@azure/eventgrid package
AzureKeyCredential |
A static-key-based credential that supports updating the underlying key value. |
AzureSASCredential |
A static-signature-based credential that supports updating the underlying signature value. |
EventGridDeserializer |
EventGridDeserializer is used to aid in processing events delivered by EventGrid. It can deserialize a JSON encoded payload
of either a single event or batch of events as well as be used to convert the result of Unlike normal JSON deseralization, EventGridDeserializer does some additional conversions:
EventGridPublisherClient |
Client class for publishing events to the Event Grid Service. |
AcsChatEventBase |
Schema of common properties of all chat events |
AcsChatEventInThreadBase |
Schema of common properties of all thread-level chat events |
AcsChatMessageDeletedEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Communication.ChatMessageDeleted event. |
AcsChatMessageDeletedInThreadEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Communication.ChatMessageDeletedInThread event. |
AcsChatMessageEditedEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Communication.ChatMessageEdited event. |
AcsChatMessageEditedInThreadEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Communication.ChatMessageEditedInThread event. |
AcsChatMessageEventBase |
Schema of common properties of all chat message events |
AcsChatMessageEventInThreadBase |
Schema of common properties of all thread-level chat message events |
AcsChatMessageReceivedEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Communication.ChatMessageReceived event. |
AcsChatMessageReceivedInThreadEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Communication.ChatMessageReceivedInThread event. |
AcsChatParticipantAddedToThreadEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Communication.ChatThreadParticipantAdded event. |
AcsChatParticipantAddedToThreadWithUserEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Communication.ChatParticipantAddedToThreadWithUser event. |
AcsChatParticipantRemovedFromThreadEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Communication.ChatThreadParticipantRemoved event. |
AcsChatParticipantRemovedFromThreadWithUserEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Communication.ChatParticipantRemovedFromThreadWithUser event. |
AcsChatThreadCreatedEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Communication.ChatThreadCreated event. |
AcsChatThreadCreatedWithUserEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Communication.ChatThreadCreatedWithUser event. |
AcsChatThreadDeletedEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Communication.ChatThreadDeleted event. |
AcsChatThreadEventBase |
Schema of common properties of all chat thread events |
AcsChatThreadEventInThreadBase |
Schema of common properties of all chat thread events |
AcsChatThreadParticipant |
Schema of the chat thread participant |
AcsChatThreadPropertiesUpdatedEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Communication.ChatThreadPropertiesUpdated event. |
AcsChatThreadPropertiesUpdatedPerUserEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Communication.ChatThreadPropertiesUpdatedPerUser event. |
AcsChatThreadWithUserDeletedEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Communication.ChatThreadWithUserDeleted event. |
AcsEmailDeliveryReportReceivedEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Communication.EmailDeliveryReportReceived event. |
AcsEmailDeliveryReportStatusDetails |
Detailed information about the status if any |
AcsEmailEngagementTrackingReportReceivedEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Communication.EmailEngagementTrackingReportReceived event. |
AcsIncomingCallCustomContext |
Custom Context of Incoming Call |
AcsIncomingCallEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for an Microsoft.Communication.IncomingCall event |
AcsMessageButtonContent |
Message Button Content |
AcsMessageChannelEventError |
Message Channel Event Error |
AcsMessageContext |
Message Context |
AcsMessageDeliveryStatusUpdatedEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Communication.AdvancedMessageDeliveryStatusUpdated event. |
AcsMessageEventData |
Schema of common properties of all chat thread events |
AcsMessageInteractiveButtonReplyContent |
Message Interactive button reply content for a user to business message |
AcsMessageInteractiveContent |
Message Interactive Content |
AcsMessageInteractiveListReplyContent |
Message Interactive list reply content for a user to business message |
AcsMessageMediaContent |
Message Media Content |
AcsMessageReactionContent |
Message Reaction Content |
AcsMessageReceivedEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Communication.AdvancedMessageReceived event. |
AcsRecordingChunkInfo |
Schema for all properties of Recording Chunk Information. |
AcsRecordingFileStatusUpdatedEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Communication.RecordingFileStatusUpdated event. |
AcsRecordingStorageInfo |
Schema for all properties of Recording Storage Information. |
AcsRouterChannelConfiguration |
Router Channel Configuration |
AcsRouterCommunicationError |
Router Communication Error |
AcsRouterEventData |
Schema of common properties of all Router events |
AcsRouterJobCancelledEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Communication.RouterJobCancelled event |
AcsRouterJobClassificationFailedEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Communication.RouterJobClassificationFailed event |
AcsRouterJobClassifiedEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Communication.RouterJobClassified event |
AcsRouterJobClosedEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Communication.RouterJobClosed event |
AcsRouterJobCompletedEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Communication.RouterJobCompleted event |
AcsRouterJobDeletedEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Communication.RouterJobDeleted event |
AcsRouterJobEventData |
Schema of common properties of all Router Job events |
AcsRouterJobExceptionTriggeredEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Communication.RouterJobExceptionTriggered event |
AcsRouterJobQueuedEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Communication.RouterJobQueued event |
AcsRouterJobReceivedEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Communication.RouterJobReceived event |
AcsRouterJobSchedulingFailedEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Communication.RouterJobSchedulingFailed event |
AcsRouterJobUnassignedEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Communication.RouterJobUnassigned event |
AcsRouterJobWaitingForActivationEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Communication.RouterJobWaitingForActivation event |
AcsRouterJobWorkerSelectorsExpiredEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Communication.RouterJobWorkerSelectorsExpired event |
AcsRouterQueueDetails |
Router Queue Details |
AcsRouterWorkerDeletedEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Communication.RouterWorkerDeleted event |
AcsRouterWorkerDeregisteredEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Communication.RouterWorkerDeregistered event |
AcsRouterWorkerEventData |
Schema of common properties of all Router Worker events |
AcsRouterWorkerOfferAcceptedEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Communication.RouterWorkerOfferAccepted event |
AcsRouterWorkerOfferDeclinedEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Communication.RouterWorkerOfferDeclined event |
AcsRouterWorkerOfferExpiredEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Communication.RouterWorkerOfferExpired event |
AcsRouterWorkerOfferIssuedEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Communication.RouterWorkerOfferIssued event |
AcsRouterWorkerOfferRevokedEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Communication.RouterWorkerOfferRevoked event |
AcsRouterWorkerRegisteredEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Communication.RouterWorkerRegistered event |
AcsRouterWorkerSelector |
Router Job Worker Selector |
AcsRouterWorkerUpdatedEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Communication.RouterWorkerUpdated event |
AcsSmsDeliveryAttempt |
Schema for details of a delivery attempt |
AcsSmsDeliveryReportReceivedEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Communication.SMSDeliveryReportReceived event. |
AcsSmsEventBase |
Schema of common properties of all SMS events |
AcsSmsReceivedEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Communication.SMSReceived event. |
AcsUserDisconnectedEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for an Microsoft.Communication.UserDisconnected event. |
ApiCenterApiDefinitionAddedEventData |
Schema of the data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.ApiCenter.ApiDefinitionAdded event. |
ApiCenterApiDefinitionUpdatedEventData |
Schema of the data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.ApiCenter.ApiDefinitionUpdated event. |
ApiCenterApiSpecification |
API specification details. |
ApiManagementApiCreatedEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.ApiManagement.APICreated event. |
ApiManagementApiDeletedEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.ApiManagement.APIDeleted event. |
ApiManagementApiReleaseCreatedEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.ApiManagement.APIReleaseCreated event. |
ApiManagementApiReleaseDeletedEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.ApiManagement.APIReleaseDeleted event. |
ApiManagementApiReleaseUpdatedEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.ApiManagement.APIReleaseUpdated event. |
ApiManagementApiUpdatedEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.ApiManagement.APIUpdated event. |
ApiManagementGatewayApiAddedEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.ApiManagement.GatewayAPIAdded event. |
ApiManagementGatewayApiRemovedEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.ApiManagement.GatewayAPIRemoved event. |
ApiManagementGatewayCertificateAuthorityCreatedEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.ApiManagement.GatewayCertificateAuthorityCreated event. |
ApiManagementGatewayCertificateAuthorityDeletedEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.ApiManagement.GatewayCertificateAuthorityDeleted event. |
ApiManagementGatewayCertificateAuthorityUpdatedEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.ApiManagement.GatewayCertificateAuthorityUpdated event. |
ApiManagementGatewayCreatedEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.ApiManagement.GatewayCreated event. |
ApiManagementGatewayDeletedEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.ApiManagement.GatewayDeleted event. |
