Site design and site script REST API

You can use the SharePoint REST interface to perform basic create, read, update, and delete (CRUD) operations on site designs and site scripts.

The SharePoint Online (and SharePoint 2016 and later on-premises) REST service supports combining multiple requests into a single call to the service by using the OData $batch query option. For details and links to code samples, see Make batch requests with the REST APIs.


Before you get started, make sure that you're familiar with the following:

REST commands

The following REST commands are available for working with site designs and site scripts:

  • CreateSiteScript – Creates a new site script.
  • GetSiteScripts – Gets a list of information on existing site scripts.
  • GetSiteScriptFromWeb – Creates site script syntax from an existing SharePoint site.
  • GetSiteScriptFromList – Creates site script syntax from an existing SharePoint list.
  • GetSiteScriptMetadata – Gets information about a specific site script.
  • UpdateSiteScript – Updates a site script with new values.
  • DeleteSiteScript – Deletes a site script.
  • CreateSiteDesign – Creates a site design.
  • ApplySiteDesign – Applies a site design to an existing site collection.
  • AddSiteDesignTaskToCurrentWeb – Adds a site design task on the current web.
  • GetSiteDesigns – Gets a list of information on existing site designs.
  • GetSiteDesignMetadata – Gets information about a specific site design.
  • UpdateSiteDesign – Updates a site design with new values.
  • DeleteSiteDesign – Deletes a site design.
  • GetSiteDesignRights – Gets a list of principals that have access to a site design.
  • GrantSiteDesignRights – Grants access to a site design for one or more principals.
  • RevokeSiteDesignRights – Revokes access from a site design for one or more principals.

Create a function to send REST requests

To work with the REST API, we recommend creating a helper function to make the REST calls. The following RestRequest function calls the REST method specified in the url parameter and passes the additional parameters in params.

function RestRequest(url,params) {
  var req = new XMLHttpRequest();
  req.onreadystatechange = function ()
    if (req.readyState != 4) // Loaded

  // Prepend web URL to url and remove duplicated slashes.
  var webBasedUrl = (_spPageContextInfo.webServerRelativeUrl + "//" + url).replace(/\/{2,}/,"/");"POST",webBasedUrl,true);
  req.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json;charset=utf-8");
  req.setRequestHeader("ACCEPT", "application/json; odata.metadata=minimal");
  req.setRequestHeader("x-requestdigest", _spPageContextInfo.formDigestValue);
  req.send(params ? JSON.stringify(params) : void 0);


Creates a new site script.


Parameter Description
Title The display name of the site design.
Content JSON value that describes the script. For more information, see JSON reference.


The following example creates a new site script that applies a custom theme.

var site_script =
  "$schema": "schema.json",
  "actions": [
      "verb": "applyTheme",
      "themeName": "Contoso Theme"
  "bindata": { },
  "version": 1

RestRequest("/_api/Microsoft.SharePoint.Utilities.WebTemplateExtensions.SiteScriptUtility.CreateSiteScript(Title=@title)?@title='Contoso theme script'", site_script);

Here is an example of the JSON returned after calling CreateSiteScript. It contains the ID of the new site script.

  "@odata.context": "$metadata#Microsoft.SharePoint.Utilities.WebTemplateExtensions.SiteScriptMetadata",
  "Content": null,
  "Description": null,
  "Id": "7647d3d6-1046-41fe-a798-4ff66b099d12",
  "Title": "Contoso customer list",
  "Version": 0


Gets a list of information on all existing site scripts.




The following example gets the site script information for all site scripts.


Here is an example of the JSON returned after calling GetSiteScripts.

  "@odata.context": "$metadata#Collection(Microsoft.SharePoint.Utilities.WebTemplateExtensions.SiteScriptMetadata)",
  "value": [
      "Content": null,
      "Description": null,
      "Id": "6dfedb96-c090-44e3-875a-1c38032715fc",
      "Title": "Customer orders",
      "Version": 1
      "Content": null,
      "Description": null,
      "Id": "07702c07-0485-426f-b710-4704241caad9",
      "Title": "Contoso theme",
      "Version": 1


Gets the site script syntax for a specific SharePoint site.


Parameter Description
webUrl The url that starts with HTTPS of the site to retrieve site script.
IncludeBranding (Optional) True if branding will be extracted; otherwise false.
IncludedLists (Optional) An array of one or more lists. Each is identified by the list url.
IncludeRegionalSettings (Optional) True if regional settings will be extracted; otherwise false.
IncludeSiteExternalSharingCapability (Optional) True if external sharing capability will be extracted; otherwise false.
IncludeTheme (Optional) True if custom theme will be extracted; otherwise false.
IncludeLinksToExportedItems (Optional) True if navigation links will be extracted; otherwise false. In order to export navigation links pointing to lists, the list needs to be included in the request as well.


