Apps and MSIX games acquisitions report

We made major updates to our acquisition metrics to enable you to better measure and analyze your core statistics. The available metrics are updated and expanded: for example, you can now view the number of devices that discover your app through different acquisition sources. By using these metrics in combination with a wider range of filters and breakdowns, you can make more information and data-driven decisions about your product's roadmap.

This tab of the article presents information about the MSIX report. For information about MSI or EXE, select the MSI or EXE tab.

Apply filters

Near the top of the page, you can select the time period for which you want to show data. The default selection is Last 1 month, but you can choose to show data for 3, 6, or 12 months, or for a custom data range that you specify.


As we're introducing new metrics, data in the new report will be available from August 1, 2023 onwards. To view historical data before 1 August, you can navigate to the old report by selecting older time range and clicking on 'Show old report' button from the information banner.

You can also expand Filters to filter all of the data on this page by market, device type, OS version and/or campaign ID:

  • Market: The default filter is All markets, but you can select one or more markets.
  • Device type: The default setting is All devices. If you want to show data for acquisitions from a certain device type only (such as PC, console, or tablet), you can choose a specific one here.
  • OS Version: The default setting is All OS Versions (Windows 10 and Windows 11), but you can select a specific one here.
  • Campaign Id: The default setting is all Campaign Ids created for your app. If you want to show data from a certain set of campaigns only, you can choose one or more campaign IDs.

The information in all of the listed charts reflects the date range and any filters you select. Some sections also enable you to apply extra filters.

  • Page Type: The default filter is All page types, but you can select from a certain page type: Product Display Page, or Mini-Product Display Page; (sometime referred to as Pdp or Mini-Pdp). The Product Display Page is shown to the user, and contains detailed description, screenshots, etc. The Mini-Product Display Page refers to the small dialog shown to user, which contains concise information like app icon, rating score; you can select More details to view the detailed Product Display Page.
  • Install Type: The default filter is All install types. If you want to show data for first time install(new installation) or reinstall, you can select a specific one here.
  • Package Version: The default filter is All install types, but you can select a certain version of app package for which you want to view data.

Source breakdown

You can also break down your data by different acquisition sources. By default, you can see data from All sources.

  • Microsoft Store on Windows: Unique devices who saw your product's store listing by browsing or searching on the Microsoft Store app.
  • Microsoft Store web: Unique devices who saw your app's Mini-Product Display Page by browsing or searching on Microsoft Store web page
  • External web url: Unique devices who installed your product from any Url on web without seeing your product listing in Store.
  • Custom campaign: Unique devices who visited your product's Product Display Page or Mini-Product Display Page listing on Microsoft Store app or Microsoft Store web from a custom campaign.
  • Bing web search: Unique devices who searched and installed your products from Bing web search.
  • Xbox app on Windows and Xbox: Unique devices who searched and installed your products from Xbox app on Windows or Xbox console.
  • Windows Start: Unique devices that installed your app from Windows Start. This breakdown is available only for Installs chart.
  • App restore: Unique devices that restored apps and from previous PC via the Welcome Back page in Windows Out Of Box Experience. This breakdown is available only for Installs chart.

Acquisition funnel

The Acquisition funnel shows how many devices completed each stage involved in your product's installation from Microsoft Store (including Xbox) from discovery, install attempts, acquisition (or purchase), successful installation to launches. This data can help you identify areas where you might want to invest more to increase your acquisitions, installs, or usage.

The steps in the funnel are:

  • Page views: This number represents the total devices that viewed your app's product listing page(Product Display Page) in Store app and Mini-Product Display Page via the web-based Store or external web page. It includes people who aren't signed in with a Microsoft account.
  • Install attempts: The number of total devices that attempted to install or purchase your app from Store after viewing your app's Product Display Page or Mini-Product Display Page. This is only available for MSIX apps.
  • Acquisitions: For new installs, you can view the number of devices who obtained a license to your app (when signed in with their Microsoft account) within 48 hours of viewing its Store listing.
  • Installs: The number of devices who successfully installed the app from Store via Product Display Page or Mini-Product Display Page after an install attempt. This doesn't include installs from Windows Start and App restore.
  • First time launches from Store: The number of devices who launched the app from Store after installing it. This is only available for MSIX apps.

In this chart, Source refers to the method by which a user arrived at your app's listing page. For example, a user can arrive at your app's listing page through the Microsoft Store on Windows, by browsing and searching, through a link from an external website, or by using a link from one of your custom campaigns. For more information about sources, see source breakdown details in this article.