ApiManagementGatewayHostnameConfigurationCreatedEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.ApiManagement.GatewayHostnameConfigurationCreated event. |
ApiManagementGatewayHostnameConfigurationDeletedEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.ApiManagement.GatewayHostnameConfigurationDeleted event. |
ApiManagementGatewayHostnameConfigurationUpdatedEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.ApiManagement.GatewayHostnameConfigurationUpdated event. |
ApiManagementGatewayUpdatedEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.ApiManagement.GatewayUpdated event. |
ApiManagementProductCreatedEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.ApiManagement.ProductCreated event. |
ApiManagementProductDeletedEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.ApiManagement.ProductDeleted event. |
ApiManagementProductUpdatedEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.ApiManagement.ProductUpdated event. |
ApiManagementSubscriptionCreatedEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.ApiManagement.SubscriptionCreated event. |
ApiManagementSubscriptionDeletedEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.ApiManagement.SubscriptionDeleted event. |
ApiManagementSubscriptionUpdatedEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.ApiManagement.SubscriptionUpdated event. |
ApiManagementUserCreatedEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.ApiManagement.UserCreated event. |
ApiManagementUserDeletedEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.ApiManagement.UserDeleted event. |
ApiManagementUserUpdatedEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.ApiManagement.UserUpdated event. |
AppConfigurationKeyValueDeletedEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.AppConfiguration.KeyValueDeleted event. |
AppConfigurationKeyValueModifiedEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.AppConfiguration.KeyValueModified event. |
AppConfigurationSnapshotCreatedEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.AppConfiguration.SnapshotCreated event. |
AppConfigurationSnapshotEventData |
Schema of common properties of snapshot events |
AppConfigurationSnapshotModifiedEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.AppConfiguration.SnapshotModified event. |
AppEventTypeDetail |
Detail of action on the app. |
AppServicePlanEventTypeDetail |
Detail of action on the app service plan. |
AvsClusterCreatedEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.AVS.ClusterCreated event. |
AvsClusterDeletedEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.AVS.ClusterDeleted event. |
AvsClusterEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for Microsoft.AVS/clusters events. |
AvsClusterFailedEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.AVS.ClusterFailed event. |
AvsClusterUpdatedEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.AVS.ClusterUpdated event. |
AvsClusterUpdatingEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.AVS.ClusterUpdating event. |
AvsPrivateCloudEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for Microsoft.AVS/privateClouds events. |
AvsPrivateCloudFailedEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.AVS.PrivateCloudFailed event. |
AvsPrivateCloudUpdatedEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.AVS.PrivateCloudUpdated event. |
AvsPrivateCloudUpdatingEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.AVS.PrivateCloudUpdating event. |
AvsScriptExecutionCancelledEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.AVS.ScriptExecutionCancelled event. |
AvsScriptExecutionEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for Microsoft.AVS/scriptExecutions events. |
AvsScriptExecutionFailedEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.AVS.ScriptExecutionFailed event. |
AvsScriptExecutionFinishedEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.AVS.ScriptExecutionFinished event. |
AvsScriptExecutionStartedEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.AVS.ScriptExecutionStarted event. |
CloudEvent |
An event in the Cloud Event 1.0 schema. |
CloudEventSendOptions |
Options for the send events operation, when the input schema is cloud event. |
CommunicationIdentifierModel |
Identifies a participant in Azure Communication services. A participant is, for example, a phone number or an Azure communication user. This model is polymorphic: Apart from kind and rawId, at most one further property may be set which must match the kind enum value. |
CommunicationUserIdentifierModel |
A user that got created with an Azure Communication Services resource. |
ContainerRegistryArtifactEventData |
The content of the event request message. |
ContainerRegistryArtifactEventTarget |
The target of the event. |
ContainerRegistryChartDeletedEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.ContainerRegistry.ChartDeleted event. |
ContainerRegistryChartPushedEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.ContainerRegistry.ChartPushed event. |
ContainerRegistryEventActor |
The agent that initiated the event. For most situations, this could be from the authorization context of the request. |
ContainerRegistryEventConnectedRegistry |
The connected registry information if the event is generated by a connected registry. |
ContainerRegistryEventData |
The content of the event request message. |
