REST API Reference for updating Microsoft Edge Add-ons

This article is the REST endpoint reference for the Microsoft Edge Add-ons API. This API automates publishing updates to add-ons that have been submitted to the Microsoft Edge Add-ons store.

For an overview, see Using the REST API for updating Microsoft Edge Add-ons.

Versions of the Update REST API

As of September 6, 2024, both v1.1 and v1 of this Update REST API are supported. Later, v1 will no longer be supported. The date for ending v1 support is not yet finalized.

Upload a package to update an existing submission

Uploads a package to update an existing draft submission of an add-on product.

See also Uploading a package to update an existing submission in Using the REST API for updating Microsoft Edge Add-ons.


Method Request URI
POST /products/$productID/submissions/draft/package
URI parameters
URI parameter Description
$productID Required. The product ID of the product to which the package must be uploaded.
Request headers

The following request headers are required:

  • Authorization: ApiKey $ApiKey
  • X-ClientID: $ClientID
  • Content-Type: application/zip
Request body
  • <Zip package>


Response headers
  • Location: {operationID}

The response includes an operation ID, to send to other endpoints.

Status codes

This API has the following expected status codes.

HTTP status code Description
202 The request is accepted for processing, but the processing isn't complete.
4XX See Error codes, below.
5XX See Error codes, below.

See also:

Check the status of a package upload

Gets the status of the package upload.

See also Checking the status of a package upload in Using the REST API for updating Microsoft Edge Add-ons.


Method Request URI
GET /products/$productID/submissions/draft/package/operations/$operationID
URI parameters
URI parameter Description
$operationID Required. The operation ID of the upload request submitted in the previous step. This information is available in the response header.
Request headers

The following request headers are required:

  • Authorization: ApiKey $ApiKey
  • X-ClientID: $ClientID
Request body



There are several responses, for different scenarios.

Response when the operation is still in progress
    "id": "{operationID}",
    "createdTime": "Date Time",
    "lastUpdatedTime": "Date Time",
    "status": "InProgress",
    "message": null,
    "errorCode": null,
    "errors": null
Response when the operation succeeds
    "id": "{operationID}",
    "createdTime": "Date Time",
    "lastUpdatedTime": "Date Time",
    "status": "Succeeded",
    "message": "Successfully updated package to {fileName}.zip",
    "errorCode": "",
    "errors": null
Response when the operation fails with errors
    "id": "{operationID}",
    "createdTime": "Date Time",
    "lastUpdatedTime": "Date Time",
    "status": "Failed",
    "message": "Error Message.",
    "errorCode": "Error Code",
    "errors": ["list of errors"]
Response headers


Status codes

This API has the following expected status codes.

HTTP status code Description
200 The request is OK.
4XX See Error codes, below.
5XX See Error codes, below.

See also:

Publish the product draft submission

Publishes the current draft of the product to Microsoft Edge Add-ons.

See also Publishing the submission in Using the REST API for updating Microsoft Edge Add-ons.


Method Request URI
POST /products/$productID/submissions
URI parameters
URI parameter Description
$productID Required. The product ID of the product whose draft must be published.
Request headers

The following request headers are required:

  • Authorization: ApiKey $ApiKey
  • X-ClientID: $ClientID
Request body

<Notes for certification>, in plain text format.


Response headers
  • Location: {operationID}

The response includes an operation ID, to send to other endpoints.

Status codes

This API has the following expected status codes.

HTTP status code Description
202 The request is accepted for processing, but the processing isn't complete.
4XX See Error codes, below.
5XX See Error codes, below.

See also:

Check the publishing status

Checks the status of the publish operation.

See also Checking the publishing status in Using the REST API for updating Microsoft Edge Add-ons.


Method Request URI
GET /products/$productID/submissions/operations/$operationID
URI parameters


Request headers

The following request headers are required:

  • Authorization: ApiKey $ApiKey
  • X-ClientID: $ClientID
Request body



A GET operation status API can be called in the following scenarios. In all valid scenarios, 200 OK is returned, with different status messages.

