ParishSoft Family Suite (Preview)

Ministry Brands ParishSOFT Family Suite is an integrated church management software solution that gives you access to everything you need for your ministry to run smoothly. Pastors, staff, and parish administrators can streamline the behind-the-scenes administrative work. Rather than having a different software or online platform for membership, online giving, communications, and volunteer management, Ministry Brands ParishSOFT Family Suite cohesively ties all the tasks into one system.

This connector is available in the following products and regions:

Service Class Regions
Logic Apps Standard All Logic Apps regions except the following:
     -   Azure Government regions
     -   Azure China regions
     -   US Department of Defense (DoD)
Power Automate Premium All Power Automate regions except the following:
     -   US Government (GCC)
     -   US Government (GCC High)
     -   China Cloud operated by 21Vianet
     -   US Department of Defense (DoD)
Power Apps Premium All Power Apps regions except the following:
     -   US Government (GCC)
     -   US Government (GCC High)
     -   China Cloud operated by 21Vianet
     -   US Department of Defense (DoD)
Name ParishSOFT Support
Email [email protected]
Connector Metadata
Publisher Ministry Brands ParishSOFT
Privacy policy
Categories Data;Communication

Creating a connection

The connector supports the following authentication types:

Default Parameters for creating connection. All regions Not shareable


Applicable: All regions

Parameters for creating connection.

This is not shareable connection. If the power app is shared with another user, another user will be prompted to create new connection explicitly.

Name Type Description Required
API Key securestring The API Key for this api True

Throttling Limits

Name Calls Renewal Period
API calls per connection 100 60 seconds


Constituent detail

This operation provides information about a single constituent.

Constituent search

This operation performs a search for constituents based on the provided search criteria.

Family change list

This operation returns a list of family changes.

Family detail

This operation returns information about a family for the specified family Id

Family group lookup list

This operation returns all family group lookup values.

Family member list

This operation returns a list of family members.

Family ministry list

This operation returns a list of family ministries.

Family search

This operation performs a search for family records.

Family update auto fill fields

This operation will update auto fill fields for a single family.

Family Update Contact Info

This operation will update family contact information for a single family.

Family work groups list

This operation returns a list of family work groups.

Member contact information list

This operation returns a list of contact information.

Member contact information update

This operation will update contact information for a member.

Member Detail

This operation returns information about a specific member

Member sacrament list

This operation returns a list of sacrament records.

Member search

This operation performs a member search based on the provided search filter criteria.

Member status lookup list

This operation returns a list of member status lookup values.

Member type lookup list

This operation returns a list of member type lookup values.

Member work group lookup list

This operation returns a list of member work group lookup values.

Offering family contribution search

This operation will return a list of family contribution summaries.

Offering organization fund list

This operation will return a list of organization funds.

Offering organization giver list

This operation will return a list of givers for a organization.

Organization detail

s This operation will return information for a single organization.

Organization search

This operation will perform an organization search based on the provided criteria.

Test API availability

This operation will perform a test to ensure API is available.

Constituent detail

This operation provides information about a single constituent.


Name Key Required Type Description
sDiocese Id (External)
sDioceseId True string

Specify the diocese unique identifier


This operation performs a search for constituents based on the provided search criteria.


Name Key Required Type Description
Page Size
Limit True integer

Specify number of records per page

Page Number
Offset True integer

Specify page number to retrieve

Last Modified
LastModifiedDate date

Filter by date constituent was last modified

Sort By
SortBy string

Specify field name to sort results by

Sort Direction
SortDirection string

Specify "asc" for ascending and "desc" for decending


Family change list

This operation returns a list of family changes.


Name Key Required Type Description
Start Date
StartDate True date

Specify the start date

End Date
EndDate True date

Specify the end date


Family detail

This operation returns information about a family for the specified family Id


Name Key Required Type Description
Family Diocese Id
familyId True integer

Specify the unique family diocese identifier


Family group lookup list

This operation returns all family group lookup values.


Family member list

This operation returns a list of family members.


Name Key Required Type Description
Family Diocese Id
familyId True integer

Specify the unique family diocese identifier


Family ministry list

This operation returns a list of family ministries.


Name Key Required Type Description
Family Diocese Id
familyId True integer

Specify the unique family diocese identifier


This operation performs a search for family records.