ContainerRegistryEventRequest |
The request that generated the event. |
ContainerRegistryEventSource |
The registry node that generated the event. Put differently, while the actor initiates the event, the source generates it. |
ContainerRegistryEventTarget |
The target of the event. |
ContainerRegistryImageDeletedEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.ContainerRegistry.ImageDeleted event. |
ContainerRegistryImagePushedEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.ContainerRegistry.ImagePushed event. |
ContainerServiceClusterSupportEndedEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.ContainerService.ClusterSupportEnded event |
ContainerServiceClusterSupportEndingEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.ContainerService.ClusterSupportEnding event |
ContainerServiceClusterSupportEventData |
Schema of common properties of cluster support events |
ContainerServiceNewKubernetesVersionAvailableEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.ContainerService.NewKubernetesVersionAvailable event |
ContainerServiceNodePoolRollingEventData |
Schema of common properties of node pool rolling events |
ContainerServiceNodePoolRollingFailedEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.ContainerService.NodePoolRollingFailed event |
ContainerServiceNodePoolRollingStartedEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.ContainerService.NodePoolRollingStarted event |
ContainerServiceNodePoolRollingSucceededEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.ContainerService.NodePoolRollingSucceeded event |
DataBoxCopyCompletedEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.DataBox.CopyCompleted event. |
DataBoxCopyStartedEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.DataBox.CopyStarted event. |
DataBoxOrderCompletedEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.DataBox.OrderCompleted event. |
DeviceConnectionStateEvent |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a device connection state event (DeviceConnected, DeviceDisconnected). |
DeviceConnectionStateEventInfo |
Information about the device connection state event. |
DeviceLifeCycleEvent |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a device life cycle event (DeviceCreated, DeviceDeleted). |
DeviceTelemetryEvent |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a device telemetry event (DeviceTelemetry). |
DeviceTwin |
A portion of the properties that can be written only by the application back-end, and read by the device. |
DeviceTwinInfo |
Information about the device twin, which is the cloud representation of application device metadata. |
DeviceTwinInfoProperties |
Properties JSON element. |
DeviceTwinInfoX509Thumbprint |
The thumbprint is a unique value for the x509 certificate, commonly used to find a particular certificate in a certificate store. The thumbprint is dynamically generated using the SHA1 algorithm, and does not physically exist in the certificate. |
DeviceTwinMetadata |
Metadata information for the properties JSON document. |
EventGridEvent |
An event in the in the Event Grid Schema. |
EventGridMqttClientCreatedOrUpdatedEventData |
Event data for Microsoft.EventGrid.MQTTClientCreatedOrUpdated event. |
EventGridMqttClientDeletedEventData |
Event data for Microsoft.EventGrid.MQTTClientDeleted event. |
EventGridMqttClientEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for MQTT Client state changes. |
EventGridMqttClientSessionConnectedEventData |
Event data for Microsoft.EventGrid.MQTTClientSessionConnected event. |
EventGridMqttClientSessionDisconnectedEventData |
Event data for Microsoft.EventGrid.MQTTClientSessionDisconnected event. |
EventHubCaptureFileCreatedEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.EventHub.CaptureFileCreated event. |
GenerateSharedAccessSignatureOptions | |
HealthcareDicomImageCreatedEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.HealthcareApis.DicomImageCreated event. |
HealthcareDicomImageDeletedEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.HealthcareApis.DicomImageDeleted event. |
HealthcareDicomImageUpdatedEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.HealthcareApis.DicomImageUpdated event. |
HealthcareFhirResourceCreatedEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.HealthcareApis.FhirResourceCreated event. |
HealthcareFhirResourceDeletedEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.HealthcareApis.FhirResourceDeleted event. |
HealthcareFhirResourceUpdatedEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.HealthcareApis.FhirResourceUpdated event. |
InputSchemaToInputTypeMap |
A map of input schema names to shapes of the input for the send method on EventGridPublisherClient. |
InputSchemaToOptionsTypeMap |
A map of input schema names to shapes of the options bag for the send method on EventGridPublisherClient. |
IotHubDeviceConnectedEventData |
Event data for Microsoft.Devices.DeviceConnected event. |
IotHubDeviceCreatedEventData |
Event data for Microsoft.Devices.DeviceCreated event. |
IotHubDeviceDeletedEventData |
Event data for Microsoft.Devices.DeviceDeleted event. |
IotHubDeviceDisconnectedEventData |
Event data for Microsoft.Devices.DeviceDisconnected event. |
IotHubDeviceTelemetryEventData |
Event data for Microsoft.Devices.DeviceTelemetry event. |
KeyVaultAccessPolicyChangedEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.KeyVault.VaultAccessPolicyChanged event. |
KeyVaultCertificateExpiredEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.KeyVault.CertificateExpired event. |
KeyVaultCertificateNearExpiryEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.KeyVault.CertificateNearExpiry event. |
KeyVaultCertificateNewVersionCreatedEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.KeyVault.CertificateNewVersionCreated event. |
KeyVaultKeyExpiredEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.KeyVault.KeyExpired event. |
KeyVaultKeyNearExpiryEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.KeyVault.KeyNearExpiry event. |
KeyVaultKeyNewVersionCreatedEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.KeyVault.KeyNewVersionCreated event. |
KeyVaultSecretExpiredEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.KeyVault.SecretExpired event. |
KeyVaultSecretNearExpiryEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.KeyVault.SecretNearExpiry event. |
KeyVaultSecretNewVersionCreatedEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.KeyVault.SecretNewVersionCreated event. |
MachineLearningServicesDatasetDriftDetectedEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.MachineLearningServices.DatasetDriftDetected event. |
MachineLearningServicesModelDeployedEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.MachineLearningServices.ModelDeployed event. |
MachineLearningServicesModelRegisteredEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.MachineLearningServices.ModelRegistered event. |
MachineLearningServicesRunCompletedEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.MachineLearningServices.RunCompleted event. |
MachineLearningServicesRunStatusChangedEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.MachineLearningServices.RunStatusChanged event. |
MapsGeofenceEnteredEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Maps.GeofenceEntered event. |
MapsGeofenceEvent |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Geofence event (GeofenceEntered, GeofenceExited, GeofenceResult). |
MapsGeofenceExitedEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Maps.GeofenceExited event. |
MapsGeofenceGeometry |
The geofence geometry. |
MapsGeofenceResultEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Maps.GeofenceResult event. |
MediaJobCanceledEventData |
Job canceled event data. Schema of the data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Media.JobCanceled event. |
MediaJobCancelingEventData |
Job canceling event data. Schema of the data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Media.JobCanceling event. |
MediaJobError |
Details of JobOutput errors. |
MediaJobErrorDetail |
Details of JobOutput errors. |
MediaJobErroredEventData |
Job error state event data. Schema of the data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Media.JobErrored event. |
MediaJobFinishedEventData |
Job finished event data. Schema of the data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Media.JobFinished event. |
MediaJobOutput |
The event data for a Job output. |
MediaJobOutputAsset |
The event data for a Job output asset. |
MediaJobOutputCanceledEventData |
Job output canceled event data. Schema of the data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Media.JobOutputCanceled event. |
MediaJobOutputCancelingEventData |
Job output canceling event data. Schema of the data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Media.JobOutputCanceling event. |
MediaJobOutputErroredEventData |
Job output error event data. Schema of the data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Media.JobOutputErrored event. |
MediaJobOutputFinishedEventData |
Job output finished event data. Schema of the data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Media.JobOutputFinished event. |
MediaJobOutputProcessingEventData |
Job output processing event data. Schema of the data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Media.JobOutputProcessing event. |
MediaJobOutputProgressEventData |
Job Output Progress Event Data. Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Media.JobOutputProgress event. |
MediaJobOutputScheduledEventData |
Job output scheduled event data. Schema of the data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Media.JobOutputScheduled event. |
MediaJobOutputStateChangeEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Media.JobOutputStateChange event. |
MediaJobProcessingEventData |
Job processing event data. Schema of the data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Media.JobProcessing event. |
MediaJobScheduledEventData |
Job scheduled event data. Schema of the data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Media.JobScheduled event. |
MediaJobStateChangeEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Media.JobStateChange event. |
MediaLiveEventChannelArchiveHeartbeatEventData |
Channel Archive heartbeat event data. Schema of the data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Media.LiveEventChannelArchiveHeartbeat event. |
MediaLiveEventConnectionRejectedEventData |
Encoder connection rejected event data. Schema of the data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Media.LiveEventConnectionRejected event. |
MediaLiveEventEncoderConnectedEventData |
Encoder connect event data. Schema of the data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Media.LiveEventEncoderConnected event. |