At least one include parameter must be provided when using this API, otherwise request fails.


Here is an example of retrieving a site script JSON object from the Contoso site collection.

RestRequest("/_api/Microsoft.SharePoint.Utilities.WebTemplateExtensions.SiteScriptUtility.GetSiteScriptFromWeb", {
         "Lists/Contoso customer list"

Here is an example of the JSON returned after calling GetSiteScriptFromWeb.


The response object shown here might be shortened for readability.

    "$schema": "",
    "actions": [
        "verb": "createSPList",
        "listName": "Contoso customer list",
        "templateType": 100,
        "subactions": [
            "verb": "addSPView",
            "name": "All Items",
            "viewFields": [
            "query": "",
            "rowLimit": 30,
            "isPaged": true,
            "makeDefault": true,
            "addLink": "Contoso customer list"
        "verb": "setSiteBranding",
        "navigationLayout": "Cascade",
        "headerLayout": "Standard",
        "headerBackground": "None",
        "showFooter": false
        "verb": "applyTheme",
        "themeJson": {
          "version": "2",
          "isInverted": false,
          "palette": {
            "neutralPrimaryAlt": "#ff4b4b4b",
            "themeLighterAlt": "#fff1faf0",
            "black": "#ff1d1d1d",
            "themeTertiary": "#ff55ae48",
            "primaryBackground": "#ffffffff"
        "verb": "setSiteExternalSharingCapability",
        "capability": "ExternalUserSharingOnly"
        "verb": "setRegionalSettings",
        "timeZone": 13,
        "locale": 1033,
        "sortOrder": 25,
        "hourFormat": "12"
        "verb": "addNavLink",
        "url": "/Lists/Contoso customer list",
        "displayName": "Contoso customer list",
        "isWebRelative": true,
        "navComponent": "QuickLaunch"


Gets the site script syntax for a specific list.


Parameter Description
listUrl The url of the list to retrieve site script


Here's an example of retrieving a site script JSON object from the Contoso customer list.

RestRequest("/_api/Microsoft.SharePoint.Utilities.WebTemplateExtensions.SiteScriptUtility.GetSiteScriptFromList", {listUrl: ""});

Here is an example of the JSON returned after calling GetSiteScriptFromList.

  "actions": [
      "verb": "createSPList",
      "listName": "Contoso customer list",
      "templateType": 100,
      "subactions": [
          "verb": "addSPView",
          "name": "All Items",
          "viewFields": [
          "query": "",
          "rowLimit": 30,
          "isPaged": true,
          "makeDefault": true
      "verb": "addNavLink",
      "url": "Lists/Contoso customer list/AllItems.aspx",
      "displayName": "Contoso customer list",
      "isWebRelative": true


Gets information about a specific site script. It also returns the JSON of the script.


Parameter Description
id The ID of the site script to get information about.


Here is an example of the JSON returned after calling GetSiteScriptMetadata.

  "@odata.context": "$metadata#Microsoft.SharePoint.Utilities.WebTemplateExtensions.SiteScriptMetadata",
  "Content": "{\r\n    \"$schema\": \"schema.json\",\r\n        \"actions\": [\r\n            {\r\n               \"verb\": \"applyTheme\",\r\n               \"themeName\": \"Custom Cyan\"\r\n            }\r\n        ],\r\n            \"bindata\": { },\r\n    \"version\": 1\r\n}",
  "Description": null,
  "Id": "07702c07-0485-426f-b710-4704241caad9",
  "Title": "Contoso theme",
  "Version": 1


Updates a site script with new values. In the REST call, all parameters are optional except the site script Id.


Parameter Description
Id The ID of the site script to update.
Title (Optional) The new display name of the site script.
Description (Optional) The new description of the site script.
Version (Optional) The new version number of the site script.
Content (Optional) A new JSON script defining the script actions. For more information, see Site design JSON schema.


Here's an example of updating an existing site script with a new JSON script and values.

var updated_site_script =
  "$schema": "schema.json",
  "actions": [
      "verb": "applyTheme",
      "themeName": "Contoso Theme"
  "bindata": { },
  "version": 2

  Title:"New Contoso theme",
  Description:"Updated Contoso site script",
  Version: 2,
  Content: JSON.stringify(updated_site_script)}});

Here is an example of the JSON returned after calling UpdateSiteScript.