Name Key Required Type Description
Page Number
pageNumber True integer

Specify page number to retrieve

Page Size
pageSize True integer

Specify number of records per page

Family Id
familyID integer

Specify a family identifier

Diocese Id
familyDUID integer

Specify a family unique diocese identifier

Membership Status
memberShipStatus boolean

Filter by membership status

Family Group Id
familyGroupID integer

Filter by family group identifier

organizationIDs array of integer

Filter by a list of family organization Identifiers

First Name
firstName string

Filter by the family first name

Last Name
lastName string

Filter by the family last name

Has a Family Email Address
hasEmail boolean

Filter for families with a family email address

Send Contribution Envelopes
envelopes boolean

Filter for only families with Send Contribribution Envelopes selected

Registration Start
registrationDateFrom date

Filter for registration start date

Registration End
registrationDateTo date

Filter for registration end date

Street Address
address string

Filter for street address

Address City
city string

Filter for address city

Address State
state string

Filter for address state

Postal Code
postalCode string

Filter for address postal code

Send No Mail
sendNoMail boolean

Filter for only families with send no mail

Do Not Publish
doNotPublish boolean

Filter for only families with do not publish

Has Email
familiesWithEmail boolean

Filter for families with email

Family Group Name
familyGroupName string

Filter for families by family group

Envelope Number
envelopeNumber string

Filter for envelope number

Primary Address Phone Number
phone string

Filter for primary address phone number

Email Address
eMailAddress string

Filter for email address

Registered Organization Id
registeredOrganizationID integer

Filter for registered organization identifier

Last Modified
dateModified date

Filter for date last modified


Family update auto fill fields

This operation will update auto fill fields for a single family.


Name Key Required Type Description
Family Diocese Id
familyId True integer

Specify the unique family diocese identifier

Organization Id
organizationID True integer

Specify the organization identifier



Family Update Contact Info

This operation will update family contact information for a single family.


Name Key Required Type Description
Family Diocese Id
familyId True integer

Specify the unique family diocese identifier

First Name
firstName string

Specify the family first name

Last Name
lastName string

Specify the family last name

Mailing Name
mailingName string

Specify the family mailing name

Informal Mailing Name
informalMailingName string

Specify the family informal mailing name

Formal Salutation
formalSalutation string

Specify the family formal salutation

Informal Salutation
informalSalutation string

Specify the family informal salutation

Email Address
emailAddress string

Specify the family email address

Primary Phone
primaryPhone string

Specify the family primary phone number.

Emergency Phone
emergencyPhone string

Specify the family emergency phone number

Primary Address
primaryAddress string

Specify the family primary address

Home Street Address
homeAddressLine1 string

Specify the family home street address

Home Street Address 2
homeAddressLine2 string

Specify the family home street address 2

Home Address City
homeCity string

Specify the family home address city

Home Address State
homeState string

Specify the family home address state

Home Address Country
homeCountry string

Specify the family home address country

Home Address Postal Code
homePostalCode string

Specify the family home address postal code

Home Address Postal Code Extension
homePostalCodePlus4 string

Specify the family home address postal code extension

Home Address Phone
homeAddressPhone string

Specify the family home address phone

Mailing Street Address
mailingAddressLine1 string

Specify the family mailing street address

Mailing Street Address 2
mailingAddressLine2 string

Specify the family mailing street address 2

Mailing Address City
mailingCity string

Specify the family mailing address city

Mailing Address State
mailingState string

Specify the family mailing address state

Mailing Address Country
mailingCountry string

Specify the mailing address country

Mailing Address Postal Code
mailingPostalCode string

Specify the family mailing address postal code

Mailing Address Postal Code Extension
mailingPostalCodePlus4 string

Specify the family mailing address postal code extenstion

Mailing Address Phone
mailingAddressPhone string

Specify the family mailing address phone number

Other Street Address
otherAddressLine1 string

Specify the family other street address

Other Street Address 2
otherAddressLine2 string

Specify the family other street address 2

Other Address City
otherCity string

Specify the family other address city

Other Address State
otherState string

Specify the family other address state

Other Address Country
otherCountry string

Specify the family other address country

Other Address Postal Code
otherPostalCode string

Specify the family other address postal code

Other Address Postal Code Extension
otherPostalCodePlus4 string

Specify the family other address postal code extension

Other Address Phone
otherAddressPhone string

Specify the family other address phone number

Other Address From Date
otherAddressFromDate string

Specify the family other address from date

Other Address To Date
otherAddressToDate string

Specify the family other address to date

sDiocesan Id
sdiocesanId string

Specify the family sDiocesanId (External Id)



Family work groups list

This operation returns a list of family work groups.


