IActivatableClassRegistration |
Enables getting the registration info for a class. |
IActivationFactory |
Enables classes to be activated by the Windows Runtime. |
IAgileReference |
Enables retrieving an agile reference to an object. |
IApartmentShutdown |
Enables registration of an apartment shutdown notification handler. |
AsyncActionCompletedHandler |
Represents the method that is called when an asynchronous action completes. |
IAsyncAction |
Represents an asynchronous action. |
IAsyncActionProgressHandler<TProgress> |
Represents the method that is called when an asynchronous action reports progress. |
IAsyncActionWithProgress<TProgress> |
Represents an asynchronous action that reports progress. |
IAsyncActionWithProgressCompletedHandler<TProgress> |
Represents the method that is called when an asynchronous action that reports progress completes. |
IAsyncInfo |
Provides support for asynchronous operations. |
IAsyncOperation<TResult> |
Represents an asynchronous operation that returns a result. |
IAsyncOperationCompletedHandler<TResult> |
Represents the method that is called when an asynchronous operation completes. |
IAsyncOperationProgressHandler |
Represents the method that is called when an asynchronous operation reports progress. |
IAsyncOperationWithProgress |
Represents an asynchronous operation that returns a result and reports progress. |
IAsyncOperationWithProgressCompletedHandler<TResult, TProgress> |
Represents the method that is called when an asynchronous operation that reports progress completes. |
IAudioFrameNative |
Represents a frame of audio data. |
IAudioFrameNativeFactory |
Creates instances of IAudioFrameNative. |
IBuffer |
Represents an array of bytes. |
IBufferByteAccess |
Represents a buffer as an array of bytes. |
IClosable |
Defines a method to release allocated resources. |
ICompositionDrawingSurfaceInterop |
Native interoperation interface that allows drawing on a surface object using a RECT to define the area to draw into. |
ICompositionDrawingSurfaceInterop2 |
A native interoperation interface that allows you to read back the contents of a composition drawing surface (or a composition virtual drawing surface). |
ICompositionGraphicsDeviceInterop |
A native interoperation interface that allows getting and setting the graphics device. |
IContactManagerInterop |
Enables access to ContactManager methods in an app that manages multiple windows. |
ICoreApplication |
Enables apps to handle state changes, manage windows, and integrate with a variety of UI frameworks. |
ICoreApplicationExit |
Provides the means for Windows Store apps to stop running. |
ICoreApplicationInitialization |
Contains a run method that is used to start the application object from the entry point of an app. |
ICoreApplicationView |
Represents a view of an application. |
ICoreImmersiveApplication |
Contains methods for managing views in an app. |
ICoreInputInterop |
Enables an input source on a Windows Store app's CoreInput object. |
ICoreWindowInterop |
Enables apps to obtain the window handleof the window (CoreWindow) associated with this interface. |
IDllServerActivatableClassRegistration |
Enables getting the registration info for an in-process server. |
IErrorReportingSettings |
Provides debugger integration for Windows Runtime applications. |
IEventHandler<T> |
Represents the method that will handle an event that has event data of type T. |
IExeServerActivatableClassRegistration |
Enables getting the registration info for an out-of-process server. |
IExeServerRegistration |
Represents a registered an out-of-process server. |
IFindReferenceTargetsCallback |
Defines the interface for callbacks from IReferenceTracker::FindTrackerTargets. The implementation of this interface must pass any IReferenceTrackerTarget instances it finds to the FoundTrackerTarget method. |
IInputPaneInterop |
Enables access to the members of the InputPane class in a desktop app. |
IInputStream |
Enables obtaining an asynchronous reader operation on a sequential stream of bytes. |
IInspectable |
Provides functionality required for all Windows Runtime classes. |
IIterable<T> |
Exposes the iterator, which supports simple iteration over a collection of a specified type. |
IIterator<T> |
Supports iteration over a collection. |
IKeyValuePair<K, V> |
Represents a key-value pair. |
ILanguageExceptionErrorInfo |
Enables retrieving the IUnknown pointer stored in the error info with the call to RoOriginateLanguageException. |
ILanguageExceptionErrorInfo2 |
Enables language projections to provide and retrieve error information as with ILanguageExceptionErrorInfo, with the additional benefit of working across language boundaries. |
ILanguageExceptionTransform |
Allows language projections to make available to the system any and all context from an exception that gets thrown from the context of a catch handler that catches a different exception. |
ILanguageExceptionStackBackTrace |
Allows projections to provide custom stack trace for that exception. |
IMap<K, V> |
Represents an associative collection. |
IMapChangedEventArgs<K> |
Provides data for a MapChanged event. |
IMapView<K, V> |
Represents an immutable view into a IMap(K,V). |
IMemoryBufferByteAccess |
Provides access to an IMemoryBuffer as an array of bytes. |
IMetaDataAssemblyImport |
Provides methods to access and examine the contents of an assembly manifest. |
IMetaDataDispenser |
Provides methods to create a new metadata scope, or open an existing one. |
IMetaDataDispenserEx |
Extends the IMetaDataDispenser interface to provide the capability to control how the metadata APIs operate on the current metadata scope. |
IMetaDataImport |
Provides methods for importing and manipulating existing metadata from a portable executable (PE) file or other source, such as a type library or a stand-alone, run-time metadata binary. |
IMetaDataImport2 |
