotFeatures returns 636).

Up to 8 custom parameters and longer custom parameter values are now available at the account, campaign, ad group, ad group criterion, ad, and keyword level for all customers. Up to 8 custom parameters and longer custom parameter values are available at the action, price, and sitelink ad extension level for Custom Parameters Limit Increase Phase 3 pilot (GetCustomerPilotFeatures returns 635).

For more information see URL Tracking with Upgraded URLs.

Bing Ads API SDK Updates

The Bing Ads .NET, Java, Php, and Python SDKs are updated. For details please see release notes for Microsoft Advertising .NET, Java, Php, and Python SDK version 13.0.1.

October 2019

See below for Bing Ads API updates during this calendar month.

Include View Through Conversions

View-through conversions are conversions that people make after they have seen your ad, even though they did not click the ad.

If you are in the feature pilot (GetCustomerPilotFeatures returns 616) this feature is enabled by default, meaning that the values in the "All" conversions columns of your performance reports will include view-through conversions. You can choose to disable it if you don't want to include view-through conversions.

You can enable or disable the feature for each account via Bulk and Campaign Management API.

You can manage the view through conversion window with the Campaign Management API i.e., get or set the ViewThroughConversionWindowInMinutes property of the DurationGoal, EventGoal, PagesViewedPerVisitGoal, or UrlGoal. Be sure to explicitly request ViewThroughConversionWindowInMinutes as an additional field when calling GetConversionGoalsByIds and GetConversionGoalsByTagIds.


View-through conversions require a UETTag, so this property is not applicable for the AppInstallGoal, InStoreTransactionGoal, and OfflineConversionGoal.

Profile Expansion Enabled

Determines whether to expand LinkedIn profile targeting across your account to reach additional customers similar to the ones you currently target.

Enabling profile targeting expansion allows Microsoft Advertising to show your ads to additional customers similar to the ones you currently target. For example, if you target a specific LinkedIn audience segment, we will also target Bing users who don't have a confirmed LinkedIn account but who share the same characteristics as LinkedIn users in that segment.

You can enable or disable the feature for each account via Bulk and Campaign Management API.

Bing Ads API SDK Updates

The Bing Ads .NET, Java, Php, and Python SDKs are updated. For details please see release notes for Microsoft Advertising .NET, Java, Php, and Python SDK version 12.13.6.

September 2019

See below for Bing Ads API updates during this calendar month.

Experiment Type

You can now set the experiment split type via the ExperimentType element in the Experiment Campaign Management object or via the Experiment Type field in the Experiment Bulk record.

The experiment split type determines whether to show individual customers ads from the experiment and the original campaign randomly, or only from one or the other.

The possible values include TrafficBased and CookieBased.

TrafficBased: This is also known as the search-based option. Every time customers search, they are randomly shown either ads from your experiment or ads from your original campaign. This means that individual customers could see ads from both sources if they search multiple times.

CookieBased: When individual customers search, we show ads from either your experiment or your original campaign, and use a cookie to ensure that, going forward, they will only see ads from this source. The cookie-based option has an important trade-off to consider: On one hand, you may get more accurate data, since you're ensuring that an individual customer is only responding to one source or the other. On the other hand, it may take you longer to build up statistically significant comparison data than with the search-based option.

Final Url Suffix in Reports

The FinalUrlSuffix column is added to the AdPerformanceReportColumn value set. The FinalUrlSuffix column is also available via the AdGroupPerformanceReportColumn, CampaignPerformanceReportColumn, DestinationUrlPerformanceReportColumn, and KeywordPerformanceReportColumn value sets.

The final URL suffix is a place in your final URL where you can add parameters that will be attached to the end of your landing page URL.

Product Negative Keyword Report

The ProductNegativeKeywordConflictReportRequest is added for Microsoft Shopping Campaigns. Use this report to confirm that negative keywords applied to your Shopping campaigns are not excessively restricting campaign performance. You can request negative keywords and the corresponding products which they're preventing from showing in your Shopping campaigns.