Name Key Required Type Description
Page Size
limit integer

Specify the page size

Page Number
offset integer

Specify the page number


Member contact information list

This operation returns a list of contact information.


Name Key Required Type Description
Page Size
limit True integer

Specify number of records per page

Page Number
offset True integer

Specify page number to retrieve

Member First Name
memberFirstName string

Filter for member first name

Member Last Name
memberLastName string

Filter for member last name

Member Email Address
emailAddress string

Filter for member email address

Member Mobile Phone
cellPhone string

Filter for member mobile phone

Organization Id's
organizationIDs array of integer

Filter for a list of member organization id's


Member contact information update

This operation will update contact information for a member.


Name Key Required Type Description
Member Diocese Id
memberId True integer

Specify the unique member diocese identifier

First Name
firstName string

Specifiy the member first name

Nick Name
nickName string

Specifiy the member nick name

Middle Name
middleName string

Specifiy the member middle name

Last Name
lastName string

Specifiy the member last name

Maiden Name
maidenName string

Specifiy the member maiden name

dateOfBirth date

Specifiy the member date of birth

Date of Death
dateOfDeath date

Specifiy the member date of death

language string

Specifiy the member language

emailAddress string

Specifiy the member email address

Home Phone
homePhone string

Specifiy the member home phone (10 digits)

Mobile Phone
cellPhone string

Specifiy the member mobile phone (10 digits)

Work Phone
workPhone string

Specifiy the member work phone (10 digits)

pager string

Specifiy the member pager number (10 digits)

fax string

Specifiy the member fax number

gender string

Specifiy the member gender (M=Male, F=Female, U=Unknown)

Member Detail

This operation returns information about a specific member


Name Key Required Type Description
Member Diocese Id
memberId True integer

Member Diocese Id


Member sacrament list

This operation returns a list of sacrament records.


Name Key Required Type Description
Member Diocese Id
memberId True integer

Specify the unique member diocese identifier

Sacrament Type
type True integer

Specify the sacrament type (0 - 9)


This operation performs a member search based on the provided search filter criteria.


Name Key Required Type Description
Page Number
startRowIndex True integer

Specify page number to retrieve

Page Size
maximumRows True integer

Specify number of records per page

Search Text
fuzzy_SearchText string

Filter based on the search text

Include Deleted Members
showDeletedMembers boolean

Specify to include deleted members

Organization Id's
organizationIDs array of integer

Filter for a list of organization id's

Member Age From
filter_MemberAgeRange_From integer

Filter for age range of members

Member Age To
filter_MemberAgeRange_To integer

Filter for age range of members

Last Modified
filter_DateModified date

Filter for a specific date member was last modified

Family Registration Status
filter_FamilyRegistrationStatus integer

Filter for family registration status

Member Status Name
filter_MemberStatus string

Filter for member status name

Search By Contains
searchByContains integer

Specify to search using contains

Include Family Diocese Id
fuzzy_FamilyDUID boolean

Specify to include family diocese identifier in text search

Include Member Diocese Id
fuzzy_MemberDUID boolean

Specify to include member diocese identifier in text search

Include Family Last Name
fuzzy_FamilyLastName boolean

Specify to include family last name in text search

Include Family Address
fuzzy_FamilyAddress_PrimaryAddressFull boolean

Specify to include family primary address in text search

Include Family Address City
fuzzy_FamilyAddress_PrimaryCity boolean

Specify to include family primary address city in text search

Include Family Address State
fuzzy_FamilyAddress_PrimaryState boolean

Specify to include family primary address state in text search

Include Family Address Postal Code
fuzzy_FamilyAddress_PrimaryPostalCode boolean

Specify to include family primary address postal code in text search

Include Family Address Zip Plus
fuzzy_FamilyAddres_PrimaryZipPlus boolean

Specify to include family primary address zip plus in text search

Include Member Name
fuzzy_Display_MemberName boolean

Specify to include member name in text search

Include Member Type
fuzzy_MemberType boolean

Specify to include member type in text search

Include Member Gender
fuzzy_Sex boolean

Specify to include family member gender in text search

Include Member Age
fuzzy_Age boolean

Specify to include member age in text search

Include Envelope Number
fuzzy_EnvelopeNumber boolean

Specify to include envelope number in text search

Include Email Address
fuzzy_EmailAddress boolean

Specify to include email address in text search

Include Home Phone
fuzzy_HomePhone boolean

Specify to include home phone number in text search

Include Mobile Phone
fuzzy_MobilePhone boolean

Specify to include mobile phone in text search

Include Work Phone
fuzzy_WorkPhone boolean

Specify to include work phone in text search


Member status lookup list

This operation returns a list of member status lookup values.


