Pages Viewed Per Visit Goal Record - Bulk

Defines a pages viewed per visit conversion goal that can be uploaded and downloaded in a bulk file.

Use this type of goal to count every time someone visits more than a specified number of pages on your website as a conversion. For example, you can count a conversion if someone viewed more than 5 pages on a support site or product catalog.

You can download all Pages Viewed Per Visit Goal records in the account by including the DownloadEntity value of PagesViewedPerVisitGoals in the DownloadCampaignsByAccountIds or DownloadCampaignsByCampaignIds service request. Additionally the download request must include the EntityData scope. For more details about the Bulk service including best practices, see Bulk Download and Upload.

The following Bulk CSV example would add a new pages viewed per visit goal.

Type,Id,Attribution Model Type,Count Type,Exclude From Bidding,Goal Category,Is Enhanced Conversions Enabled,Name,Conversion Currency Code,Revenue Value,Revenue Type,Scope,UET Tag Id,Status,View Through Conversion Window In Minutes,Conversion Window In Minutes,Category Expression,Category Operator,Action Expression,Action Operator,Label Expression,Label Operator,Event Value,Event Value Operator,URL Expression,URL Operator,Minimum Duration In Second,App Platform,App Id,Minimum Pages Viewed  
Format Version,,,,,,,6.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,  
PagesViewedPerVisit Goal,,LastTouch,Unique,False,Other,False,GoalD,USD,1,FixedValue,Account,123431,Active,150,367,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3

For a Pages Viewed Per Visit Goal record, the following attribute fields are available in the Bulk File Schema.

Attribution Model Type

Determines which attribution model, LastTouch or LastClick, is used with a conversion goal.

Add: Optional
Update: Optional

Conversion Window In Minutes

The conversion window is the length of time in minutes after a click that you want to track conversions. If you set this value to 43200 minutes (30 days), then conversions that happen within 30 days after a click are tracked. Past conversions aren't affected. The minimum value supported is 1 minute, although keep in mind that a shorter conversion window will reduce the number of conversions your account records. The maximum value supported is 129600 minutes (90 days).

Add: Optional
Update: Optional

Count Type

This determines how your conversions are recorded within your chosen conversion window.

There are two choices, and if you do not set a value the default is All:

  • All: All conversions that happen after an ad click will be counted. This is a common choice for sales.

  • Unique: Only one conversion that happens after an ad click will be counted. This is a common choice for leads.

For example: You track two conversions: leads and sales. You pick Unique for leads and All for sales. When one ad click turns into two leads and two sales, it's counted as three conversions: one for the unique lead, and two for all the sales.

Add: Optional Update: Optional

Currency Code

The currency type that you want the conversion goal revenue to be reported.

For a list of possible string values see Microsoft Advertising Currencies.

If the Scope element is set to Customer and if the Type is FixedValue or VariableValue, this property is required.

Add: Optional unless otherwise noted above.
Update: Optional unless otherwise noted above.

Exclude From Bidding

Determines whether or not to exclude data otherwise related to this conversion goal from a subset of performance report columns.

This element is only available for customers who are enabled for the Include in Conversions feature (GetCustomerPilotFeatures returns 574).

If this element is set to true, data otherwise related to this conversion goal will be excluded from the Conversions, ConversionRate, CostPerConversion, ReturnOnAdSpend, RevenuePerConversion, and Revenue report columns. Also, if you use an automated bidding bid strategy, setting this property true will result in the goal's conversions no longer factoring into automated bidding calculations. Setting this property "true" is effectively the same as unchecking "Include in Conversions" in the Microsoft Advertising web application.

Regardless of this element value, the AllConversions, AllConversionRate, AllCostPerConversion, AllReturnOnAdSpend, AllRevenuePerConversion, and AllRevenue report columns will include data for all conversion goals. By default this element is false, and data related to this conversion goal are included in all report columns.

For more information, see Report Attributes and Performance Statistics and the help article Conversion goals: "Conversions" versus "All conversions".

Add: Optional
Update: Optional

Goal Category

The category used to segment the conversion goal.

