Auto attendant and call queue historical reports for GCC High and DoD


Public cloud support for the V1.xx templates ended on November 25, 2022.

Public cloud customers should use V3.x.x of Auto Attendant & Call Queue Historical Reports

V1.64 published on July 14, 2023

The Teams Auto Attendant & Call Queue Historical Report Power BI Template provides the following three reports:

  • The Auto Attendant report shows analytics for calls coming into your auto attendants.
  • The Call Queue report shows analytics for calls coming into your call queues.
  • The Agent Timeline report shows a timeline view of agents being active in call queue calls.

These reports use data from the Call Quality Dashboard (CQD) data store.

V1.64 Prerequisites

Power BI Desktop

You need to have Power BI Desktop installed. You can install and use the free version from the Microsoft Windows Store.

The minimum compatible version is 2.85.681.0 (September 2020).

Permissions to access the CQD pipeline

The account you use to view the historical report needs to have permissions to access the CQD data pipeline. For more information, see CQD access role.

V1.64 Installation

The following steps assume you've already installed Power BI Desktop on your computer and that your account has the necessary permissions to access the CQD data pipeline.

Perform the following steps:

  1. Download and save the CQD Power BI Query Templates zip file on your computer.

  2. Open the zip file.

  3. Navigate to the AACQ sub-folder

  4. Open the CQD Teams Auto Attendant & Call Queue Historical Report V1.64.pbit template file. Power BI Desktop should launch.

  5. You'll be prompted to select the CQD data pipeline region. Select the region where your tenant is located.

    Screenshot selecting the CQD data pipeline region.

    Public Cloud Customers (Not supported but will work):

  6. The region where your tenant is located can be obtained by using the Get-CsTenant cmdlet.


    The region will be displayed after the / as in the above example where the region is noam.

    GCC High and DoD Customers:

  7. Select the appropriate CQD data pipeline from the drop-down list:

    • GCCH:
    • DoD:
  8. The report will launch with sample data.

  9. To see your own data, select Refresh on the Home tab under Queries in Power BI Desktop.

    Screenshot selecting the refresh option.

  10. You'll be prompted to sign in. Select Organizational account, and then select Sign in.

    Screenshot showing login for V1.63.

  11. Select Connect, and the data will refresh.

Data latency for AA and CQ analytics

Data is typically available within 30 minutes of the call completing; however, there are occasions where it may take several hours for data to appear.

You'll have to refresh the data to see any new data.


You can customize certain visualization aspects of the reports, such as adding or removing fields to be shown in the various visualizations, changing chart type, and so on.

The report contains all the data metrics currently available.

Change color schema

The following steps assume you've already completed the installation steps.

Perform the following steps:

  1. Select View tab on the ribbon.

    Screenshot selecting view tab to change color scheme.

  2. Select the color schema from the drop-down list.

    Screenshot showing various color schemes.

Auto attendant and call queue historical reports definitions

Cloud Auto Attendant Analytics report

Report description

Report Section Description
Incoming Call Source1 Distribution of calls by Internal/External call source
Directory Search Method Distribution of calls by search type
Caller Action Count Distribution of calls by number action used during the call
Average Seconds in AA Average number of seconds callers spend in the AA
Average Caller Actions Average number of actions callers perform in the AA
Call Results Distribution of calls by final call state
Lower section of report Call flow breakdown

Report to CQD table and field mapping

Report Tab Report Table Name Source Table Name Global Filter
Auto Attendant fAutoAttendant AutoAttendant None
Report Section Field(s) Used Filters Applied
Date selector AAStartTime None
Time Range selector AAStartHour None
Auto Attendant AA Name None
Incoming Call Source1 Call Type
Sum of TotalCallCount (Measure)
External Calls: Call Type is External
Internal Calls: Call Type is Internal
Directory Search Method AADirectorySearchMethod
AADirectorySearchMethod is abs_search_dtmf or abs_search_name
Caller Action Count AACallerActionCount
Average Seconds in AA AAChainDuration (Measure) None
Average Caller Actions AACallerActionCount (Measure) None
Call Results AACallResult
Lower section of report AA Name
Call Type

fAutoAttendant CQD fields description

Name Data Type Description
AA Name Text Name of resource account attached to Auto Attendant

