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Walkthrough: Adding a Page to Navigation

Applies To: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Feature Pack, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012

When you create a page in Enterprise Portal, you will add it to the navigation to enable users to access it. This walkthrough demonstrates how to add the Tutorial_MessagePrompt page to the Quick Launch navigation for the Sales module site in Enterprise Portal. It illustrates the following tasks:

  • Creating a Web Menu Item

  • Modifying the Quick Launch Menu

  • Viewing the Page in Enterprise Portal


To complete this walkthrough, you will need:

  • Microsoft Dynamics AX

  • Enterprise Portal

Creating a Web Menu Item

A web menu item points to a specific page in Enterprise Portal. You must create a web menu item for each page that you will be adding to the navigation.

To create a web menu item

  1. In the AOT, expand the Web node, and then expand the Web Menu Items node.

  2. Right-click URLs, and then click New URL.

  3. Right-click the new URL that you created in step 2, and then click Properties.

  4. Set the Name property to MessagePromptTutorial.

  5. Set the Label property to Message Prompt Tutorial.

  6. Specify the URL property, which has the following form:


    The Tutorial_MessagePrompt page is found in the main Enterprise Portal site, so it does not have a Module in its path. The value you must enter for the URL property to access the Tutorial_MessagePrompt page is:


  7. Right-click the new URL item, and then click Save.

Modifying the Quick Launch Menu

To add menu items to the Quick Launch area for a module site, you must first determine which web menu resource is being used for the Quick Launch.

To modify the Quick Launch menu

  1. In the AOT, expand the Web node, expand the Web Modules node, and then expand the Home node.

  2. Right-click the Sales node, and then click Properties.

  3. Examine the QuickLaunch property. It is set to EPSalesQuickLaunch. This is the web menu resource that defines the menu items displayed in the Quick Launch area for the Sales module site. You will add the new web menu item that you created to this web menu.

  4. In the AOT, expand the Web node, and then expand the Web Menus node.

  5. Locate and expand the EPSalesQuickLaunch node.

  6. Right-click the Common node. Click New, and then click Menu item. A new menu item will be added at the end of the list.

  7. Right-click the node for the new menu item, and then click Properties.

  8. Use the drop-down list for the MenuItemName property to select the MessagePromptTutorial menu item you created in the previous procedure.

  9. In the AOT, right-click the EPSalesQuickLaunch Web menu, and then click Save.

Viewing the Page in Enterprise Portal

After you have added the menu item to the Quick Launch, you can view it in Enterprise Portal.

To view the page in Enterprise Portal

  1. Using a web browser, open Enterprise Portal. The typical URL to access Enterprise Portal is:


    Substitute the name of the server on which Enterprise Portal is installed.

  2. Click Sales on the top link bar to display the Sales module site.

  3. In the Quick Launch, examine the last item in the Common group. The Message Prompt Tutorial item should be listed.


    If you do not see the new item in the list, the caches for Enterprise Portal may need to be refreshed. See Troubleshooting: Enterprise Portal Development for details about how to refresh the caches.

  4. Click the Message Prompt Tutorial item to open the Tutorial_MessagePrompt page.

Next Steps

To learn more about navigation in Enterprise Portal, see Enterprise Portal Site Structure and Navigation.

See also

How to: Create Web Menu Items

How to: Modify Page-level Navigation