AccessCondition |
Represents a set of access conditions to be used for operations against the storage services. |
AccountInformation |
Holds information related to the storage account. |
BaseEvent |
Represents an event. |
BatchException |
Exception for when one or more sub-requests within a batch request fail. This exception is a map of the StorageExceptions to the parent objects of the sub-request. Extensions of Throwable cannot use generics, so this class uses several data structures with wildcards. Since only groups of the same request type can be batched together, the batch caller will know the intended type in context, and can safely cast the result. Please refer to the samples project for an example on how to appropriately handle batch exceptions. |
BatchOperation<C,P,R> |
A collection of operations to be sent as a batch request. Maintains the order of requests as added to the batch. |
BatchSubResponse |
RESERVED FOR INTERNAL USE. Represents a subsection of a batch response. |
CloudStorageAccount |
Represents a Microsoft Azure storage account. |
Constants |
RESERVED FOR INTERNAL USE. Contains storage constants. |
CorsProperties |
Class representing the service properties pertaining to CORS. |
CorsRule |
Represents a Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) rule. |
DeleteRetentionPolicy |
Represents the policy governing the retention of deleted blobs. |
ErrorReceivingResponseEvent |
Represents an event that is fired when a network error occurs before the HTTP response status and headers are received. |
GeoReplicationStats |
Class representing the geo-replication statistics. |
IPRange |
A continuous range of IP addresses. |
LoggingProperties |
Represents the logging properties for the analytics service. |
MetricsProperties |
Represents the metrics properties for the analytics service. |
NameValidator |
Provides helpers to validate resource names across the Microsoft Azure Storage Services. |
OperationContext |
Represents the current logical operation. A logical operation may have a one-to-many relationship with multiple individual physical requests. |
Permissions<T> |
Represents the permissions for a shared access policy. |
RequestCompletedEvent |
Represents an event that is fired when a request is completed. |
RequestOptions |
Represents the options to use while processing a given request. |
RequestResult |
Represents the result of a physical request. |
ResponseReceivedEvent |
Represents an event that is fired when a response is received. |
ResultContinuation |
Represents a continuation token for listing operations. Continuation tokens are used in methods that return a ResultSegment<T> object, such as listBlobsSegmented(). |
ResultSegment<T> |
Represents a segment of results and contains continuation and pagination information. |
RetryContext |
Represents the context for a retry of a request made against the storage services. |
RetryExponentialRetry |
Represents a retry policy that performs a specified number of retries, using a randomized exponential backoff scheme to determine the interval between retries. This class extends the RetryPolicy class and implements the RetryPolicyFactory interface. |
RetryInfo |
Represents the context for a retry of a request made against the storage services. |
RetryingEvent |
Represents an event that is fired when a request is retried. |
RetryLinearRetry |
Represents a retry policy that performs a specified number of retries, using a specified fixed time interval between retries. This class extends the RetryPolicy class and implements the RetryPolicyFactory interface. |
RetryNoRetry |
Represents a retry policy that performs no retries. This class extends the RetryPolicy class and implements the RetryPolicyFactory interface. |
RetryPolicy |
Abstract class that represents a retry policy. |
SendingRequestEvent |
Represents an event that is fired when before sending a request. The connection object is not yet live. |
ServiceClient |
Provides a client for accessing the Microsoft Azure Storage service. |
ServiceProperties |
Represents the analytics properties for the service. |
ServiceStats |
Class representing a set of statistics pertaining to a cloud storage service. |
SharedAccessAccountPolicy |
Represents a shared access policy, which specifies the start time, expiry time, and permissions for a shared access signature. |
SharedAccessHeaders |
RESERVED FOR INTERNAL USE. Represents the optional headers that can be returned using SAS. |
SharedAccessPolicy |
Represents a shared access policy, which specifies the start time, expiry time, and permissions for a shared access signature. |
SharedAccessPolicyHandler<T> |
RESERVED FOR INTERNAL USE. A class used to deserialize SharedAccessPolicies. |
SharedAccessPolicySerializer |
RESERVED FOR INTERNAL USE. A class used to serialize SharedAccessPolicies to a byte array. |
StaticWebsiteProperties |
Represents the service properties pertaining to StaticWebsites |
StorageCredentials |
Represents a set of credentials used to authenticate access to a Microsoft Azure storage account. This is the base class for the StorageCredentialsAccountAndKey, StorageCredentialsToken, and StorageCredentialsSharedAccessSignature classes. |
StorageCredentialsAccountAndKey |
Represents storage account credentials, based on storage account and access key, for accessing the Microsoft Azure storage services. |
StorageCredentialsAnonymous |
Represents credentials for anonymous access. |
StorageCredentialsSharedAccessSignature |
Represents storage credentials for delegated access to Blob service resources via a shared access signature. |
StorageCredentialsToken |
Represents storage account credentials, based on an authentication token, for accessing the Microsoft Azure storage services. |
StorageErrorCodeStrings |
Represents common error code strings for Azure Storage. |
StorageEvent<T> |
Abstract class that represents a generic event listener. |
Represents a generic event multi-caster that allows event listeners to be dynamically added and removed. |
StorageException |
Represents an exception for the Microsoft Azure storage service. |
StorageExtendedErrorInformation |
Represents extended error information returned by the Microsoft Azure storage service. |
StorageUri |
Holds a list of URIs that represents the storage resource. |
SubStreamGenerator | ||
UserDelegationKey | ||
UserDelegationKeyHandler | ||
Constants.AnalyticsConstants |
Defines constants for ServiceProperties requests. |
Constants.EncryptionConstants |
Defines constants for client encryption. |
Constants.HeaderConstants |
Defines constants for use with HTTP headers. |
Constants.QueryConstants |
Defines constants for use with query strings. |
DoesServiceRequest |
An attribute used to describe a method that will make a request to the storage service. |
RetryPolicyFactory |
Represents a retry policy factory that creates a new RetryPolicy object per transaction. |
CorsHttpMethods |
HTTP Methods that are supported by CORS. |
GeoReplicationStatus |
Enumeration representing the state of geo-replication in a service. |
LocationMode |
Specifies the location mode used to decide which location the request should be sent to. |
LoggingOperations |
Specifies which types of operations the service should log. |
MetricsLevel |
Enumeration representing the state of metrics collection in a service. |
ResultContinuationType |
Specifies the type of a continuation token. |
SharedAccessAccountPermissions |
Specifies the set of possible permissions for a shared access account policy. |
SharedAccessAccountResourceType |
Specifies the set of possible resource types for a shared access account policy. |
SharedAccessAccountService |
Specifies the set of possible services for a shared access account policy. |
SharedAccessProtocols |
Specifies the set of possible permissions for a shared access protocol. |
StorageErrorCode |
Represents error codes that may be returned by the Microsoft Azure storage services or the storage client library. |
StorageLocation |
Represents a storage service location. |
Azure SDK for Java