MediaLiveEventEncoderDisconnectedEventData |
Encoder disconnected event data. Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Media.LiveEventEncoderDisconnected event. |
MediaLiveEventIncomingDataChunkDroppedEventData |
Ingest fragment dropped event data. Schema of the data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Media.LiveEventIncomingDataChunkDropped event. |
MediaLiveEventIncomingStreamReceivedEventData |
Encoder connect event data. Schema of the data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Media.LiveEventIncomingStreamReceived event. |
MediaLiveEventIncomingStreamsOutOfSyncEventData |
Incoming streams out of sync event data. Schema of the data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Media.LiveEventIncomingStreamsOutOfSync event. |
MediaLiveEventIncomingVideoStreamsOutOfSyncEventData |
Incoming video stream out of sync event data. Schema of the data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Media.LiveEventIncomingVideoStreamsOutOfSync event. |
MediaLiveEventIngestHeartbeatEventData |
Ingest heartbeat event data. Schema of the data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Media.LiveEventIngestHeartbeat event. |
MediaLiveEventTrackDiscontinuityDetectedEventData |
Ingest track discontinuity detected event data. Schema of the data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Media.LiveEventTrackDiscontinuityDetected event. |
MicrosoftTeamsAppIdentifierModel |
A Microsoft Teams application. |
MicrosoftTeamsUserIdentifierModel |
A Microsoft Teams user. |
PhoneNumberIdentifierModel |
A phone number. |
PolicyInsightsPolicyStateChangedEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.PolicyInsights.PolicyStateChanged event. |
PolicyInsightsPolicyStateCreatedEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.PolicyInsights.PolicyStateCreated event. |
PolicyInsightsPolicyStateDeletedEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.PolicyInsights.PolicyStateDeleted event. |
ResourceActionCancelEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Resources.ResourceActionCancel event. This is raised when a resource action operation is canceled. |
ResourceActionFailureEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Resources.ResourceActionFailure event. This is raised when a resource action operation fails. |
ResourceActionSuccessEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Resources.ResourceActionSuccess event. This is raised when a resource action operation succeeds. |
ResourceAuthorization |
The details of the authorization for the resource. |
ResourceDeleteCancelEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Resources.ResourceDeleteCancel event. This is raised when a resource delete operation is canceled. |
ResourceDeleteFailureEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Resources.ResourceDeleteFailure event. This is raised when a resource delete operation fails. |
ResourceDeleteSuccessEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Resources.ResourceDeleteSuccess event. This is raised when a resource delete operation succeeds. |
ResourceHttpRequest |
The details of the HTTP request. |
ResourceNotificationsContainerServiceEventResourcesScheduledEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an event grid event for a Microsoft.ResourceNotifications.ContainerServiceEventResources.ScheduledEventEmitted preview event. |
ResourceNotificationsHealthResourcesAnnotatedEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.ResourceNotifications.HealthResources.ResourceAnnotated event. |
ResourceNotificationsHealthResourcesAvailabilityStatusChangedEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.ResourceNotifications.HealthResources.AvailabilityStatusChanged event. |
ResourceNotificationsOperationalDetails |
details of operational info |
ResourceNotificationsResourceDeletedDetails |
Describes the schema of the properties under resource info which are common across all ARN system topic delete events |
ResourceNotificationsResourceDeletedEventData |
Describes the schema of the common properties across all ARN system topic delete events |
ResourceNotificationsResourceManagementCreatedOrUpdatedEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.ResourceNotifications.Resources.CreatedOrUpdated event. |
ResourceNotificationsResourceManagementDeletedEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.ResourceNotifications.Resources.Deleted event. |
ResourceNotificationsResourceUpdatedDetails |
Describes the schema of the properties under resource info which are common across all ARN system topic events |
ResourceNotificationsResourceUpdatedEventData |
Describes the schema of the common properties across all ARN system topic events |
ResourceWriteCancelEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Resources.ResourceWriteCancel event. This is raised when a resource create or update operation is canceled. |
ResourceWriteFailureEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Resources.ResourceWriteFailure event. This is raised when a resource create or update operation fails. |
ResourceWriteSuccessEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Resources.ResourceWriteSuccess event. This is raised when a resource create or update operation succeeds. |
SendCloudEventInput |
SendEventGridEventInput |
The shape of the input for EventGridProducerClient#sendEventGridEvents |
