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Release notes for System Center Operations Manager


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This article lists the release notes for System Center 1807 - Operations Manager.

Operations Manager 1807 release notes

The following sections summarize the release notes for Operations Manager 1807 and include the known issues and workarounds. For more information about version 1807 and what issues are addressed, see KB4133779.

Log rotation for Linux agent

Description: Under certain scenarios, the SCX logs fill up frequently, which eventually consumes all the available free space on the system disk. As a result, the system becomes unresponsive unless the logs are cleaned up manually. To address this issue, we've introduced a logrotate feature for SCX agent. This will help you rotate old logs and save disk space.

Prerequisite: Logrotate is located in /usr/sbin/logrotate by default on Linux platforms.

Workaround: During scxagent installation, we push the following logrotate conf file to /etc/logroate.d location.

rotate 5
size 50M
/usr/sbin/scxadmin -log-rotate

You can change the default values to support your requirements. The default configured values will rotate the scx.log file if scx.log file size reaches 50 MB. We've included one cron config file at /etc/cron.d location. With this configuration, the logrotate process executes every four hours. To customize the configuration, you need to modify these two files. Review the man page for cron and logrotate for further details.


If SELinux is already installed, SCX installer pushes a SELinux module that will enable logrotate. For scenarios where SElinux is enabled after agent installation, you've to import SELinux module for logrotate to work.

Support for SQL Server 2017

Description: With version 1807, SQL Server 2017 is supported only if it's upgraded from SQL Server 2016. A fresh installation of SQL Server 2017 with version 1807 isn't supported. If you already have version 1801 deployed with SQL Server 2016, you need to apply Operations Manager version 1807 before performing an upgrade to SQL Server 2017.

Workaround: Before upgrading to SQL Server 2017, review the following article about the upgrade process - Upgrade Operations Manager 1807 databases to SQL Server 2017.


From SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) 2017 version 14.0.600.1274 and later, the default security settings don't allow resource extension uploads. This leads to ResourceFileFormatNotAllowedException exceptions in Operations Manager during the deployment of reporting components.

To fix this, open SQL Management Studio, connect to your Reporting Services instance, open Properties>Advanced, and add *.* to the list for AllowedResourceExtensionsForUpload. Alternatively, you can add the full list of Operations Manager's reporting extensions to the allow list in SSRS.

Supportability with Internet Explorer Compatibility View

Description: The HTML5 Web console doesn't support Internet Explorer Compatibility View.

Workaround: None

Support for Operations Manager and Service Manager console coexistence

Description: With System Center version 1801, installing the Service Manager console on an Operations Manager management server wasn't supported. This would cause the SDK service to prematurely stop.

Workaround: To co-locate the Operations Manager and Service Manager console on the same computer, they must be running version 1807.

Upgrade to Operations Manager version 1807

To understand the requirements and steps to successfully upgrade your Operations Manager version 1801 management group to version 1807, review How to upgrade to Operations Manager version 1807.

OpenSSL 1.1.0 version support

Description: On Linux platforms, OpenSSL 0.9.8 support is dropped.

Workaround: We've added support for OpenSSL 1.1.0.

Next steps

What's new in Operations Manager.