Publish a Microsoft Edge extension

After you develop and test your Microsoft Edge extension, you're ready to distribute your extension. Use the Microsoft Edge Add-ons website to distribute your extension. To release your existing Chromium extension for Microsoft Edge users, see port your existing Chromium extension.

Publish your extension to the Microsoft Edge Add-ons website to increase its reach and make it available to other Microsoft Edge users. This article provides the process to submit your extension to the Microsoft Edge Add-ons website.

Prepare an extension to be submitted via Partner Center

To prepare an extension to be submitted via Partner Center, to be published at the Microsoft Edge Add-ons site, do the following steps.

Have a working prototype of your extension

Before publishing your extension, you should have a working prototype of your extension ready. For information on how to create an extension, see Extension concepts and architecture.

Create a developer account

To publish your extension to the Microsoft Edge Add-ons website, use your active developer account on Partner Center. If you don't have a developer account, create a new developer account. To open a new developer account and register to the Microsoft Edge Add-ons program, see Developer registration.

Create a zip file for your extension package

Create a zip file for your extension package. Your extension package must include the following files:

  • The extension manifest that specifies details such as the name of the extension, short description, permissions, and default language.

  • Images and other files required by your extension.

Review manifest field values

The following fields in the manifest are automatically included in your store listing details. The fields are read-only on the Store listings webpage. The store listings webpage is described later in this article.

Before uploading your package to Partner Center, make sure that the field values match your preferred display on the store details webpage, as follows.

In the manifest file, review these fields:

  • The Name field, which populates the Display name on the store details webpage.

  • The Description field, which populates the Short description on the store details webpage.

    Fill in the Description field, to explicitly provide a catchy description that will be displayed at the top of the listing for your extension.

    • If you include a short description in the extension manifest file, that short description is displayed in your store listing.

    • If you don't include a short description in the manifest file, the first few lines of the Description are displayed in your store listing. We recommend providing a short description, to avoid content repetition on your store listing webpage.

Submit your extension to the Microsoft Edge Add-ons website

After doing the above steps, the extension is ready to be submitted via Partner Center, to be published at the Microsoft Edge Add-ons site.

To submit your extension to Partner Center:

  1. Start a new submission.
  2. Upload the extension package.
  3. Provide Availability details.
  4. Select Properties for your extension.
  5. Add Store listing details for your extension.
  6. Complete your submission.

Details are below.

Step 1: Start a new submission

Go to the developer dashboard and then select Create new extension on the Overview webpage.

Step 2: Upload the extension package

  1. Go to the Packages webpage to upload the zip file of your extension package.

    You can only upload one package at a time. Your submission is blocked if the package upload isn't successful on the Packages webpage.

  2. To upload your package, drag and drop the zip file to the Drag your package here (.zip) section of the webpage. Or you can select Browse your files to open a dialog to select the package to upload.

    After your package is uploaded, it's validated. If there's a validation error, resolve the issue and try uploading your package again.

  3. When validation succeeds, review the extension details, and then select Continue to proceed.

Step 3: Provide Availability details

On the Availability webpage, enter the following information about the availability of your extension.


Select one of the following visibility options to define whether your extension is discoverable in the Microsoft Edge Add-ons website.

  • Public (default) - Allows everyone to discover your extension through search, browsing in the Microsoft Edge Add-ons website, or using the listing URL to your extension in the Microsoft Edge Add-ons website. The listing URL is available on your Partner Center dashboard on the Extension Overview webpage.

  • Hidden - Removes extensions from search results or browsing in the Microsoft Edge Add-ons website. To distribute hidden extensions in the Microsoft Edge Add-ons website, you must share the listing URL to the extension with your customers.

You can change the visibility of your extension from Public to Hidden. Users who installed your extension while the visibility was set to Public retain access to your extension and receive any updates you make available through the Microsoft Edge Add-ons website.


Define the specific markets in which you plan to offer your extension. The default setting for markets is all markets and that includes any future markets that are added later.

  1. To choose specific markets, select Change markets.

  2. Toggle individual markets to exclude each one or select Unselect all and then add individual markets of your choice.

    You can change the markets where your extension is offered. A user who installs your extension while it's available in the user's market retains access to your extension. However, the user doesn't have access to any future updates that are submitted to the Microsoft Edge Add-ons website.

  3. Click Save & Continue to continue to the Properties section.

Step 4: Select Properties for your extension

On the Properties webpage, enter the following information to specify properties of your extension. The properties are displayed to users at the Microsoft Edge Add-ons website.