ServiceBusActiveMessagesAvailableWithNoListenersEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.ServiceBus.ActiveMessagesAvailableWithNoListeners event. |
ServiceBusDeadletterMessagesAvailableWithNoListenersEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.ServiceBus.DeadletterMessagesAvailableWithNoListeners event. |
StorageAsyncOperationInitiatedEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Storage.AsyncOperationInitiated event. |
StorageBlobCreatedEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Storage.BlobCreated event. |
StorageBlobDeletedEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Storage.BlobDeleted event. |
StorageBlobInventoryPolicyCompletedEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for an Microsoft.Storage.BlobInventoryPolicyCompleted event. |
StorageBlobRenamedEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Storage.BlobRenamed event. |
StorageBlobTierChangedEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Storage.BlobTierChanged event. |
StorageDirectoryCreatedEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Storage.DirectoryCreated event. |
StorageDirectoryDeletedEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Storage.DirectoryDeleted event. |
StorageDirectoryRenamedEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Storage.DirectoryRenamed event. |
StorageLifecyclePolicyActionSummaryDetail |
Execution statistics of a specific policy action in a Blob Management cycle. |
StorageLifecyclePolicyCompletedEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Storage.LifecyclePolicyCompleted event. |
StorageLifecyclePolicyRunSummary |
Policy run status of an account in a Blob Management cycle. |
StorageTaskAssignmentCompletedEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for an Microsoft.Storage.StorageTaskAssignmentCompleted event. |
StorageTaskAssignmentQueuedEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for an Microsoft.Storage.StorageTaskAssignmentQueued event. |
StorageTaskCompletedEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for an Microsoft.Storage.StorageTaskCompleted event. |
StorageTaskQueuedEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for an Microsoft.Storage.StorageTaskQueued event. |
SubscriptionDeletedEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.EventGrid.SubscriptionDeletedEvent event. |
SubscriptionValidationEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.EventGrid.SubscriptionValidationEvent event. |
SystemEventNameToEventData |
A mapping of event type names to event data type interfaces. |
WebAppServicePlanUpdatedEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Web.AppServicePlanUpdated event. |
WebAppServicePlanUpdatedEventDataSku |
sku of app service plan. |
WebAppUpdatedEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Web.AppUpdated event. |
WebBackupOperationCompletedEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Web.BackupOperationCompleted event. |
WebBackupOperationFailedEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Web.BackupOperationFailed event. |
WebBackupOperationStartedEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Web.BackupOperationStarted event. |
WebRestoreOperationCompletedEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Web.RestoreOperationCompleted event. |
WebRestoreOperationFailedEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Web.RestoreOperationFailed event. |
WebRestoreOperationStartedEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Web.RestoreOperationStarted event. |
WebSlotSwapCompletedEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Web.SlotSwapCompleted event. |
WebSlotSwapFailedEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Web.SlotSwapFailed event. |
WebSlotSwapStartedEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Web.SlotSwapStarted event. |
WebSlotSwapWithPreviewCancelledEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Web.SlotSwapWithPreviewCancelled event. |
WebSlotSwapWithPreviewStartedEventData |
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Web.SlotSwapWithPreviewStarted event. |
Type Aliases
AcsEmailDeliveryReportStatus |
Defines values for AcsEmailDeliveryReportStatus. Known values supported by the serviceBounced: Hard bounce detected while sending the email |
AcsInteractiveReplyKind |
Defines values for AcsInteractiveReplyKind. Known values supported by the servicebuttonReply: Messaged interactive reply type is ButtonReply |
AcsMessageChannelKind |
Defines values for AcsMessageChannelKind. Known values supported by the servicewhatsapp: Updated message channel type is Whatsapp |
AcsMessageDeliveryStatus |
Defines values for AcsMessageDeliveryStatus. Known values supported by the serviceread |
AcsRouterJobStatus |
Defines values for AcsRouterJobStatus. Known values supported by the servicePendingClassification |
AcsRouterLabelOperator |
Defines values for AcsRouterLabelOperator. Known values supported by the serviceEqual: = |
AcsRouterUpdatedWorkerProperty |
Defines values for AcsRouterUpdatedWorkerProperty. Known values supported by the serviceAvailableForOffers |
AcsRouterWorkerSelectorState |
Defines values for AcsRouterWorkerSelectorState. Known values supported by the serviceactive: Router Job Worker Selector is Active |
AcsUserEngagement |
Defines values for AcsUserEngagement. Known values supported by the serviceview |
AppAction |