Bing Ads API SDK Updates

The Bing Ads .NET, Java, Php, and Python SDKs are updated. For details please see release notes for Microsoft Advertising .NET, Java, Php, and Python SDK version 12.13.5.

August 2019

See below for Bing Ads API updates during this calendar month.

Audience Association Level in Reports

The AssociationLevel column is added to the AudiencePerformanceReportColumn value set.

Bing Ads API SDK Updates

The Bing Ads .NET, Java, Php, and Python SDKs are updated. For details please see release notes for Microsoft Advertising .NET, Java, Php, and Python SDK version 12.13.4.

July 2019

See below for Bing Ads API updates during this calendar month.

Include in Conversions

Customers who are enabled for the Include in Conversions feature (GetCustomerPilotFeatures returns 574) can choose to exclude specific conversion goals from conversions report data.

Data will be excluded from the Conversions, ConversionRate, CostPerConversion, ReturnOnAdSpend, RevenuePerConversion, and Revenue report columns for any conversion goal that has its ExcludeFromBidding property set as true. Also, if you use an automated bidding bid strategy, setting this property true will result in the goal's conversions no longer factoring into automated bidding calculations.

The AllConversions, AllConversionRate, AllCostPerConversion, AllReturnOnAdSpend, AllRevenuePerConversion, and AllRevenue columns (NEW) will include data for all conversion goals regardless of their ExcludeFromBidding setting.

For more information, see the help article Conversion goals: "Conversions" versus "All conversions".

After the July service update, the table below summarizes all available conversion related report performance statistics per report type.

Reporting Value Set Available Conversion Columns
AccountPerformanceReportColumn AllConversions
AdDynamicTextPerformanceReportColumn AllConversions
AdExtensionByAdReportColumn AllConversions
AdExtensionByKeywordReportColumn AllConversions
AdExtensionDetailReportColumn AllConversions
AdGroupPerformanceReportColumn AllConversions
AdPerformanceReportColumn AllConversions
AgeGenderAudienceReportColumn AllConversions
AudiencePerformanceReportColumn AllConversions
CampaignPerformanceReportColumn AllConversions
ConversionPerformanceReportColumn AllConversions
DestinationUrlPerformanceReportColumn AllConversions
DSAAutoTargetPerformanceReportColumn AllConversions
DSACategoryPerformanceReportColumn AllConversions
DSASearchQueryPerformanceReportColumn AllConversions
GeographicPerformanceReportColumn AllConversions
GoalsAndFunnelsReportColumn AllConversions
KeywordPerformanceReportColumn AllConversions
ProductDimensionPerformanceReportColumn AllConversions
ProductPartitionPerformanceReportColumn AllConversions
ProductPartitionUnitPerformanceReportColumn AllConversions
ProductSearchQueryPerformanceReportColumn AllConversions
ProfessionalDemographicsAudienceReportColumn AllConversions
PublisherUsagePerformanceReportColumn AllConversions
SearchQueryPerformanceReportColumn AllConversions
ShareOfVoiceReportColumn AllConversions
UserLocationPerformanceReportColumn AllConversions

Base Campaign Id in Reports

The BaseCampaignId column is added to the following value sets.

Average Position in Reports

The AveragePosition column is added to the ProfessionalDemographicsAudienceReportColumn value set.

Audience Association ID in Reports

The AssociationId column is added to the AudiencePerformanceReportColumn value set.

June 2019

See below for Bing Ads API updates during this calendar month.

Bing Ads API SDK Updates

The Bing Ads .NET, Java, Php, and Python SDKs are updated. For details please see release notes for Microsoft Advertising .NET, Java, Php, and Python SDK version 12.13.3.

Final Url Suffix and Custom Parameters Update

Final URL suffix and custom parameter updates are now generally available at the account, campaign, ad group, and keyword level for all customers. Similar updates for ads, ad extensions, and ad group criterions are still only available for pilot customers.

