
PSDscResources is the new home of the in-box resources from PSDesiredStateConfiguration. The resources in this module are maintained and supported by Microsoft.

These resources are a combination of those in the in-box PSDesiredStateConfiguration module as well as community contributions from our experimental xPSDesiredStateConfiguration module on GitHub. These resources have also recently been updated to meet the DSC Resource Kit High Quality Resource Module (HQRM) guidelines.

In-box resources not included in this module shouldn't be affected and can still load from the in-box PSDesiredStateConfiguration module.

Because PSDscResources overwrites in-box resources, it's only available for DSC 1.1 and PowerShell 5.1 or later. Several of the resource updates provided here are also included in the xPSDesiredStateConfiguration module, which is still compatible earlier versions (though this module isn't supported and may be removed in the future).

To update your in-box resources to the newest versions provided by PSDscResources, first install PSDscResources from the PowerShell Gallery:

Install-Module PSDscResources

Then, add this line to your DSC configuration:

Import-DscResource -ModuleName PSDscResources

This project has adopted the Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct. For more information see the Code of Conduct FAQ or contact [email protected] with any additional questions or comments.


  • Archive: Expand or remove the contents of an archive (.zip) file.
  • Environment: Manage an environment variable for a machine or process.
  • Group: Manage a local group.
  • GroupSet: Manage multiple Group resources with common settings.
  • MsiPackage: Install or uninstall an MSI package.
  • Registry: Manage a registry key or value.
  • Script: Run PowerShell script blocks.
  • Service: Manage a Windows service.
  • ServiceSet: Manage multiple services with common settings.
  • User: Manage a local user.
  • WindowsFeature: Install or uninstall a Windows role or feature.
  • WindowsFeatureSet: Manage multiple Windows roles or features with common settings.
  • WindowsOptionalFeature: Enable or disable an optional feature.
  • WindowsOptionalFeatureSet: Manage multiple optional features with common settings.
  • WindowsPackageCab: Install or uninstall a package from a Windows cabinet (.cab) file.
  • WindowsProcess: Start or stop a Windows process.
  • ProcessSet: Manage multiple Windows processes with common settings.

Resources that work on Nano Server

Resources that don't work in machine configuration

When using Azure machine configuration, don't use the following resources:

  • WindowsFeature
  • WindowsFeatureSet
  • WindowsOptionalFeature
  • WindowsOptionalFeatureSet
  • WindowsPackageCab

There's a limitation in machine configuration that prevents a DSC Resource from using any PowerShell cmdlets not included in PowerShell itself or in a module on the PowerShell Gallery. These DSC Resources use cmdlets from one or more Windows modules and won't work in machine configuration.