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Welcome to the Windows Server 2008 Developer Story

Welcome to the Windows Server 2008 Developer Story

The Microsoft® Windows Server® 2008 Developer Story includes content for developers and other technology experts and managers interested in exploring some of the new and extended features in Windows Server 2008. Top 7 Ways to Light Up Your Apps on Windows Server 2008 provides a categorized list of the features that are covered in this content.

The Windows Server 2008 Developer Story is available in the form of articles in the MSDN Library and in a downloadable Windows Help file, ServerDevStory.chm.

To provide feedback about the Server 2008 Developer Story, send email to Developer Story [email protected].

A Renewed Focus on Developing Modern Applications and Services

Windows Server 2008 and Windows Vista®, which share a common code base, renew Microsoft's focus on enabling the development of modern applications and services, whether they are written using the Win32® native programming model or the .NET Framework managed programming model. Microsoft provides the foundation for this by focusing on three main concepts:

  • Make it simple to cover the basics. Windows Server 2008 makes it easier to deploy, update, and manage applications by introducing improvements that enable developers to build applications and provision services meeting the needs of today's IT departments.

  • Assure the security of the system. Windows Server 2008 is the most secure Windows Server to date. Its hardened operating system and security innovations help protect servers, networks, data, and user accounts against failure and intrusion, providing unprecedented levels of protection for your network, your data, and your business.

  • Provide a solid foundation for your business workloads. The most flexible and robust Windows Server operating system to date with enhanced networking and clustering technologies, Windows Server 2008 provides you the most versatile and reliable Windows platform for all of your workload and application requirements.

Organization of the Windows Server 2008 Developer Story

This section provides an outline of the Windows Server 2008 Developer Story organizational structure. For brevity's sake, it presents only the first- and second-level nodes.

See Also

Other Resources

Welcome to the Windows Vista Developer Story