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Client/Server Sample

The Client/Server sample illustrates some of the features listed below that make Visual FoxPro an ideal front-end development tool for client/server applications:

  • Working with local tables, local views, and remote views.
  • Upsizing local tables to the back end.
  • Using 2- and 3- tier client/server models.
  • Updating data.
  • Managing update conflicts.
  • Working with online and offline views.

To run the Client/Server sample application

  • Enter the following line of code in the Command window:

    DO (HOME(2) + 'csapp\sample')


  1. From the Program menu, choose Do.
  2. Choose the \Samples\CSApp folder.
  3. Double-click Sample.app.

To open the project for the Client/Server sample application in the Project Manager

  • Enter the following line of code in the Command window:

    MODIFY PROJECT (HOME(2) + 'csapp\sample')

Note that if you receive a "Class definition Bizrules.SalaryRule is not found" error when you select the Business Rules section, open the BizRules project in the CSApp folder and rebuild the .exe for the project. Building the .exe registers the class in the Windows registry and prevents this error.

Note   Code examples in these topics have been edited to emphasize particular lines. To see the full code, including error checking and verification, open the classes and programs in the project.

See Also

Solutions Samples | Client/Server Sample Application Classes | Client/Server Sample Application Database | Updating Data in the Client/Server Sample Application | Managing Data Conflicts in the Client/Server Sample Application | Implementing Business Rules in the Client/Server Sample Application | Server Samples