Member type lookup list

This operation returns a list of member type lookup values.


Name Path Type Description
array of string

Member work group lookup list

This operation returns a list of member work group lookup values.


Name Path Type Description
array of string

This operation will return a list of family contribution summaries.


Name Key Required Type Description
Organization Id
organizationId True integer

Specify the unique organization identifier

Page Number
startRowIndex True integer

Specify page number to retrieve

Page Size
maximumRows True integer

Specify number of records per page

Family Id's
familyDUIDs array of integer

Filter for a list of family id's

Fund Id's
fundsDUIDs array of integer

Filter for a list of fund id's

Group Id
familyGroupId integer

Filter for a family group id

Registered Families
registeredFamilies boolean

Filter for only registered families.

Contribution Start Date
postDate_Low date

Filter for contribution start date

Contribution End Date
postDate_High date

Filter for contribution end date

Contribution Low Amount
amount_Low double

Filter for contribution low amount

Contribution High Amount
amount_High double

Filter for contribution high amount

Total Contribution Low Amount
totalAmount_Low double

Filter for family total contribution low amount

Total Contribution High Amount
totalAmount_High double

Filter for family total contribution high amount

Include Deleted
familyDeleted boolean

Specify to include deleted families

Include Zero Contributions
includeZeroDollarContributions boolean

Specify to include zero dollar contibutions

Include Non Givers
includeNonGivers boolean

Specify to include non giver families


Offering organization fund list

This operation will return a list of organization funds.


Name Key Required Type Description
Organization Id
organizationId True integer

Specify the unique organization identifier


Offering organization giver list

This operation will return a list of givers for a organization.


Name Key Required Type Description
Organization Id
organizationId True integer

Specify the unique organization identifier


Organization detail

s This operation will return information for a single organization.


Name Key Required Type Description
Organization Id
organizationId True integer

Specify the unique organization identifier


This operation will perform an organization search based on the provided criteria.


Name Key Required Type Description
name string

Specify the organization name

Organization Type List
types array of string

Specify a list of organization type names

vicariate string

Specify the organization vicariate name


Test API availability

This operation will perform a test to ensure API is available.





Name Path Type Description
Organization Id
parishID integer

The family organization unique identifer.

Organization Name
parishName string

The family organization name.

Family Group Name
familyGroup string

The name of the family group.

Family Head Title
headTitle string

The title for the head of the family.

Family Head First Name
headFirstName string

The first name for the head of the family.

Family Head Middle Name
headMiddleName string

The middle name for the head of the family.

Family Head Last Name
headLastName string

The last name for the head of the family.

Family Head Suffix
headSuffix string

The suffix for the head of the family.

Family Head Birthday
headDateofBirth string

The birthday for the head of the family.

Family Head Date of Death
headDateofDeath string

The date of death for the head of the family.

Family Spouse Title
spouseTitle string

The title for the family spouse.

Family Spouse First Name
spouseFirstName string

The first name for the family spouse.

Family Spouse Middle Name
spouseMiddleName string

The middle name for the family spouse.

Family Spouse Last Name
spouseLastName string

The last name for the family spouse.

Family Spouse Suffix
spouseSuffix string

The suffix for the family spouse.

Family Spouse Birthday
spouseDateofBirth string

The birthday for the family spouse.

Family Spouse Date of Death
spouseDateofDeath string

The date of death for the family spouse.

Family Street Address
addressLine1 string

The street address for the family.

Family Street Address 2
addressLine2 string

The second street address for family.

Family Address City
city string

The address city for the family.

Family Address State
state string

The address state for the family.

Family Address Postal Code
zip string

The address postal code.

Family Primary Phone Type
phoneType1 string

The primary phone type for the family.

Family Primary Phone Number
phoneNumber1 string

The primary phone number for the family.

Family Alternate Phone Type
phoneType2 string

The alternate phone type for the family.

Family Alternate Phone Number
phoneNumber2 string

The alternate phone number for the family.

