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Finding Information in Help

There are several ways to access Help information in Microsoft Dynamics NAV.

F1 Key

When you press the F1 key, you get Help that pertains to where you have positioned the pointer. For example, if the pointer is in Report Dataset Designer in the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Development Environment, then you will get information about that specific designer.

Help Menu

In the development environment, you can locate the Help options on the Help menu.

The Help menu in the development environment contains the following options.

Help option Description

Developer and IT Pro Help

Opens a Compiled HTML Help (CHM) window that contains the Developer and IT Pro Help.

About Microsoft Dynamics NAV

Displays product information, including the version number of Microsoft Dynamics NAV.

For more information, see About.

In the client, you can locate the Help options on the Application menu Application Menu button in menu bar.

The Help menu in the client contains the following options.

Help option Description

Microsoft Dynamics NAV Help

Opens a topic related to the window or page that you are working in.

Page Notes

Opens the OneNote page that has been shared across a company.

For more information, see How to: Set up OneNote Integration for a Group of Users.

About This Page

Provides information about all fields and values that are in the table on which a table or report is based.

For more information, see How to: View All Table Fields for a Record.

About Microsoft Dynamics NAV

Displays product information, including the version number of Microsoft Dynamics NAV.

For more information, see About.

Compiled HTML Help Window

If you are using the CHM format to view Help, then you can look for Help on the following tabs:

  • Contents

  • Index

  • Search

  • Favorites


The Contents tab contains the table of contents. The table of contents lists all topics in the Developer and IT Pro Help. The Help is divided into books that contain related information.


The Index tab contains an alphabetical list of keywords. You can browse the list or type the word for which you are searching.

You can use the Search tab to search for a word or phrase in the Help. You can search for patterns by using wildcard characters. Use the wildcard character "*" to specify zero or more characters in the search string. Use the wildcard character "?" to specify any single character in the search string. For example, to search for topics in the Help that contain either the word "instream" or "outstream", you can enter "*stream" on the Search tab. This pattern matches words that end with stream.

If you enter more than one search word, then all topics that contain one or more of the words are found. You can narrow a search by:

  • Typing quotation marks around the search words, such as "filter pane", to only find topics that contain that particular phrase.

  • Choosing the arrow to the right of the text box and selecting one of the following operators:

    • AND

    • OR

    • NEAR

    • NOT

  • Nesting multiple expressions, using the operators.

Use the drop-down list on the text box to select search phrases that you used previously.

After you enter a search phrase and list topics, you may want to search only the topics in the resulting list for another search phrase. To do this, choose the Search previous results check box, which is below the topic list.

To include topics that contain words that are similar to the search term, choose the Match similar words check box, which is below the topic list. For example, if you enter debug in the search text box and you choose the Match similar words check box, then the topic list includes topics with words such as debugging, debugger, and debugged.

To search for a phrase only in topic titles, choose the Search titles only check box, which is below the topic list.

To sort the topic list, choose a column heading. Topics are sorted in ascending order.


When you find a Help topic that you want to use again, you can add it to your list of favorites. While the topic is displayed in the topic pane, choose the Favorites tab, and then choose Add. Later, you can select the topic from the list on the Favorites tab, and then choose Display.

Download Center

To download the latest version of the Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 Developer and IT Pro Help in CHM format, visit the Microsoft Download Center.


The latest version of the Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 Developer and IT Pro Help is available in the MSDN Library.

See Also


Getting Started