  "@odata.context": "$metadata#Microsoft.SharePoint.Utilities.WebTemplateExtensions.SiteScriptMetadata",
  "Content": "{\"$schema\":\"schema.json\",\"actions\":[{\"verb\":\"applyTheme\",\"themeName\":\"Contoso Theme\"}],\"bindata\":{},\"version\":2}",
  "Description": "Updated Contoso site script",
  "Id": "07702c07-0485-426f-b710-4704241caad9",
  "Title": "New Contoso theme",
  "Version": 2


Deletes a site script.


Parameter Description
id The ID of the site script to delete.


Here's an example of deleting a site script.



Creates a new site design available to users when they create a new site from the SharePoint start page.


Parameter Description
id The ID of the site design to apply.
Title The display name of the site design.
WebTemplate Identifies which base template to add the design to. Use the value 64 for the Team site template, and the value 68 for the Communication site template.
SiteScriptIds An array of one or more site scripts. Each is identified by an ID. The scripts will run in the order listed.
Description (Optional) The display description of site design.
PreviewImageUrl (Optional) The URL of a preview image. If none is specified, SharePoint uses a generic image.
PreviewImageAltText (Optional) The alt text description of the preview image for accessibility.
IsDefault (Optional) True if the site design is applied as the default site design; otherwise, false. For more information see Customize a default site design.


Here's an example of creating a new site design.

    Title:"Contoso customer tracking",
    Description:"Creates customer list and applies standard theme",
    PreviewImageUrl: "",
    PreviewImageAltText: "Customer tracking site design theme"

Here is an example of the JSON returned after calling CreateSiteDesign. It contains the ID of the new site design.

  "@odata.context": "$metadata#Microsoft.SharePoint.Utilities.WebTemplateExtensions.SiteDesignMetadata",
  "Description": "Creates customer list and applies standard theme",
  "PreviewImageAltText": "Customer tracking site design theme",
  "PreviewImageUrl": "",
  "SiteScriptIds": [ "07702c07-0485-426f-b710-4704241caad9" ],
  "Title": "Contoso customer tracking",
  "WebTemplate": "64",
  "Id": "614f9b28-3e85-4ec9-a961-5971ea086cca",
  "Version": 1


Applies a site design to an existing site collection.


Parameter Description
siteDesignId The ID of the site design to apply.
webUrl The URL of the site collection where you want to apply the site design.


Here's an example of applying a site design to the ProjectGo site collection.

RestRequest("/_api/Microsoft.SharePoint.Utilities.WebTemplateExtensions.SiteScriptUtility.ApplySiteDesign", {"siteDesignId": "614f9b28-3e85-4ec9-a961-5971ea086cca", "webUrl":""});


Adds a site design task on the current web to be invoked asynchronously.


Parameter Description
siteDesignId The ID of the site design to apply.


Here's an example of adding a site design task to the ProjectGo site collection.

RestRequest("/_api/Microsoft.SharePoint.Utilities.WebTemplateExtensions.SiteScriptUtility.AddSiteDesignTaskToCurrentWeb", {siteDesignId: "614f9b28-3e85-4ec9-a961-5971ea086cca"});


Gets a list of information about existing site designs.




Here's an example of getting all the site designs.


Here is an example of the JSON returned after calling GetSiteDesigns.

  "@odata.context": "$metadata#Collection(Microsoft.SharePoint.Utilities.WebTemplateExtensions.SiteDesignMetadata)",
  "value": [
      "Description": "Tracks customer orders",
      "IsDefault": false,
      "PreviewImageAltText": null,
      "PreviewImageUrl": null,
      "SiteScriptIds": [ "6dfedb96-c090-44e3-875a-1c38032715fc" ],
      "Title": "customer orders",
      "WebTemplate": "64",
      "Id": "bbbd5740-ed97-461b-8b8e-e682f3fa167b",
      "Version": 1
      "Description": "Creates customer list and applies standard theme",
      "IsDefault": true,
      "PreviewImageAltText": "Customer tracking site design theme",
      "PreviewImageUrl": "",
      "SiteScriptIds": [ "07702c07-0485-426f-b710-4704241caad9" ],
      "Title": "Contoso customer tracking",
      "WebTemplate": "64",
      "Id": "614f9b28-3e85-4ec9-a961-5971ea086cca",
      "Version": 1


Gets information about a specific site design.


Parameter Description
id The ID of the site design to get information about.


Here's an example of getting information about a specific site design by ID.


Here is an example of the JSON returned after calling GetSiteDesignMetadata.