Family Alternate Phone Type
phoneType3 string

The alternate phone type for the family.

Family Alternate Phone Number
phoneNumber3 string

The alternate phone number for the family.


Name Path Type Description
Log Date
logDate date-time

The date family was modified.

Family Diocese Id
family_DUID integer

The family diocese unique identifier.

Family Group
famGroup string

The family group name.

Last Name
lastName string

The family last name.

First Name
tag_name string

The family first name.

Current Street Address
currentAddress string

The family current street address.

Current Street Address 2
currentAddress2 string

The family current street address 2.

Current Address City
currentCity string

The family current address city.

Current Address State
currentState string

The family current address state.

Current Address Postal Code
currentPostalCode string

The family current address postal code.

Current Phone
currentPhone string

The family current phone number.

Current Email Address
currentEmail string

The family current email address.

Previous Street Address
previousAddress string

The family previous street address.

Previous Street Address 2
previousAddress2 string

The family previous street address 2.

Previous Address City
previousCity string

The family previous address city.

Previous Address State
previousState string

The family previous address state.

Previous Address Postal Code
previousPostalCode string

The family previous postal code.

Previous Phone Number
previousPhone string

The family previous phone number.

Previous Email Address
previousEmailAddress string

The family previous email address.

Current Organization Id
currentParishID integer

The family current organization identifier.

Current Registered Organization Id
currentRegisteredParish string

The family current registered organization identifier.

Address 1 Changed
address1_Changed string

The family address 1 changed.

Address 2 Changed
address2_Changed string

The family address 2 changed.

Address City Changed
city_Changed string

The family address city changed.

Address State Changed
state_Changed string

The family address state changed.

Address Postal Code Changed
postalCode_Changed string

The family address postal code changed.

Primary Phone Changed
homePhone_Changed string

The family primary phone changed.

Email Address Changed
email_Changed string

The family email address changed.


Name Path Type Description
Record Count
recordCount integer

The total number of matching result records.

Row Number
rowNum integer

The row number.

Organization Id
organizationID integer

The organization unique identifer.

Family Diocese Id
family_DUID integer

The family unique diocese identifer.

Family Group Id
famGroupID integer

The family group identifer.

Registration Status
registrationStatus boolean

The family registration status.

Envelope Id
envelopeID integer

The envelope identifer.

Last Name
lastName string

The family last name.

Mailing Name
mailingName string

The family mailing name.

First Name
tag_name string

The family first name.

Street Address
address_1 string

The family street address.

Street Address 2
address_2 string

The family street address 2.

Address City
city string

The family address city.

Address Region
region string

The family address region.

Address Postal Code
postalCode string

The family address postal code.

Send No Mail
sendNoMail boolean

Does the family accept mail.

Home Phone
homePhone string

The family Home Phone.

Membership Date
membership_Date date-time

The membership date.

Record Deleted
recordDeleted boolean

Is the family record deleted.

Contribution Count
numberOfContributions integer

The total number of contributions for the family.

Total Contribution Amount
totalContributions integer

The total amount of contributions for the family.

Average Contribution Amount
averageContribution integer

The average contribution amount for the family.


Name Path Type Description
Family Group Id
famGroupID integer

The family group identifer.

Family Group Name
famGroup string

The family group name.


Name Path Type Description
Display Order
displayOrder integer

The display order.

Suspense Member Id
suspenseMemberID integer

The suspense member identifier.

Member Diocese Id
memberDUID integer

The member unique diocese identifier.

Family Diocese Id
familyDUID integer

The family unique diocese identifer.

Member Salutation
salutation string

The member salutation.

Member Suffix
suffix string

The member suffix.

Member Nick Name
nickName string

The member nick name.

First Name
firstName string

The member first name.

Middle Name
middleName string

The member middle name.

Last Name
lastName string

The member last name.

birthdate date-time

The member birthday.

Birth Place Id
birthPlaceID integer

The member birth place identifier.

Birth Place Description
birthPlaceText string

The member birth place description.

Member Gender
sex string

The member Gender.

Home Phone
homePhone string

The member home phone number.

Work Phone
workPhone string

The member work phone number.

Mobile Phone
cellPhone string

The member mobile phone number.

pager string

The member pager number.

fax string

The member fax number.

Email Address
emailAddress string

The member email address.

School Name
school string

The member school name.

