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Gets the RMS protection status of a specified file.


   -File <String>


The Get-RMSFileStatus cmdlet returns the protection status (whether the file is protected by Rights Management or not) of a specified file.

A protected file has a status of Protected (Native) or Protected (Generic), and an unprotected file has a status of Unprotected.

Note that a natively protected container file, such as an Outlook data file (.PST) always returns the protection status of Unprotected.


Example 1: List the protection status for a specified file

PS C:\>Get-RMSFileStatus -File "C:\Test.docx"
FileName             Status
--------             ------
C:\Test.docx         Unprotected

This command lists the Rights Management protection status for the specified file C:\Test.docx.

Because a file with a .docx file name extension supports native protection, the status returns "Protected (Native)" or "Unprotected".

Example 2: List the protection status for all files in a folder and any subfolders

PS C:\>foreach ($file in (Get-ChildItem -Path C:\Documents -Recurse -Force | where {!$_.PSIsContainer})) {Get-RMSFileStatus -f $file.PSPath}

Although the Get-RMSFileStatus cmdlet works for one file at a time, you can use the following Windows PowerShell command to get the status of all files in a folder (in our example, named C:\Documents) and its subfolders.

The same command can be used with a UNC path instead of a drive and path.

Example 3: Create a .CSV file with the protection status for all files in a folder and any subfolders

PS C:\>$(foreach ($file in (Get-ChildItem -Path C:\Documents\ -Recurse -Force | where {!$_.PSIsContainer})) {Get-RMSFileStatus -f $file.PSPath}) | Export-Csv -Path C:\Temp\ProtectedFilesList.csv -Encoding ascii -NoTypeInformation

You can further extend the previous example by outputting the results to a .CSV file, so that you can sort and order the information.

In this example, the .CSV file is named ProtectedFilesList.csv and saved to the C:\Temp folder. If the file already exists, it will be overwritten.



Specifies the fully qualified path to the file to verify whether it is protected by Rights Management.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False