The response includes an operation ID, to send to other endpoints.

Response when a new product is published
    "id": "{operationID}",
    "createdTime": "Date Time",
    "lastUpdatedTime": " Date Time ",
    "status": "Failed",
    "message": "Can't create new extension.",
    "errorCode": "CreateNotAllowed",
    "errors": null
Response when there's nothing new to be published
    "id": "{operationID}",
    "createdTime": "Date Time",
    "lastUpdatedTime": " Date Time ",
    "status": "Failed",
    "message": "Can't publish extension since there are no updates, please try again after updating the package.",
    "errorCode": "NoModulesUpdated",
    "errors": null
Response when there's an in-review submission for the same product
    "id": "{operationID}",
    "createdTime": "Date Time",
    "lastUpdatedTime": " Date Time ",
    "status": "Failed",
    "message": "Can't publish extension as your extension submission is in progress. Please try again later.",
    "errorCode": "InProgressSubmission",
    "errors": null    
Response when there's an ongoing unpublished submission for the same product
    "id": "{operationID}",
    "createdTime": "Date Time",
    "lastUpdatedTime": " Date Time ",
    "status": "Failed",
    "message": "Can't publish extension as your extension is being unpublished. Please try after you've unpublished.",
    "errorCode": "UnpublishInProgress",
    "errors": null    
Response where any of the modules are invalid
    "id": "{operationID}",
    "createdTime": "Date Time",
    "lastUpdatedTime": " Date Time ",
    "status": "Failed",
    "message": "Can't publish extension as your extension has modules that are not valid. Fix the modules with errors and try to publish again.",
    "errorCode": "ModuleStateUnPublishable",
    "errors": [
            "message": "Invalid module : <Modules>"
Response when there are validation errors in submission
    "id": "{operationID}",
    "createdTime": "Date Time",
    "lastUpdatedTime": " Date Time ",
    "status": "Failed",
    "message": "Extension can't be published as there are submission validation failures. Fix these errors and try again later.",
    "errorCode": "SubmissionValidationError",
    "errors": ["{list of errors}"]
Response when the publish call succeeds
    "id": "{operationID}",
    "createdTime": "Date Time",
    "lastUpdatedTime": "Date Time",
    "status": "Succeeded",
    "message": "Successfully created submission with ID {submission.Id}",
    "errorCode": "",
    "errors": null
Response when the publish call fails with an irrecoverable failure
    "id": "{operationID}",
    "createdTime": "Date Time",
    "lastUpdatedTime": " Date Time ",
    "status": "Failed",
    "message": "An error occurred while performing the operation",
    "errorCode": null,
    "errors": null
Response when the publish call fails with an unexpected failure
    "id": "{operationID}",
    "message": "An error occurred while processing the request. Please contact support Correlation ID: {operationID} Timestamp: {timeStamp}",
Response headers


Status codes

This API has the following expected status codes.

HTTP status code Description
200 The request is OK.
4XX See Error codes, below.
5XX See Error codes, below.

See also:

Error codes

Here's a list of common error codes and possible reasons. For a full list, see Partner Center REST error codes or List of HTTP status codes.

4xx: Client error

Message Description Example scenario
400 Bad Request The server didn't understand the request. There's no package (zip file) in the body. Or, Content-Type header is missing or its value is incorrect.
401 Unauthorized The request page needs an authorization. The auth token is missing, expired, or not valid.
404 Not Found The server can't find the requested page. The specified product ID or operation ID doesn't have a valid GUID, isn't valid, or doesn't belong to the developer who is making the request.
408 Request Timeout The request took longer than the server was prepared to wait. There was a timeout while uploading a package.
429 Too many requests Too many requests were sent by the user. Too many requests were sent and they got throttled.

5xx: Server error

Message Description Example scenario
500 Internal Server Error The request wasn't completed. The server met an unexpected condition.

See also