Categorize your conversion goals however makes sense for your business. Goal categories don't affect performance - they are here to help you segment your goals and their performance metrics.

The supported category values vary by conversion goal type. Pages viewed per visit goals only support the Download category.

Add: Optional. If you leave this element nil or empty, the default category will be set to Download.
Update: Optional. If no value is set for the update, this setting is not changed.


The unique Microsoft Advertising identifier for the conversion goal.

Add: Read-only
Update: Read-only and Required

Is Enhanced Conversions Enabled

Determines whether enhanced conversions are enabled for a conversion goal.

Note: To create an enhanced conversion goal and set isEnhancedConversionsEnabled=true, you must create a conversion goal for the account via the Microsoft Advertising UI with the enhanced conversion setting selected and the associated checkbox checked.

Add: Optional
Update: Optional

Minimum Pages Viewed

The minimum number of pages the user must visit, in order to count as a conversion.

Add: Required Update: Optional


The conversion goal name.

The maximum length of the name is 100, and the name must be unique among all conversion goals belonging to the same customer.

Add: Required
Update: Optional

Revenue Type

Determines how much each conversion is worth to your business.

When updating a conversion goal, if the Revenue element is nil or empty then none of the nested properties will be updated. However, if this element is not nil or empty then you are effectively replacing any existing revenue properties.

The VariableValue option is not available for pages viewed per visit conversion goals.

Add: Optional
Update: Optional

Revenue Value

The revenue value or amount. If you assign values to your conversions, you'll be able to see the total value driven by your advertising across different conversions, rather than simply the number of conversions that have happened.

The default value is effectively 0, and possible values range from 0 to 999,9999. Accepted values depend on the revenue type, so please see the Type element for details.

Add: Optional. If not specified, the default type is effectively 0.
Update: Optional. If not specified, the default type is effectively 0.


Determines if the goal applies to all accounts or only the account specified in the required CustomerAccountId header element. If you have multiple Microsoft Advertising accounts, you can track conversions across all of those accounts. If you associate a goal with one account, conversions will be tracked for that account only.

For pages viewed per visit goals the Account level scope is not supported. You can set this element to Customer or leave it nil. If not specified, the scope will be set to Customer by default.

Add: Optional
Update: Optional


Defines the possible user-determined status values of a conversion goal. These are the status values that a user can decide to set, for example a goal can be set to Paused if you no longer wish to track conversions for that goal.

For status values that can be set by the system, see the TrackingStatus element.

Add: Optional
Update: Optional

Tracking Status

Defines the possible system-determined status values of a conversion goal. These are the status values that can be set by the system, for example the system sets the status to RecordingConversions if we have recorded conversions within the last 7 days.

For status values that a user can decide to set, for example setting the status to Paused if you no longer wish to track conversions for that goal, see the Status element.

Add: Read-only
Update: Read-only


The type of the conversion goal. This value is InStoreTransaction when you retrieve an pages viewed per visit goal. For more information about conversion goal types, see the ConversionGoal Data Object Remarks.

Add: Read-only
Update: Read-only


The unique Microsoft Advertising identifier of the UET tag that you added to your website to allow Microsoft Advertising to collect actions people take on your website.

Before you take a dependency on the tag ID, please note that the UET tag can be shared with or from another customer. Shared UET tags and audiences are only available for pilot customers. For an overview of sharing audiences and UET tags in a customer hierarchy, see the Share Audiences and UET Tags technical guide.

Add: Required
Update: Optional

View Through Conversion Window Minutes

The view-through conversion window is the length of time in minutes after a click that you want to track view-through conversions. If you set this value to 43200 minutes (30 days), then view-through conversions that happen within 30 days after a click are tracked. Past conversions aren't affected. The minimum value supported is 1 minute, although keep in mind that a shorter conversion window will reduce the number of conversions your account records. The maximum value supported is 43200 minutes (30 days).

The IncludeViewThroughConversions account property must also be set to true for view-through conversions to be tracked.

Add: Optional Update: Optional