If the full Resource Account name is [email protected], then this value will be: aa_test
AACallerActionCount Whole number Summarize: Sum
Count of actions selected by caller in Auto Attendant during the call
AACallerActionCount (Measure) Whole number Same as above except will be 0 if no calls instead of blank
AACallFlow Text Encapsulates the different states of Auto Attendant Call--possible values:

§ abs_search
§ announcement
§ automatic_menu
§ call_termination
§ call_transfer
§ first_level_menu
§ main_menu
§ speech_input_confirmation
§ user_selection
AACallResult Text Final call result--possible values:

§ failed_to_establish_media (the media portion of the call couldn't be established)
§ failover_to_operator (call transferred to operator typically due to a system error)
§ oaa_chain_too_long (too many legs in the AA)
§ oaa_session_too_long (AA session has lasted too long)
§ service_declined (AA didn't accept the call)
§ service_terminated (AA configuration disconnects the call or call hung up)
§ terminated_automatic_selection (AA configuration disconnects the calls)
§ terminated_no_operator (call terminated due to error no operator defined)
§ terminated_transfer_failed (call terminated as transfer failed - typically to external number)
§ transfer_in_progress (AA->AA transfer)
§ transferred_to_operator (call was transferred to operator - typically due to user error)
§ transferred_to_receptionist (same as transferred_to_operator)
§ transferred_to_self (call was returned to the start of the AA - typically from a menu announcement option)
§ transferred_to_shared_voicemail (call was transferred to shared voicemail)
§ transferred_to_user (call was transferred to a user - includes call queues)
§ unknown (an unknown condition has occurred)
§ user_terminated (caller hung up)
AA Call Legend Text Sets up legend items based on AACallResult
AAChainDuration Decimal number Summarize: Sum
Duration of call in Auto Attendant
AAChainDuration (Measure) Decimal number Same as above except will be 0 if no calls instead of blank
AAChainIndex Text
AAConnectivityType Text Type of call--possible values:

§ ExternalCall
§ InternalCall
AACount Text Number of Auto Attendants involved in call
AADirectorySearchMethod Text Last address book search method--possible values:

§ abs_search_dtmf
§ abs_search_extension_x
§ abs_search_name
AAStartHour Decimal number Auto Attendant call start hour
AAStartTime Date/time Auto Attendant call start time
AATransferAction Text Call transfer target type--possible values:

§ application - voice application entity
§ external_pstn
§ hunt_group - Call Queue entity
§ orgaa - Auto Attendant entity
§ shared_voicemail
§ unknown
§ user
Call Type1 Text Type of call--possible values:

§ External
§ Internal
IsAAInvolved Text Always 1
MM-DD Text Auto Attendant call month-day
PSTNMinutes Whole number Summarize: Sum
Total minute usage
TotalCallCount Whole number Summarize: Sum
Always 1 - used to provide sum of all calls
Sum of TotalCallCount (Measure) Whole number Same as above except will be 0 if no calls instead of blank

Cloud Call Queue Analytics report

Report description

Report Section Description
Incoming Call Source1 Distribution of calls by Internal/External call source
Average Wait Time (seconds) Wait time for answered and abandoned calls
Call Volume and Agent Opt-in Count Distribution of calls by call queues / Maximum agent opt-in count
Call Results Distribution of calls by call result
Abandoned Calls Distribution of abandoned calls by call queues
Average Session Length (seconds) Call length in seconds grouped by call result
Call Overflow/Timeout Destinations Distribution of calls that timed out or overflowed

