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List of CDR tables in Lync Server 2013


Topic Last Modified: 2012-10-18

The call detail recording (CDR) database schema consists of the following tables.

Static Tables

Table Description

CallPriorities table in Lync Server 2013

Stores the list of possible call priorities, such as emergency, urgent, normal, non-urgent, and more.

ConferenceJoinTimeThresholds table in Lync Server 2013

Stores the classification boundaries used by the Conference Join Time Summary Report.

DeRegisterType table in Lync Server 2013

Stores the list of possible user de-register reasons, such as "client initiated," "registration expired," "client crash," and more.

MediaList table in Lync Server 2013

Stores the list of media types that can generate entries in the database (for example, IM, audio, video, and file transfer).

PurgeSettings table in Lync Server 2013

Stores information that specifies if (and when) outdated call detail records will automatically be deleted from the CDR database.

Roles table in Lync Server 2013

Stores the list of possible conference roles (for example, attendee and presenter).

SIPResponseMetaData table in Lync Server 2013

Stores a list of SIP response codes and the classification and definition of each of those codes.

Supporting Tables

Table Description

ClientVersions table in Lync Server 2013

Stores the clients (both client type and version number) of each client involved in a call with information captured in this database.

ConferenceUris table in Lync Server 2013

Stores a list of ConferenceURIs that are used in conference related calls.

ContentTypes table in Lync Server 2013

Stores a list of Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) content types that are used in both peer-to-peer calls and conference calls.

Devices table in Lync Server 2013

Stores a list of devices, including their manufacturer, hardware version, and MAC address.

Dialogs table in Lync Server 2013

Stores information about the Dialog ID for each session in the database.

EdgeServers table in Lync Server 2013

Stores a list of Edge Servers that are used for external calls.

Gateways table in Lync Server 2013

Stores a list of Gateways that are used for Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) calls.

HardwareVersions table in Lync Server 2013

Stores a list of hardware versions of devices (desk phone).

Manufacturers table in Lync Server 2013

Stores a list of manufacturers of devices (desk phone).

Mcus table in Lync Server 2013

Stores information about the various A/V Conferencing Servers and their URIs.

MediationServers table in Lync Server 2013

Stores a list of Mediation Servers that are used for VoIP calls.

Phones table in Lync Server 2013

Stores all the phone numbers used in VoIP calls that were archived or whose call details were recorded.

Pools table in Lync Server 2013

Stores the names of the pool on which IM messages are captured.

Servers table in Lync Server 2013

Stores the name of servers involved in calls.

Tenants table in Lync Server 2013

Stores the tenants supported by current deployment. There some build-in tenants for Enterprise user, Federated User, public IM connectivity user, and Anonymous users.

UserAgentDef table in Lync Server 2013

Maps user agent identifiers to the agent’s descriptive names.

Users table in Lync Server 2013

Stores the user URIs of users who have participated in sessions recorded or archived in this database.

UserStatistics table in Lync Server 2013

Stores information about an individual user’s usage of the system.

Tables Specific to Conference CDR Records

Table Description

Conferences table in Lync Server 2013

Stores information about all conferences that were archived or whose details were recorded, including ConferenceURI, and start and end time.

ConferenceSessionDetails table in Lync Server 2013

Stores information about every SIP-based conference session, including start and end time, user ID, response code, and diagnostic ID for each session.

FocusJoinsAndLeaves table in Lync Server 2013

Stores information about conference joins and leaves, including users’ role and client version.

McuJoinsAndLeaves table in Lync Server 2013

Stores information about the A/V Conferencing Servers that are involved in a conference and the user join and leave times.

Tables for Messages in IM Conferences

Table Description

ConferenceMessageCount table in Lync Server 2013

For each IM conference, stores the number of messages that were sent by each user.

IMReportSummary table in Lync Server 2013

Provides an overall report on the instant messaging sessions held in an organization.

Tables for Peer-to-Peer Sessions

Table Description

SessionDetails table in Lync Server 2013

Stores information about every peer-to-peer session, including start and end time, user ID, response code, and message count for each user.

FileTransfers table in Lync Server 2013

Stores information about file transfer sessions, including file name and result (accepted, rejected, or canceled).

Media table in Lync Server 2013

Stores information about the different media types involved in peer-to-peer sessions.

Table for VoIP Call Details

Table Description

VoipDetails table in Lync Server 2013

For each two-party VoIP/PSTN call, stores information about the call, such as the phone ID of VoIP phone, gateway used, and which party disconnected. Refers to the SessionDetails table in Lync Server 2013 for call start/end times and response code.


If one party on a call is a VoIP user or if a Mediation Server was involved in the call, a record will be created in this table. Information about VoIP/VoIP calls not involving a public switched telephone network (PSTN) phone is captured in the SessionDetails table in Lync Server 2013.

Table for E9-1-1 Call Auditing

Table Description

Locations table in Lync Server 2013

For each emergency call, such as an Enhanced 9-1-1 (E9-1-1) call, stores location information about the call. Refers to the SessionDetails table in Lync Server 2013 for call start/end times and response code.


This table only contains the location blob for the E9-1-1 call. Refers to the SessionDetails table for other detailed information about the call.

Tables for Troubleshooting

Table Description

Application table in Lync Server 2013

Stores information about various processes within Lync Server 2013 that are involved in routing and connections.

CallType table in Lync Server 2013

Stores information about types of the call, such as, “audio”, “Instant Messaging”, “audio and video” and “application sharing”.

ErrorCategory table in Lync Server 2013

Stores the friendly name for each Microsoft Lync Server 2013 diagnostic classification.

ErrorDef table in Lync Server 2013

Stores information about types of errors and their definitions.

ErrorReport table in Lync Server 2013

Stores information about errors that have occurred.

ProgressReport table in Lync Server 2013

Stores information about the progress reports of various steps involved in Lync Server 2013 processes.

The tables in the following list are used internally by Lync Server. Their details are not described in this document.

Tables for Internal Use by Lync Server

Table Description


For internal use only.


For internal use only.


For internal use only.

FrontEnd Table

For internal use only.

MSMQProcessing Table

For internal use only.


For internal use only.

Syndicators Table

For internal use only.

SyndicatorsTenantMap Table

For internal use only.

Task Table

For internal use only.


For internal use only.


For internal use only.


For internal use only.


For internal use only.


For internal use only.


For internal use only.


For internal use only.


For internal use only.


For internal use only.


For internal use only.