You can optionally filter the results by Install type (new install or reinstall).

Page Views

The Page Views chart enables you to see how unique devices on Windows 10 and Windows 11 arrived at your app's listing per day over the selected period of time.

A page view means that a customer viewed your app's Store product listing page(Product Display Page) in Store app or Mini-Product Display Page via the web-based Store or external web page. You can optionally filter the page views by Product Display Page or Mini-Product Display Page. This includes views by users who aren't signed in with a Microsoft account.

In this chart, Source refers to the method in which a user arrived at your app's listing page. For example, a user can arrive at your app's listing page through the Microsoft Store on Windows, by browsing and searching, through a link from an external website, or by using a link from one of your custom campaigns. For more information about sources, see source breakdown details in this article.

Select the More details button to display a table that shows your app's data for the selected time period.


The Installs chart shows how many devices successfully installed your app on Windows 10 or Windows 11 devices (including Xbox One consoles) over the selected period of time. This includes installations that happen from Store, Windows Start or App restore.

The install total includes:

  • New Installs: For example, if your app was installed on a device for the first time.
  • Reinstalls: For example, if a device installs your app today, uninstalls your app tomorrow, and then reinstalls your app next month, that counts as two installs.

The install total doesn't include or reflect:

  • Installs on non-Windows 10 or Windows 11 devices. If your app supports earlier OS versions such as Windows 8.x or Windows Phone 8.x, we don't count any installs on those devices.

  • Uninstalls: When a customer uninstalls your app from their device, we don't subtract that from the total number of installs.

  • Updates: For example, if a customer installs your app today, and then installs an app update a week later, that only counts as one install.

  • Preinstalls: If a customer buys a device that has your app preinstalled, we don't count that as an install.

  • System-initiated installs: If Windows installs your app automatically for some reason, we don't count that as an install.

You can optionally filter the installs by a specific package version or install types (only for apps). You can also view installs by different sources (for example, through Microsoft Store on Windows by browsing and searching, a link from an external website, a link from one of your custom campaigns, etc.). For more information about sources, see to source breakdown details in this article.

Incomplete Installs

The Incomplete Installs chart shows the number of devices where installation was incomplete after an install attempt was made for the selected time period. This includes system failures (incl. network error) that happen during acquisition (purchase) or installation of an app. It also includes user-initiated actions like install paused, aborted, suppressed or in progress. You can use this data to understand the key reasons for drop in your acquisition funnel after an attempt was made to install your app. This is available only for MSIX apps.

Conversion (Installs by Page Views)

The Conversion chart lets you track conversions from Store (including Xbox), which shows how many devices installed your app after viewing the app listing page or Mini-Product Display Page in Microsoft Store(including Xbox) for the selected time period.

In this chart, Source refers to the method in which a user arrived at your app's listing page. For example, a user can arrive at your app's listing page through the Microsoft Store on Windows, by browsing and searching, through a link from an external website, or by using a link from one of your custom campaigns. For more information about sources, see source breakdown details in this article.

Select More details to see page views and installs from each source.

Campaign Conversion (Installs by Page views)

The Campaign conversion chart lets you track conversions from custom promotion campaigns, by calculating ratio of installs and page views from all of your custom promotion campaigns. To view the conversion from a specific campaign, you can select the campaign from the 'View by Campaign ID' dropdown. Select More details to see a tabular summary of page views, installs, and conversion from each custom promotion campaign for the time period that you select.


Customers could arrive at your app's listing by clicking on a custom campaign not created by you. We stamp every page view within a session with the campaign ID from which the customer first entered the Store. We then attribute conversions to that campaign ID for all acquisitions within 24 hours. Because of this, you may see a higher number of total conversions than the total conversions for your campaign IDs, and you may have conversions or add-on conversions that have zero page views.


The Acquisitions chart shows the number of daily or weekly acquisitions (a new customer obtaining a license for your app) over the selected period of time. (When you use Apply filters to show data for a longer duration, the acquisition data is grouped by week.) Only acquisitions made by customers who are signed in with a valid Microsoft account are included in this chart. This chart is available for paid MSIX apps or MSIX games and might not exactly match with Acquisition funnel as funnel shows data at device-level.

Gross Sales

Gross sales for your app are available in this chart, showing the total amount earned from app sales (in USD). This amount doesn't account for any refunds, reversals, chargeback, etc. and is only shown for paid products.