  "@odata.context": "$metadata#Microsoft.SharePoint.Utilities.WebTemplateExtensions.SiteDesignMetadata",
  "Description": "Creates customer list and applies standard theme",
  "IsDefault": true,
  "PreviewImageAltText": "Customer tracking site design theme",
  "PreviewImageUrl": "",
  "SiteScriptIds": [ "07702c07-0485-426f-b710-4704241caad9" ],
  "Title": "Contoso customer tracking",
  "WebTemplate": "64",
  "Id": "614f9b28-3e85-4ec9-a961-5971ea086cca",
  "Version": 1


Updates a site design with new values. In the REST call, all parameters are optional except the site script Id.


If you had previously set the IsDefault parameter to TRUE and wish it to remain true, you must pass in this parameter again (otherwise it will be reset to FALSE).


Parameter Description
Id The ID of the site design to update.
Title (Optional) The new display name of the updated site design.
WebTemplate (Optional) The new template to add the site design to. Use the value 64 for the Team site template, and the value 68 for the Communication site template.
SiteScripts (Optional) A new array of one or more site scripts. Each is identified by an ID. The scripts run in the order listed.
Description (Optional) The new display description of the updated site design.
PreviewImageUrl (Optional) The new URL of a preview image.
PreviewImageAltText (Optional) The new alt text description of the preview image for accessibility.
IsDefault (Optional) True if the site design is applied as the default site design; otherwise, false. For more information see Customize a default site design.


Here's an example that updates every value on an existing site design.

   Title:"Contoso customer site",
   Description:"Creates site with customer theme and list",
   PreviewImageAltText:"Customer site with list and theme",
   Version: 7,
   IsDefault: false}});

Here is an example of the JSON returned after calling UpdateSiteDesign.

  "@odata.context": "$metadata#Microsoft.SharePoint.Utilities.WebTemplateExtensions.SiteDesignMetadata",
  "Description": "Creates site with customer theme and list",
  "IsDefault": false,
  "PreviewImageAltText": "Customer site with list and theme",
  "PreviewImageUrl": "",
  "SiteScriptIds": [ "6b2b79e4-5da3-4352-8565-42a896fabd57", "2b997981-258b-4e1e-81ff-f6fbf7235a1f" ],
  "Title": "Contoso customer site",
  "WebTemplate": "68",
  "Id": "614f9b28-3e85-4ec9-a961-5971ea086cca",
  "Version": 7


Deletes a site design.


Parameter Description
id The ID of the site design to delete.


Here's an example of deleting a site design.



Gets a list of principals that have access to a site design.


Parameter Description
id The ID of the site design to get rights information from.


Here's an example of getting view rights for a specific site design.


Here is an example of the JSON returned after calling GetSiteDesignRights.

  "@odata.context": "$metadata#SiteDesignPrincipals",
  "value": [
      "@odata.type": "#Microsoft.SharePoint.Utilities.WebTemplateExtensions.SiteDesignPrincipal",
      "": "",
      "@odata.editLink": "Microsoft.SharePoint.Utilities.WebTemplateExtensions.SiteDesignPrincipalfca62a9f-e43e-49a0-9139-6ae4df212859",
      "DisplayName": "Nestor Wilke",
      "PrincipalName": "i:0#.f|membership|[email protected]",
      "Rights": 1
      "@odata.type": "#Microsoft.SharePoint.Utilities.WebTemplateExtensions.SiteDesignPrincipal",
      "": "",
      "@odata.editLink": "Microsoft.SharePoint.Utilities.WebTemplateExtensions.SiteDesignPrincipalce4cd6f6-553b-4a55-9364-1d39125be0ef",
      "DisplayName": "Patti Fernandez",
      "PrincipalName": "i:0#.f|membership|[email protected]",
      "Rights": 1


Grants access to a site design for one or more principals.


Parameter Description
id The ID of the site design to grant rights on.
principalNames An array of one or more principals to grant view rights. Principals can be users or mail-enabled security groups in the form of "alias" or "alias@<domain name>.com"
grantedRights Always set to 1. This represents the View right.


Here's an example of granting view rights to a site design for Nestor and Patti (fictional users at Contoso).

RestRequest("/_api/Microsoft.SharePoint.Utilities.WebTemplateExtensions.SiteScriptUtility.GrantSiteDesignRights", {
  "id": "dc076f7b-6c15-4d76-8f85-948a17f5dd18",
  "principalNames": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
  "grantedRights": 1


Revokes access from a site design for one or more principals.


Parameter Description
id The ID of the site design to revoke rights from.
principalNames An array of one or more principals to revoke view rights from. If all principals have rights revoked on the site design, the site design becomes viewable to everyone.


Here's an example of revoking view rights from a site design for Patti (fictional user at Contoso).

 principalNames:["[email protected]"] });

See also