IO_STATUS_BLOCK structure (wdm.h)
A driver sets an IRP's I/O status block to indicate the final status of an I/O request, before calling IoCompleteRequest for the IRP.
typedef struct _IO_STATUS_BLOCK {
union {
PVOID Pointer;
ULONG_PTR Information;
This is the completion status, either STATUS_SUCCESS if the requested operation was completed successfully or an informational, warning, or error STATUS_XXX value. For more information, see Using NTSTATUS values.
Reserved. For internal use only.
This is set to a request-dependent value. For example, on successful completion of a transfer request, this is set to the number of bytes transferred. If a transfer request is completed with another STATUS_XXX, this member is set to zero.
Unless a driver's dispatch routine completes an IRP with an error status value, the lowest-level driver in the chain frequently sets the IRP's I/O status block to the values that will be returned to the original requester of the I/O operation.
The IoCompletion routines of higher-level drivers usually check the I/O status block in IRPs completed by lower drivers. By design, the I/O status block in an IRP is the only information passed back from the underlying device driver to all higher-level drivers' IoCompletion routines.
The operating system implements support routines that write IO_STATUS_BLOCK values to caller-supplied output buffers. For example, see ZwOpenFile or NtOpenFile. These routines return status codes that might not match the status codes in the IO_STATUS_BLOCK structures. If one of these routines returns STATUS_PENDING, the caller should wait for the I/O operation to complete, and then check the status code in the IO_STATUS_BLOCK structure to determine the final status of the operation. If the routine returns a status code other than STATUS_PENDING, the caller should rely on this status code instead of the status code in the IO_STATUS_BLOCK structure.
For more information, see I/O Status Blocks.
Requirement | Value |
Header | wdm.h (include Wdm.h, Ntddk.h, Ntifs.h, Wudfwdm.h) |