Report to CQD table and field mapping

Report Tab Report Table Name Source Table Name Global Filter
Call Queue fCallQueueAnalytics
Report Section Table -> Field(s) Used Filters Applied
Date selector fCallQueueAnalytics -> Date None
Time Range selector fCallQueueAnalytics -> CQHour None
Call Queue Resource Account fCallQueueAnalytics -> CQ Name None
Incoming call source1 fCallQueueAnalytics -> Sum of Call Count (Measure)
fCallQueueAnalytics -> Call Type
External Calls: Call Type is External
Internal Calls: Call Type is Internal
Avg Wait Time (seconds)-Before Answered fCallQueueFinalStateAction -> Avg of Average CQ Duration (Measure) Call Queue Call Result is agent_joined_conference or transferred_to_agent
Avg Wait Time (seconds)-Before Abandoned fCallQueueFinalStateAction -> Avg of Average Call Duration (Measure) Call Queue Call Result isn't agent_joined_conference, transferred_to_agent, overflown, timed_out
Call Volume and Agent Opt-In Count fCallQueueAnalytics -> Call Count
fCallQueueAnalytics -> Call Queue Agent Opt In Count
fCallQueueAnalytics -> CQ Name
fCallQueueAnalytics -> Date
Abandoned Calls fCallQueueAnalytics -> Date
fCallQueueAnalytics -> TotalCallCount
Call Queue Call Result Legend is Abandoned
Average Session Length (seconds) fCallQueueFinalStateAction -> Average Call Queue Duration (Sec)
Call Queue Call Result Legend
Average Call Queue Duration (Sec) > 0
Call Overflow/Timeout Destinations fCallQueueAnalytics -> Call Count
fCallQueueAnalytics -> Call Queue Target Type
fCallQueue Target Type Legend
Call Queue Target Type Legend doesn't contain Abandoned and Agent Answered

fCallQueueAnalytics CQD fields description

Name Data Type Description
Call Count Whole number Summarize: Sum
Number of calls
Call Queue Agent Count Whole number Summarize: Sum
Number of agents configured in the call queue
Call Queue Agent Opt In Count Whole number Summarize: Sum
Number of agents opted-in to the call queue
Call Queue Call Result Text Call queue call final state--possible values:

§ agent_joined_conference (answered conference mode calls)
§ declined
§ disconnected
§ error
§ failed
§ invalid
§ overflown (overflow condition met)
§ timed_out (timeout condition met)
§ transferred_to_agent (answered transfer mode calls {default})
Call Queue Call Result Legend Text Sets up legend items based on Call Queue Result
Call Queue Target Type Text Call redirection target type--possible values:

§ ApplicationEndpoint
§ Mailbox
§ Other
§ User
Call Queue Target Type Legend Text Sets up legend items based on Call Queue Target Type
Call Type1 Text Type of call--possible values:

§ External
§ Internal
CQ Name Text Name of resource account attached to Call Queue

If the full Resource Account name is [email protected], then this value will be: cq_test
CQ Hour Whole Number Call queue call start hour
Date Date/time Call queue call start date and time (hour)
DateTimeCQName Text Unique key for filtering on fCallQueueFinalStateAction
PSTN Connectivity Type Text Type of call--possible values:

§ ExternalCall
§ InternalCall
PSTN Total Minutes Whole number Summarize: Sum
Total minutes usage for PSTN calls
Sum of Call Count (Measure) Whole number Same as Call Count however will be 0 when no call
TotalCallCount (Measure) Whole Number Summarize: Sum
Call Count

fCallQueueFinalStateAction CQD fields description

Name Data Type Description
Average Call Duration (Seconds) Decimal number Summarize: Sum
Average call duration in seconds for abandoned calls
Average Call Queue Duration (Sec) Decimal number Summarize: Sum
Average waiting in seconds for answered calls
Avg of Average Call Duration (Measure) Whole number Same as Average Call Duration (Seconds) however will be 0 when no calls
Avg of Average CQ Duration (Measure) Whole number Same as Average Call Queue Duration (Sec) however will be 0 when no calls
Call Count Whole number Summarize: Sum
Number of calls
Call Queue Call Result Text Call queue call final state--possible values:

§ agent_joined_conference (answered conference mode calls)
§ declined
§ disconnected
§ error
§ failed
§ invalid
§ overflown (overflow condition met)
§ timed_out (timeout condition met)
§ transferred_to_agent (answered transfer mode calls {default}
Call Queue Call Result Legend Text Sets up legend items based on Call Queue Call Result
Call Queue Final State Action Text Call queue final action--possible values:

§ disconnect (timed_out calls)
§ disconnect_with_busy (overflown calls)
§ failed_to_accept_call
§ forward
§ shared_voicemail
§ other
§ voicemail
CQ Name Text Name of resource account attached to Call Queue

If the full Resource Account name is [email protected], then this value will be: cq_test
Date Date/time Call Queue call start date and time (hour)
DateTimeCQName Text Unique key for filtering on fCallQueueFinalStateAction
IsAbandoned True/false True if call isn't answered by an agent

Cloud Call Queue Agent Timeline report

Report description

Report Section Description
Number of Calls by Agent Distribution of calls by call queue and agent
Distribution by Agent and all Queue Distribution of calls by agent and call queue
Table (bottom right) Distribution of calls by agent with average and total call duration
Average Call Duration (seconds) by Agent Average duration (seconds) of call by agent

Report to CQD table and field mapping

Report Tab Report Table Name Source Table Name Global Filter
Agent Timeline fAgentTimelineAnalytics fAgentTimelineAnalytics None
Report Section Field(s) Used Filters Applied
Date selector DateTime None
Agent Username selector Agent Name None
Call Queue Resource Accounts selector CQ Name None
Number of Calls by Agent Agent Name
Call Count
Distribution by Agent and Call Queue Agent Name
Average Calls Duration (Seconds)
Call Count
CQ Name
Bottom Left Agent Name
Average Call Duration (Seconds)
Call Count
Call Duration (Minute)
CQ Name
Average Call Duration (Seconds) by Agent Agent Name
Average Call Duration (Seconds)

fAgentTimelineAnalytics CQD fields description

Name Data Type Description
Agent Name Text User UPN
If the full username is [email protected], then this value will be: user
Average Call Duration (Seconds) Decimal number Summarize: Sum
The average duration of answered call queue calls in seconds
Call Count Whole number Summarize: Sum
Number of calls answered by the agent
Call Duration (Minutes) Whole number Summarize: Sum
Total call duration of answered call queue calls in minutes (rounded down to nearest minute)
CQ Name Text Name of resource account attached to Call Queue

If the full Resource Account name is [email protected], then this value will be: cq_test
Date Date Date of call
DateTime DateTime Date of call
Hour Whole number Hour of call
MM-DD Text Month and day of call


When a call arrives at the first call queue, if the number of calls already waiting in that queue has reached the Call overflow handling limit and if the redirect option sends new calls to a second call queue, then the agents in the second call queue will be shown as being in the first call queue on this report.

Known issues

  • Auto attendant resource account IDs are being masked which prevents reporting by individual auto attendants. Support is investigating.

  • Call queue and auto attendants are shown by the resource account's ID instead of call queue/auto attendant names. To show all the traffic for an auto attendant or call queue, you must select all the resource accounts assigned to the auto attendant or call queue.

  • Only 28 days of history are available in the dashboard as call queue/auto attendant data is considered personal data and is subject to data privacy retention policies.

  • In some scenarios, the agent answered call count on the Cloud Call Queue Agent Timeline report may be different than the number of calls shown in the Teams client call history. The Teams client call history is correct. Support is investigating, but there's no estimated time to repair available at this time.

  • 1 Incoming call source in the auto attendant and call queue graphs show the final call leg source rather than the initial call leg source. For example, if an auto attendant receives an external call and transfers the call to another auto attendant or call queue, the Incoming call source will be reported as Internal.

Version 1.xx history

Refer to: CQD Teams Auto Attendant & Call Queue Historical Reports - Change Log.docx in the downloaded zip file for a detailed list of changes

Version Date Published Filename Description
1.64 July 14, 2023 CQD Teams Auto Attendant & Call Queue Historical Report V1.64.pbit Support for GCC High and DoD clouds
1.63 August 24, 2022 CQD Teams Auto Attendant & Call Queue Historical Report V1.63.pbit
1.60 July 22, 2022 CQD Teams Auto Attendant & Call Queue Historical Report V1.60.pbit
1.00 November 5, 2020 CQ and AA combined Analytics 20201105.pbit Initial release