Use the Microsoft Graph API to integrate people and workplace intelligence in an app


APIs under the /beta version in Microsoft Graph are subject to change. Use of these APIs in production applications is not supported. To determine whether an API is available in v1.0, use the Version selector.

Microsoft Graph enables access to useful data about people, their profile, documents they interact with, and work patterns, and supports gestures in a user's social context.

Aggregate and extract specific information about people

Feature: People

Use the person resource and the People API to aggregate information about a person from across mail, contacts, and social networks. The results are ordered by their relevance based on multiple communication, collaboration, and business relationships. The API lets you browse, sort, select, filter, or search for persons based on your criteria.

Help users contextualize others in their organization

Feature: Profile (preview)

People who seek to contextualize others within their organization commonly view a person's profile or profile card.

The profile resource is a rich source of information about people within a tenant and provides a lightweight mechanism for storing and retrieving information about a person.

Personalize people experiences within your organization

Feature: Profile card customization (preview)

Provides the ability for an administrator to customize the information shown on the profile card used across Microsoft 365 within their organization.

The profileCardProperty resource represents an attribute of a user on the Microsoft 365 profile card for an organization to surface in a shared, people experience.

Help users get the most relevant documents for their work

Feature: Document insights

Use the insights API to identify the most relevant documents for a user:

Manage @-Mentions

Feature: @-mentions (preview)

Calling out a recipient to notify and get the recipient's attention in a message is a common social gesture. The mention resource and the Mentions API provide a light-weight mechanism to call out a recipient in a message, get all the messages in which a user is notified using an @-mention, or get each mention in a message.

Help users gain insights into their work patterns

Feature: Analytics (preview)

Use the analytics API to get activity statistics and related settings for a user:

  • settings: For the analytics API to return results for a user, the current user analytics settings must show a valid Microsoft Viva Insights license, be opted in to using Viva Insights, and have a cloud-hosted mailbox that’s graph-enabled.
  • activityStatistics: Gets data for the last complete week (or the specified time range) for the Microsoft 365 activities that a user spent time on, including the number of hours spent on calls, chats (instant messages), email, and meetings during and outside of working hours and the number of hours available for focused work.