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Install and use Visual Studio for Mac behind a firewall or proxy server

Applies to: yesVisual Studio for Mac noVisual Studio

If you or your organization uses security measures such as a firewall or a proxy server, then there are domains that you might want to add to an "allow list" and ports and protocols that you might want to open so that you have the best experience when you install and use Visual Studio for Mac and Azure Services.

  • Install Visual Studio for Mac: These tables include the domains that must allow connectivity so that you have access to all features and workloads of Visual Studio for Mac.

  • Use Visual Studio for Mac: These tables include domains that must allow connectivity so that you have access to the related features.

Install Visual Studio for Mac

Because the Visual Studio for Mac Installer downloads from various domains and download servers, here are the domains and URLs that you may want to add as trusted in your configurations.

Microsoft domains

Domain Purpose
*.live.com Credential Management
app.vssps.visualstudio.com Installer Metadata
nw-umwatson.events.data.microsoft.com Crash and Error Reporting
vortex.data.microsoft.com Crash and Error Reporting
az667904.vo.msecnd.net Crash and Error Reporting
xamarin.com Installer Metadata
xampubdl.blob.core.windows.net Installer Packages
download.visualstudio.microsoft.com Installer Packages
xamarin.azureedge.net Installer Packages
developer.xamarin.com Installer Packages
static.xamarin.com Installer Packages
dl.xamarin.com Installer Packages
dc.services.visualstudio.com Crash Reporting


Domain Port(s) Purpose
api.nuget.org 80/443 NuGet API

Third party domains

Domain Purpose
dl.google.com Android SDK
download.oracle.com Java SDK
api.apple-cloudkit.com Apple Security Services

Use Visual Studio for Mac

To make sure that you have access to every feature that you need in Visual Studio for Mac while behind a proxy or firewall, we recommend adding the following domains and ports to the allowed-access list.


Domain Port(s) Purpose
go.microsoft.com 80/443 Microsoft URL Resolution
vsstartpage.blob.core.windows.net 80/443 Start Page Data
software.xamarin.com 80/443 Updater Service
addins.monodevelop.com 80/443 Extension Services
visualstudio-devdiv-c2s.msedge.net 80/443 Experimental Feature and Notifications
targetednotifications.azurewebsites.net 80/443 Used to filter a global list of notifications to a list that is applicable only to specific types of machines/usage scenarios
nw-umwatson.events.data.microsoft.com Crash and Error Reporting
vortex.data.microsoft.com Crash and Error Reporting


Domain Port(s) Purpose
login.microsoftonline.com 80/443 Identity Provider
secure.aadcdn.microsoftonline-p.com 80/443 Identity Provider
dc.services.visualstudio.com 80/443 Crash Reporting
management.azure.com 80/443 Azure Services API


Domain Port(s) Purpose
api.nuget.org 80/443 NuGet API
secure.aadcdn.microsoftonline-p.com 80/443 Identity Provider

Android projects

Domain Purpose
time.android.com Time Server for Android Emulator
connectivitycheck.gstatic.com Connectivity for Android Emulator
cloudconfig.googleapis.com APIs for Android Emulator

See also