Graduation Year
gradYear string

The member granduation year.

Education Id
educationID integer

The member education identifier.

Education Description
education string

The member education description.

Career Type
careerType string

The member career type name.

Career Type Description
careerDesc string

The member career type description.

language string

The member language name.

Ethnic Id
ethnicID integer

The member ethnic identifier.

Ethnic Origin
ethnicOrigin string

The member ethnic origin.

Member Type
memberType string

The member type description.

Publish Photo
publish_Photo boolean

Does the member allow publishing photos.

Marital Status Id
maritalStatusID integer

The member marital status identifier.

religion string

The member religion name.

Mother Maiden Name
motherMaidenName string

The member mother's maiden name.

Owner Organization Id
ownerOrganizationID integer

The owner organization identifier.

Maiden Name
maidenName string

The member maiden name.

Member Status
memberStatus string

The member status name.

Map Closed
mapRecordClosed boolean

Is the member map record closed.

Mapped Organization Id
mappedOrganizationID integer

The member mapped organization identifier.

Member Last Name First Name
memberLastnameFirstName string

The member last name and first name.

Casual Name
memberCasualName string

The member casual name.

Full Name
memberFullName string

The member full name.

Organization Id
organizationID integer

The member organization identifier.

Member Type Order
memberTypeOrder integer

The member type order.


Name Path Type Description
Record Count
recordCount integer

The total number of matching records in results

Row Number
rowNum integer

The total row number

Family Diocese Id
familyDUID integer

The family unique diocese identifier

Ministry Type Diocese Id
ministryTypeDUID integer

The ministry type unique diocese identifier.

Ministry Type Id
ministryTypeID integer

The ministry type identifier.

Ministry Group Diocese Id
ministryGroupDUID integer

The ministry group unique diocese identifier.

Ministry Group Id
ministryGroupID integer

The ministry group identifier.

Ministry Role Diocese Id
ministryRoleDUID integer

The ministry role unique diocese identifier.

Ministry Role Id
ministryRoleID integer

The ministry role identifier.

Event Type Diocese Id
eventTypeDUID integer

The event type unique dioces identifier.

Event Type Id
eventTypeID integer

The event type identifier.

Ministry Description
ministryDescription string

The ministry description.

Ministry Group Description
ministryGroupDescription string

The ministry group description.

Ministry Role Description
ministryRoleDescription string

The ministry role description.

Event Type Description
eventTypeDescription string

The event type description.

Preference Type
preferenceType string

The event type preference type


Name Path Type Description
Total Matching Records
totalResults integer

The total number of records matching criteria.

Mailing Name
mailingName string

The family mailing name.

First Name
firstName string

The family first name.

Last Name
lastName string

The family last name.

Email Address
eMailAddress string

The family email address.

Home Phone
familyHomePhone string

The family home phone number.

Envelope Number
envelopeNumber integer

The family envelope number.

Diocesan Id
diocesanID integer

The family diocesan identifer.

Group Id
famGroupID integer

The family group identifer.

Map Code
mapCode string

The family map code.

Diocesan String Id
sDiocesanID string

The family diocesan identifier (string).

Diocese Id
familyDUID integer

The family diocese identifier.

Family Id
familyID integer

The family identifer.

status boolean

The family status.

Primary Address Phone Number
primaryPhone string

The family primary address phone number.

Primary Full Address
primaryAddressFull string

The family primary full address.

Primary Street Address
primaryAddress1 string

The family primary street address.

Primary Street Address 2
primaryAddress2 string

The family primary street address 2.

Primary Street Address 3
primaryAddress3 string

The family primary street address 3.

Primary Address City
primaryCity string

The family primary address city.

Primary Address State
primaryState string

The family primary address state.

Primary Postal Code
primaryPostalCode string

The family primary address postal code.

Primary Zip Plus
primaryZipPlus string

The family primary zip plus.

Participation Status
familyParticipationStatus string

The family participation status.

Has Suspense
hasSuspense boolean

The family has suspense records.

Has Owned Map
ownedMap boolean

The family has owned map.

Registered Organization Id
registeredOrganizationID integer

The family registered organization identifer.

Registered Organization Name and City
registeredOrganizationNameAndCity string

The family registered organization name and city.

Family Strength
strength integer

The family strength.

Has Active Members
hasMembers integer

The family has active members.

Publish Photo
publish_Photo boolean

The family photo can be published.

