IMFClockConsumer interface (mfidl.h)

Implemented by an app in order to get access to the IMFPresentationClock.


The IMFClockConsumer interface inherits from the IUnknown interface. IMFClockConsumer also has these types of members:


The IMFClockConsumer interface has these methods.


Called by the media pipeline to get an instance of IMFPresentationClock.

Called by the media pipeline to provide the app with an instance of IMFPresentationClock.


The media pipeline checks for the presence of this interface by calling QueryInterface. Components can use the presentation clock supplied through this interface to determine how much buffering there is in the pipeline after the component. You can do this in the IMFTransform::ProcessInput method by calculating the difference between the value returned by IMFPresentationClock::GetTime and the value returned by IMFSample::GetSampleTime. This difference represents the amount of buffered data after the MFT in the pipeline.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 10, version 1703 [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server None supported
Target Platform Windows
Header mfidl.h