

Start or stop a Windows process.


WindowsProcess [String] #ResourceName
    Arguments = [string]
    Path = [string]
    [Credential = [PSCredential]]
    [DependsOn = [string[]]]
    [Ensure = [string]{ Absent | Present }]
    [PsDscRunAsCredential = [PSCredential]]
    [StandardErrorPath = [string]]
    [StandardInputPath = [string]]
    [StandardOutputPath = [string]]
    [WorkingDirectory = [string]]


The WindowsProcess resource enables you to ensure whether a process is running.



Key properties


Specify the full list of arguments to pass to the process when starting it as a string. Set this property to an empty string ('') if the process doesn't require any arguments.

Type: System.String


Specify the path to process's executable file. If the file is accessible through the PATH environment variable, you may set this property to the executable file's name. Otherwise, set this property to the full path to the file. Relative paths aren't supported.

Type: System.String

Optional properties


Specify the credential of the account to run the process under.

If this property is set to a local system account, you can't set the StandardOutputPath, StandardInputPath, or WorkingDirectory properties. If you do, the resource throws an invalid argument exception.

Type: System.Management.Automation.PSCredential
Default Value: None


Specify whether the process should be running. Set this property to Present to start the process if it isn't running. Set this property to Absent to stop the process if it's running.

The default value is Present.

Type: System.String
Accepted Values:
  - Absent
  - Present
Default Value: Present


Specify the full path to a file for the process to write its standard error stream to. Relative paths aren't supported. If the file exists, it's overwritten.

Don't set this property when setting the Ensure property to Absent. If you do, the resource throws an invalid argument exception.

Type: System.String
Default Value: None


Specify the full path to a file for the process to read as its standard input stream. Relative paths aren't supported.

Don't set this property when setting the Ensure property to Absent or the Credential property to a local system account. If you do, the resource throws an invalid argument exception.

Type: System.String
Default Value: None


Specify the full path to a file for the process to write its standard output stream to. Relative paths aren't supported. If the file exists, it's overwritten.

Don't set this property when setting the Ensure property to Absent or the Credential property to a local system account. If you do, the resource throws an invalid argument exception.

Type: System.String
Default Value: None


Specify the full path to a folder for the process's working directory. Relative paths aren't supported.

Don't set this property when setting the Ensure property to Absent or the Credential property to a local system account. If you do, the resource throws an invalid argument exception.

Type: System.String
Default Value: None

Read-only properties


The number of handles opened by the process.

Type: System.Int32
Behavior: Read


The amount of nonpaged memory, in bytes, allocated for the process.

Type: System.UInt64
Behavior: Read


The amount of paged memory, in bytes, allocated for the process.

Type: System.UInt64
Behavior: Read


The number of instances of the given process that are running.

Type: System.Int32
Behavior: Read


The unique identifier of the process.

Type: System.Int32
Behavior: Read


The amount of virtual memory, in bytes, allocated for the process.

Type: System.UInt64
Behavior: Read