Extends the IMetaDataImport interface to provide the capability of working with generic types. |
IMetaDataTables |
Provides methods for the storage and retrieval of metadata information in tables. |
IMetaDataTables2 |
Extends IMetaDataTables to include methods for working with metadata streams. |
IObservableMap<K, V> |
Notifies event handlers of dynamic changes to a map, such as when items get added or removed. |
IObservableVector<T> |
Notifies event handlers of changes to the vector. |
IOplockBreakingHandler |
This interface is not currently implemented. |
IOutputStream |
Enables obtaining an asynchronous writer operation on a sequential stream of bytes. |
IPdfRendererNative |
Represents a high-performance API for displaying a single page of a Portable Document Format (PDF) file. |
IPackageDebugSettings |
Enables debugger developers control over the lifecycle of a Windows Store app, such as when it is suspended or resumed. |
IPlayToManagerInterop |
Enables access to PlayToManager methods in a Windows Store app that manages multiple windows. |
IPrintManagerInterop |
Enables access to PrintManager methods in a Windows Store app that manages multiple windows. |
IPropertyValue |
Represents a value in a Windows Runtime property store. |
IPropertyValueStatics |
Creates IPropertyValue objects that you can store in a property store. |
IRandomAccessStream |
Enables obtaining an asynchronous byte reader or byte writer that's positioned at the specified location on a random access byte stream. |
IRandomAccessStreamFileAccessMode |
Provides access to the file access mode that was used when the StorageFile.OpenAsync method was called to open the random-access byte stream. |
IReference<T> |
Enables extending the Windows Runtime property system for user-defined enumerations, structures, and delegate types. |
IReferenceArray<T> |
Enables extending the Windows Runtime property system for arrays of user-defined enumerations, structures, and delegate types. |
IReferenceTracker |
Defines the interface implemented by the XAML framework for managing XAML object references. |
IReferenceTrackerHost |
Defines an interface that provides the global services used by the garbage collection (GC) system used by the XAML framework. |
IReferenceTrackerManager |
Defines the interface for a XAML object reference manager. Implement this interface to manage instances of IReferenceTracker on XAML objects. |
IReferenceTrackerTarget |
Defines an interface implemented by a garbage collector object referenced from XAML. |
IRestrictedErrorInfo |
Represents the details of an error, including restricted error information. |
ISoftwareBitmapNative |
Represents a software bitmap. |
ISoftwareBitmapNativeFactory |
Creates instances of ISoftwareBitmapNative. |
IStorageFolderHandleAccess |
Provides access to the operating system handle of a storage folder. |
IStorageItemHandleAccess |
Provides access to the operating system handle of a storage file. |
IStringable |
Provides a way to represent the current object as a string. |
ISurfaceImageSourceManagerNative |
Enables performing bulk operations across all SurfaceImageSource objects created in the same process. |
ISurfaceImageSourceNativeWithD2D |
Provides the implementation of a shared Microsoft DirectX surface which is displayed in a SurfaceImageSource or VirtualSurfaceImageSource. |
ISurfaceImageSourceNative |
Provides the implementation of a shared fixed-size surface for Direct2D drawing. |
ISuspendingDeferral |
Manages a delayed app suspending operation. |
ISuspendingEventArgs |
Provides data for an app suspending event. |
ISuspendingOperation |
Provides information about an app suspending operation. |
ISwapChainBackgroundPanelNative |
Provides interoperation between XAML and a DirectX swap chain. |
ISwapChainPanelNative |
Provides interoperation between XAML and a DirectX swap chain. Unlike SwapChainBackgroundPanel, a SwapChainPanel can appear at any level in the XAML display tree, and more than 1 can be present in any given tree. |
ISwapChainPanelNative2 |
Provides interoperation between XAML and a DirectX swap chain. Unlike SwapChainBackgroundPanel, a SwapChainPanel can appear at any level in the XAML display tree, and more than 1 can be present in any given tree. |
ITypedEventHandler<TSender, TArgs> |
Represents the method that will handle an event from a sender of type TSender and event data of type T. |
IUnbufferedFileHandleOplockCallback |
Defines a callback method that you want to run when the opportunistic lock for a handle that you get by calling the IUnbufferedFileHandleProvider::OpenUnbufferedFileHandle method is broken. |
IUnbufferedFileHandleProvider |
Provides access to handles from a random-access byte stream that the StorageFile.OpenAsync method created. |
IVector<T> |
Represents a random-access collection of elements. |
IVectorChangedEventArgs |
Provides data for a VectorChanged event. |
IVectorView<T> |
Represents an immutable view into a IVector(T). |
IVideoFrameNative |
Represents a frame of video data. |
IVideoFrameNativeFactory |
Creates instances of IVideoFrameNative. |
IViewProvider |
Represents a view in an application. |
IViewProviderFactory |
Creates an instance of views that implement the IViewProvider interface. |
IVirtualSurfaceImageSourceNative |
Provides the implementation of a large (greater than the screen size) shared surface for DirectX drawing. |
IVirtualSurfaceUpdatesCallbackNative |
Provides an interface for the implementation of drawing behaviors when a VirtualSurfaceImageSource requests an update. |
IWeakReference |
Represents a weak reference to an object. |
IWeakReferenceSource |
Represents a source object to which a weak reference can be retrieved. |
MapChangedEventHandler<K, V> |
Represents the method that handles the MapChanged event of an observable map. |
VectorChangedEventHandler<T> |
Represents the method that handles the VectorChanged event of an observable vector. |