Get learningCourseActivity

Namespace: microsoft.graph

Get the specified learningCourseActivity object using either an ID or an externalCourseActivityId of the learning provider, or a courseActivityId of a user.

This API is available in the following national cloud deployments.

Global service US Government L4 US Government L5 (DOD) China operated by 21Vianet


Choose the permission or permissions marked as least privileged for this API. Use a higher privileged permission or permissions only if your app requires it. For details about delegated and application permissions, see Permission types. To learn more about these permissions, see the permissions reference.

Permission type Least privileged permissions Higher privileged permissions
Delegated (work or school account) LearningAssignedCourse.Read LearningSelfInitiatedCourse.Read
Delegated (personal Microsoft account) Not supported. Not supported.
Application LearningAssignedCourse.Read.All LearningSelfInitiatedCourse.Read.All

HTTP request

To get a specific learning course activity based on its ID (primary key):

GET /employeeExperience/learningCourseActivities/{Id}

To get a specific learning course activity based on its externalCourseActivityId (secondary key):

GET /employeeExperience/learningProviders/{registrationId}/learningCourseActivities(externalCourseActivityId='{externalCourseActivityId}')

To get the details of a learning course activity for a user:

GET users/{user-id}/employeeExperience/learningCourseActivities/{id}

To get the details of a learning course activity for the signed-in user:

GET me/employeeExperience/learningCourseActivities/{id}

Optional query parameters

This method supports the $select and other OData query parameters to customize the response. For general information, see OData query parameters.

Request headers

Name Description
Authorization Bearer {token}. Required. Learn more about authentication and authorization.

Request body

Don't supply a request body for this method.


If successful, this method returns a 200 OK response code and a learningCourseActivity object in the response body.

If unsuccessful, this method returns one of the responses below:

Scenario HTTP code Code Message
Method not supported for entity 405 methodNotAllowed This method isn't supported for this entity type. See the Microsoft Graph documentation for the methods applicable to this entity.
User doesn't have appropriate permission scope 403 Forbidden Your account doesn't have access to this report or data. Contact your administrator to request access.
Forbidden 403 Forbidden You don't have an adequate service plan for this request.
Bad request 400 badRequest This provider isn't enabled for the given tenant.
Bad request 400 badRequest There was an issue with your request. Make sure the registrationId you entered is valid or registered for your tenant.
Bad request 404 notFound The requested assignment ID doesn’t exist.
Internal server error 500 internalServerError Internal server error.
Request throttled 429 tooManyRequests {"code": "tooManyRequests","message": "Retry after {noOfMinutes} minutes"}.
Service unavailable 503 serviceUnavailable {"code": "serviceUnavailable","message": "Retry after {noOfMinutes} minutes"}.


Example 1: Get a learning course activity based on its ID


The following examples show a request to get a learning course activity using an ID.



The following example shows the response.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.learningAssignment",
  "@odata.context": "$metadata#learningProviders('13727311-e7bb-470d-8b20-6a23d9030d70')/learningCourseActivities('7ba2228a-e020-11ec-9d64-0242ac120002')$entity",
  "assignedDateTime": "2021-05-11T22:57:17+00:00",
  "assignmentType": "required",
  "assignerUserId": "cea1684d-57dc-438d-a9d1-e666ec1a7f3d",
  "completedDateTime": null,
  "completionPercentage": null,
  "dueDateTime": {
    "dateTime": "2022-09-22T16:05:00.0000000",
    "timeZone": "UTC"
  "externalCourseActivityId": "12a2228a-e020-11ec-9d64-0242ac120002",
  "id": "8ba2228a-e020-11ec-9d64-0242ac120003",
  "learningContentId": "57baf9dc-e020-11ec-9d64-0242ac120002",
  "learningProviderId": "13727311-e7bb-470d-8b20-6a23d9030d70",
  "learnerUserId": "7ba2228a-e020-11ec-9d64-0242ac120002",
  "notes": {
    "contentType": "text",
    "content": "required assignment added for user"
  "status": "notStarted"

Example 2: Get a learning course activity based on the externalCourseActivityId of the learning provider


The following example shows a request to get the details of a learning course activity using an external course activity ID.



The following example shows the response.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.learningAssignment",
  "@odata.context": "$metadata#learningProviders('01e8f81b-3060-4dec-acf0-0389665a0a38')/learningCourseActivities('8ba2228a-e020-11ec-9d64-0242ac120003')$entity",
  "assignedDateTime": "2021-05-11T22:57:17+00:00",
  "assignerUserId": "cea1684d-57dc-438d-a9d1-e666ec1a7f3d",
  "assignmentType": "required",
  "completedDateTime": null,
  "completionPercentage": null,
  "externalCourseActivityId": "12a2228a-e020-11ec-9d64-0242ac120002",
  "id": "8ba2228a-e020-11ec-9d64-0242ac120003",
  "dueDateTime": {
    "dateTime": "2022-09-22T16:05:00.0000000",
    "timeZone": "UTC"
  "learningContentId": "57baf9dc-e020-11ec-9d64-0242ac120002",
  "learningProviderId": "01e8f81b-3060-4dec-acf0-0389665a0a38",
  "learnerUserId": "7ba2228a-e020-11ec-9d64-0242ac120002",
  "notes": {
    "contentType": "text",
    "content": "required assignment added for user"
  "status": "notStarted"

Example 3: Get the details of a learning course activity for a user


The following example shows a request to get the details of a learning course activity for a user.



The following example shows the response.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.learningAssignment",
  "@odata.context": "$metadata#learningProviders('13727311-e7bb-470d-8b20-6a23d9030d70')/learningCourseActivities('8ba2228a-e020-11ec-9d64-0242ac120003')$entity",
  "assignedDateTime": "2021-05-11T22:57:17+00:00",
  "assignmentType": "required",
  "assignerUserId": "cea1684d-57dc-438d-a9d1-e666ec1a7f3d",
  "completedDateTime": null,
  "completionPercentage": 20,
  "externalCourseActivityId": "12a2228a-e020-11ec-9d64-0242ac120002",
  "id": "8ba2228a-e020-11ec-9d64-0242ac120003",
  "dueDateTime": {
    "dateTime": "2022-09-22T16:05:00.0000000",
    "timeZone": "UTC"
  "learningContentId": "57baf9dc-e020-11ec-9d64-0242ac120002",
  "learningProviderId": "13727311-e7bb-470d-8b20-6a23d9030d70",
  "learnerUserId": "7ba2228a-e020-11ec-9d64-0242ac120002",
  "notes": {
    "contentType": "text",
    "content": "required assignment added for user"
  "status": "notStarted"