Item Substitutions (report)
The Item Substitutions report shows the items that are set up to use as substitutes for other items. For example, when the original item isn't available.
The report displays information such as:
- Item number
- Substitute type
- Substitute numbers
- Description
- Unit Cost
- Quantity on Hand
- Base Unit of Measure
- Interchangeable
- Conditional
Use cases
Helps you manage and track item substitutions in production orders and bills of materials (BOMs). You can specify substitute items to use when the preferred items aren't available, ensuring that production continues smoothly and without delays.
Try the report
Try the report here: Item Substitutions
If you hold down the CTRL key while you select the report link, the report opens on a new browser tab. In this way, you can stay on the current page while you explore the report on the other browser tab.
Microsoft maintains this article. The following contributors provided some or all of its contents.
- Jenn Claridge | Vice President, ERP Practice
See also
Inventory and warehouse report overview
Ad hoc analysis of inventory data
Inventory analytics overview