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Accessibility for People with Disabilities

Microsoft is committed to making its products and services easier for everyone to use. This Help file provides information about how to make Microsoft Windows and Visual FoxPro more accessible as well as other features, products, and services that can help improve accessibility for people with disabilities.

Note   The information in this section about Microsoft Windows applies only to users who purchased Microsoft Windows in the United States. If you purchased Microsoft Windows outside the United States, your Windows package contains a subsidiary information card listing Microsoft Support Services telephone numbers and addresses. You can contact your subsidiary to find out whether the type of products and services described in this Help file are available in your area.

For information about technical support services for people who are deaf or hard-of-hearing, see Microsoft Visual FoxPro Technical Support.

You can learn more about the accessibility features in Microsoft products and services by visiting the Accessiblity Web site at https://www.microsoft.com/enable/.

In This Section

See Also

  • Product Support
    Provides information about Microsoft technical support for Visual FoxPro and copyright information.
  • Using the Accessibility Browser
    Provides information about using the Accessibility Browser to help make your Visual FoxPro applications more accessible for other users.