Defines values for AppAction. Known values supported by the serviceRestarted: Web app was restarted. |
AppServicePlanAction |
Defines values for AppServicePlanAction. Known values supported by the serviceUpdated: App Service plan is being updated. |
AsyncStatus |
Defines values for AsyncStatus. Known values supported by the serviceStarted: Async operation has started. |
CommunicationCloudEnvironmentModel |
Defines values for CommunicationCloudEnvironmentModel. Known values supported by the servicepublic |
CommunicationIdentifierModelKind |
Defines values for CommunicationIdentifierModelKind. Known values supported by the serviceunknown |
DataBoxStageName |
Defines values for DataBoxStageName. Known values supported by the serviceCopyStarted: Copy has started |
EventGridMqttClientDisconnectionReason |
Defines values for EventGridMqttClientDisconnectionReason. Known values supported by the serviceClientAuthenticationError: The client got disconnected for any authentication reasons (for example, certificate expired, client got disabled, or client configuration changed). |
EventGridMqttClientState |
Defines values for EventGridMqttClientState. Known values supported by the serviceEnabled |
EventGridPublisherClientOptions |
Options for the Event Grid Client. |
HealthcareFhirResourceType |
Defines values for HealthcareFhirResourceType. Known values supported by the serviceAccount: The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4. |
InputSchema |
Allowed schema types, to be used when constructing the EventGridPublisherClient. |
KnownSystemEventTypes |
The Event Types for all System Events. These may be used with |
MediaJobErrorCategory |
Defines values for MediaJobErrorCategory. |
MediaJobErrorCode |
Defines values for MediaJobErrorCode. |
MediaJobOutputUnion | |
MediaJobRetry |
Defines values for MediaJobRetry. |
MediaJobState |
Defines values for MediaJobState. |
RecordingChannelType |
Defines values for RecordingChannelType. Known values supported by the serviceMixed |
RecordingContentType |
Defines values for RecordingContentType. Known values supported by the serviceAudioVideo |
RecordingFormatType |
Defines values for RecordingFormatType. Known values supported by the serviceWav |
SendOptions |
Options for the send events operation. |
StampKind |
Defines values for StampKind. Known values supported by the servicePublic: App Service Plan is running on a public stamp. |
StorageBlobAccessTier |
Defines values for StorageBlobAccessTier. Known values supported by the serviceHot: The blob is in access tier Hot |
StorageLifecycleCompletionStatus |
Defines values for StorageLifecycleCompletionStatus. Known values supported by the serviceCompleted |
StorageTaskAssignmentCompletedStatus |
Defines values for StorageTaskAssignmentCompletedStatus. Known values supported by the serviceSucceeded |
StorageTaskCompletedStatus |
Defines values for StorageTaskCompletedStatus. Known values supported by the serviceSucceeded |
generate |
Generate a shared access signature, which allows a client to send events to an Event Grid Topic or Domain for a limited period of time. This function may only be called when the EventGridPublisherClient was constructed with a KeyCredential instance. |
is |
iSystemEvent returns "true" when a given event is a system event of a given type. When using TypeScript, this function acts as a custom type guard and allows the TypeScript compiler to identify the underlying data |
is |
iSystemEvent returns "true" when a given event is a system event of a given type. When using TypeScript, this function acts as a custom type guard and allows the TypeScript compiler to identify the underlying data |
Function Details
generateSharedAccessSignature(string, KeyCredential, Date, GenerateSharedAccessSignatureOptions)
Generate a shared access signature, which allows a client to send events to an Event Grid Topic or Domain for a limited period of time. This function may only be called when the EventGridPublisherClient was constructed with a KeyCredential instance.
function generateSharedAccessSignature(endpointUrl: string, credential: KeyCredential, expiresOnUtc: Date, options?: GenerateSharedAccessSignatureOptions): Promise<string>
- endpointUrl
The endpoint for the topic or domain you wish to generate a shared access signature for.
- credential
- KeyCredential
The credential to use when generating the shared access signatrue.
- expiresOnUtc
Options to control how the signature is generated.
isSystemEvent<T>(T, EventGridEvent<unknown>)
iSystemEvent returns "true" when a given event is a system event of a given type. When using TypeScript, this function acts as a custom type guard and allows the TypeScript compiler to identify the underlying data
function isSystemEvent<T>(eventType: T, event: EventGridEvent<unknown>): event
- eventType
The type of system event to check for, e.g., "Microsoft.AppConfiguration.KeyValueDeleted"
- event
The event to test.
isSystemEvent<T>(T, CloudEvent<unknown>)
iSystemEvent returns "true" when a given event is a system event of a given type. When using TypeScript, this function acts as a custom type guard and allows the TypeScript compiler to identify the underlying data
function isSystemEvent<T>(eventType: T, event: CloudEvent<unknown>): event
- eventType
The type of system event to check for, e.g., "Microsoft.AppConfiguration.KeyValueDeleted"
- event
The event to test.