  • Final URL suffix is now available at the account, campaign, ad group, and keyword level for all customers. Final URL suffix is available for ads, ad extensions, and ad group criterions for Phase 2 pilot customers (GetCustomerPilotFeatures returns 566). Later this year the Final URL suffix will be available for ads, ad extensions, and ad group criterions for all customers.
  • The custom parameter limit for all customers has been increased from 3 to 8 for campaigns, ad groups, and keywords. Microsoft Advertising will accept the first 8 custom parameter key and value pairs that you include, and if you include more than 8 custom parameters an error will be returned. For customers in the Custom Parameters Limit Increase Phase 2 pilot (GetCustomerPilotFeatures returns 565) for ads, ad extensions, and ad group criterions, Microsoft Advertising will accept the first 8 custom parameter key and value pairs that you include, and if you include more than 8 custom parameters an error will be returned. During calendar year 2019 the limit for ads, ad extensions, and ad group criterions will be increased from 3 to 8 for all customers.

Monday to Sunday Report Aggregation

The Reporting API is updated to support Monday through Sunday weekly aggregation. Previously you could only aggregate weekly from Sunday through Saturday.

The WeeklyStartingMonday value is added to the ReportAggregation value set.

The ThisWeekStartingMonday, LastWeekStartingMonday, and LastFourWeeksStartingMonday values are added to the ReportTimePeriod value set.

Prominence Metrics

With new and improved prominence metrics, you may now take a more holistic view of where your ads are appearing on search results pages. These clearer insights can help you better optimize your bidding strategy.

The AbsoluteTopImpressionRatePercent, AbsoluteTopImpressionShareLostToBudgetPercent, AbsoluteTopImpressionShareLostToRankPercent, TopImpressionRatePercent, TopImpressionShareLostToBudgetPercent, TopImpressionShareLostToRankPercent, and TopImpressionSharePercent columns are added to the following report column value sets.

Change History Report by Tool

The Tool column is now available with the change history report. You can determine how changes were made to account, campaign or ad attributes e.g., whether via the Web client, Editor, Bulk upload, or Campaign Management API.

Feeds via Bulk API

The Feed and Feed Item Bulk records are added to support Bulk download and upload of both Ad Customizer Feeds and Page Feeds.

The Page Feed Ids field is added to the Campaign record for Page Feeds.

May 2019

See below for Bing Ads API updates during this calendar month.

Assisted Conversions

Assisted conversions are conversions resulting from the clicks on your ads that have received co-bids from your manufacturer partners. This performance statistic is only available for Sponsored Products in Microsoft Shopping Campaigns. The AssistedConversions column is added to the following report column value sets.

Dynamic Search Ads Text Part 2

Dynamic Search Ads Text Part 2 is available for pilot customers (GetCustomerPilotFeatures returns 600). Later this year it will be available in all customers.

The TextPart2 element is available in the DynamicSearchAd Campaign Management object. The Text Part 2 field is available in the Dynamic Search Ad Bulk record.

Bing Ads API SDK Updates

The Bing Ads .NET, Java, Php, and Python SDKs are updated. For details please see release notes for Microsoft Advertising .NET, Java, Php, and Python SDK version 12.13.2.

April 2019

See below for Bing Ads API updates during this calendar month.

New Production OAuth Endpoint

The Microsoft identity platform endpoint for developers is now available. The Microsoft identity platform endpoint allows both work or school accounts from Azure AD and personal Microsoft accounts (MSA), such as,, and The Live Connect endpoint only allows authentication with personal accounts.


Even if your users do not have work or school accounts, and even if you do not use the Bing Ads API SDKs we encourage you to update the authorization URL during calendar year 2019, since the Live Connect endpoint is no longer the recommended approach for Microsoft Advertising users.

Bing Ads API SDK Updates

The Bing Ads .NET, Java, Php, and Python SDKs are updated with support for version 13. For details please see release notes for Microsoft Advertising .NET, Java, Php, and Python SDK version 12.13.1.

Version 13 General Availability

Bing Ads API version 13 is now generally available. With the availability of Bing Ads API version 13, version 12 is deprecated and will sunset by October 31, 2019. For more details, see Migrate to Version 13.

March 2019

See below for Bing Ads API updates during this calendar month.

Version 13 Preview

Bing Ads API version 13 is available for preview. For more details about migrating from version 12, see Migrate to Version 13.