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Failing back the Edge pool used for Lync Server federation or XMPP federation in Lync Server 2013


Topic Last Modified: 2012-11-01

After a failed Edge pool that used to host federation has been brought back online, use this procedure to fail back the Lync Server federation route and/or the XMPP federation route to again use this restored Edge pool.

Failing Back Federation to a Restored Edge Pool

  1. On the Edge pool that is now available again, start the Edge Services.

  2. If you want to fail back the Lync Server federation route to use the restored Edge Server, do the following:

    • On a Front End server, open Topology Builder. Expand Edge pools, then right click the Edge server or Edge server pool that is currently configured for Federation. Select Edit properties.

    • In Edit Properties under General, clear Enable federation for this Edge pool (Port 5061). Click OK.

    • Expand Edge pools, then right click the original Edge server or Edge server pool that you again want to use for Federation. Select Edit properties.

    • In Edit Properties under General, select Enable federation for this Edge pool (Port 5061). Click OK.

    • Click Action, select Topology, select Publish. When prompted on Publish the topology, click Next. When the Publish is finished, click Finish.

    • On the Edge server, open the Lync Server Deployment wizard. Click Install or Update Lync Server System, then click Setup or Remove Lync Server Components. Click Run Again.

    • At Setup Lync Server components, click Next. The summary screen will show actions as they are executed. Once the deployment is done, click View Log to view available log files. Click Finish to complete the deployment.

  3. If you want to fail back the XMPP federation route to use the restored Edge Server, do the following:

    • Run the following cmdlet to repoint the XMPP federation route to the Edge pool which will now host XMPP federation (in this example, EdgeServer1):

      Set-CsSite Site1 -XmppExternalFederationRoute

      In this example, Site1 is the site containing the Edge pool which will now host the XMPP federation route, and is the FQDN of an Edge Server in that pool.

    • If you do not already have a DNS SRV record for XMPP federation which resolves to the Edge pool which will now host XMPP federation, you must add it, as in the following example. This SRV record must have a port value of 5269.
    • On the external DNS server, change the DNS A record for XMPP federation to point to

    • Verify that the Edge pool which will now host XMPP federation has port 5269 open externally.

  4. If the Front End pools remained running in the site containing the Edge pool that failed and has been restored, you should update the Web Conferencing Service and A/V Conferencing Service on these Front End pools to again use the Edge pools at their local site. For more information, see Changing the Edge pool associated with a Front End pool in Lync Server 2013.

  5. If the Front End pool at the same site as the failed Edge pool also failed, you can now use Invoke–CsPoolFailback to fail back the Front End pool.