Extension property name Description
Category (required) The category that best describes your extension. Listing your extension in the right category helps users find your extension easily and understand more about it.
Privacy policy requirements (required) Indicate if your extension accesses, collects, or transmits any personal information. Your extension might fail the certification step if you select Yes and you don't provide a Privacy policy URL.
Privacy policy URL A valid privacy policy URL to communicate how your extension follows privacy laws and regulations. You're responsible for ensuring your extension follows privacy laws and regulations. You're also responsible for providing a privacy policy URL if any personal information is being accessed, transmitted, or collected by your extension. To determine if your extension requires a privacy policy, see Microsoft Store App Developer Agreement and Developer policies for the Microsoft Edge Add-ons store.
Website URL A webpage that provides additional information about your extension. The Website URL must point to a webpage on your own website, not the web listing for your extension in the Microsoft Edge Add-ons website. The Website URL helps users learn more about your extension, its features, and any other relevant information.
Support contact details The URL to your support webpage, or the email address to contact your support team.
Mature content Checkbox to specify if your extension includes mature content. Extension rating helps determine the appropriate age group of the target audience of your extension. To help determine if your extension has mature content, see Developer policies for the Microsoft Edge Add-ons store.

Select Save & Continue to continue to the Store listings section.


Your developer/organization name, website URL, and support contact details that you submitted during registration are displayed to users on the Microsoft Edge Add-ons website.

Step 5: Add Store listing details for your extension

The information provided in the following section is displayed to users who review your listing on the Microsoft Edge Add-ons website. Even though some fields are optional, you should provide as much information as possible. To list your extension in the store, the following details are required.

  • Description for each language in your extension package. To support multiple languages, you can use the internationalization API (chrome.i18n).
  • Extension Store logo for each language in your extension package.


The minimum required store listing details must be filled-out for at least one of the languages mentioned in your extension zip package. To add or remove languages in your store listing on the Microsoft Edge Add-ons website, use the Add a language dropdown list on the Store listings webpage. Additionally, you can duplicate your assets from one language across others using the Duplicate functionality button on the Language details webpage.

Language details property name Description
Display name (required) The name of your extension specified in the manifest file of your extension. To change the store display name after submission, you can update the name in the manifest file, create a new extension package, and then reupload it.
Description (required) The description field focuses on explaining what your extension does, why users should install it, or other relevant information that users need to know. It should be less than 10,000 characters.
Extension Store logo (required) An image that represents your company or extension logo with an aspect ratio of 1, and recommended size of 300 x 300 pixels. Additionally, you can copy the asset from one language to all other languages using the Duplicate button. This button is found following the field after you upload your logo for the language.
Small promotional tile (optional) The Small promotional tile image is used to display your extension alongside other extensions in the store. The size of the image should be 440 x 280 pixels. Additionally, you can copy the asset from one language to all other languages using the Duplicate button. The button is found following the field after you upload a promotional tile for the language.
Large promotional tile (optional) Large promotion tiles are used in the store to feature extensions more prominently in the Microsoft Edge Add-ons website. The images, if submitted, are visible to the users. The size of the PNG files must be 1400 x 560 pixels. Additionally, you can copy the asset from one language to all other languages using the Duplicate button. The button is found following the field after you upload a promotional tile for the language.
Screenshots (optional) You can submit a maximum of 10 screenshots describing the functionality of your extension in detail. The size of the screenshots must be either 640 x 480 pixels or 1280 x 800 pixels. Additionally, you can copy the asset from one language to all other languages using the Duplicate button. The button is found following the field after you upload at least one for the language.
YouTube video URL (optional) You can include a promotional YouTube video of your extension. The YouTube video URL video is displayed on the store listing webpage of your extension.
Short description (required) To edit the short description, you must update the description field in your manifest file of your extension package and reupload it.
Search terms (optional) Search terms are single words or phrases that help discover your extension when a user searches in the Microsoft Edge Add-ons website. The search terms aren't displayed to users.

YouTube video URL requirements

Make sure your video meets the following requirements.

To submit the YouTube video URL of your video:

  1. On YouTube, locate the video that you want to add to your store listing webpage.

  2. Under the video, click the Share button, and then click the Copy button to copy the URL for the video.

  3. On the store listing details webpage, paste the URL in the YouTube video URL field.

Search terms requirements

Search terms must meet the following requirements:

  • You can enter search terms to use up to a maximum of 21 words. Whether used as single words, phrases, or a combination of both, you're only allowed a maximum of 21 words.

  • Up to a maximum of seven search terms (single word or phrases). Each search term has a character limit of 30 characters.

Step 6: Complete your submission

On the Submit your extension webpage, add notes for certification to help test your extension.

Notes for certification (optional)

When you submit your extension, use the Notes for certification webpage to provide additional information to the certification testers. The additional information helps ensure that your extension is tested correctly. If your extension isn't fully tested, it might fail certification.

Make sure you include the following information, as necessary:

  • Usernames and passwords for test accounts.

  • Steps to access hidden or locked features.

  • Expected differences in functionality based on region or other user settings.

  • If your submission is an update to an existing extension, include information about the changes made to the extension.

  • Any additional information that testers must understand about your submission.

After you provide the information, select Publish to submit your extension to the Microsoft Edge Add-ons website. Your submission proceeds to the certification step. The certification process can take up to seven business days after your submission.

After your submission passes certification, your extension is published in the Microsoft Edge Add-ons website. The status of your extension in the Partner Center dashboard changes to In the Store.

Support for issues

If you encounter any issues in the submission or registration process, file a support ticket on Extensions New Support Request or send an email to [email protected].