Publish Email
publish_Email boolean

The family email can be published.

Publish Phone
publish_Phone boolean

The family phone can be published.

Publish Address
publish_Address boolean

The family address can be published.

Send No Mail
sendNoMail boolean

The family send no mail.

Publish Primary Address
primaryPublishAddress boolean

The family primary address can be published.

Publish Primary Email
primaryPublishEMail boolean

The family primary email can be published.

Publish Primary Phone
primaryPublishPhone boolean

The family primary phone can be published.

Last Modified
dateModified date-time

The date family was last modified.

Row Number
rowNumber integer

The row number.


Name Path Type Description
Record Count
recordCount integer

The total number of matching records.

Row Number
rowNum integer

The row number.

Work Group Id
workgroupID integer

The family work group identifer.

Work Group Name
workgroupName string

The family work group name.

Work Group Description
workgroupDescription string

The family work group description.

Work Group Date
workgroupDate date-time

The family work group date.

Is Diocesan Work Group
isDiocesanWorkgroup boolean

The the work group diocesan.

Owner Organization Id
ownerOrganizationID integer

The owner organization unique identifer.

Source Organization Id
sourceOrganizationID integer

The source organization unique identifer.

Work Group Diocese Id
workgroupDUID integer

The family work group unique diocese identifier.


Name Path Type Description
Fund Name
name string

The fund name.

Fund Id
fundId integer

The fund unique identifier.

Fund Account Number
accountNumber string

The fund account number.

Fund External Id
externalId string

The fund external Id.

Fund Diocesan Id
diocesanId string

The fund diocesan id.

Revenue Account Id
revenueAccountId integer

The Parishsoft Accounting account ID for revenue account.

Revenue Account Description
revenueAccountDescription string

The ParishSoft Accounting account description for revenue account.

Revenue Account Shortcut
revenueAccountShortcut string

The ParishSoft Accounting account shortcut for revenue account.

Revenue Account Code
revenueAccountCode string

The Parishsoft Accounting account code for revenue account.

Fund Project Id
fundProjectId integer

The Parishsoft Accounting project ID for fund project.

Fund Project Description
fundProjectDescription string

The Parishsoft Accounting project description for fund project.

Is Fund Active
active boolean

Is the fund active?

Fund Start Date
fundStartDate date-time

The fund start date.

Fund End Date
fundEndDate date-time

The fund end date.

Fund Require Pledges?
requiresPledges boolean

Does the fund require a pledge?.

Fund accept sustaining gifts?
acceptSustainingGifts boolean

Does the fund accept sustaining gifts?.

Fund include tax deductible gifts?
includesTaxDeductibleGifts boolean

Does the fund include tax deductible gifts?.


Name Path Type Description
Record Count
recordCount integer

The total number of matching result records.

Row Number
rowNum integer

The row number.

Family Diocese Id
family_DUID integer

The family unique diocese identifer.

Family Name
familyName string

The family name.

Last Name
lastName string

The family last name.

Mailing Name
mailingName string

The family mailing name.

Email Address
familyEMailAddress string

The family email address.

Primary Address
primaryAddress string

The primary mailing address.

Envelope Id
envelopeID integer

The envelope identifer.

Organization Id
organizationID integer

The organization unique identifer.

Total Contribution Amount
family_TotalContributions integer

The total amount of contributions made by the family.

Number of Funds
numberOfFunds integer

The number of funds.

Fund Description
fundsDescription string

The fund description.


Name Path Type Description
Member Id
memberDUID integer

The member unique diocese identifier.

First Name
firstName string

The member first name.

Nick Name
nickName string

The member nick name.

Middle Name
middleName string

The member middle name.

Last Name
lastName string

The member last name.

Maiden Name
maidenName string

The member maiden name.

dateOfBirth date-time

The member birthday.

Date of Death
dateOfDeath date-time

The member date of death.

Email Address
emailAddress string

The member email address.

Mobile Phone
cellPhone string

The member mobile phone number.

Home Phone
homePhone string

The member home phone number.

Work Phone
workPhone string

The member work phone number.

pager string

The member pager number.

fax string

The member fax number.

gender string

The member gender.

Organization Id
ownerOrganizationID integer

The member owner organization identifier.


Name Path Type Description
Row Number
rowNum integer

The row number.

Aux Id
auxID string

The auxillary identifier.

Organization Id
organizationID integer

The member organization identifier.

Member Id
memberDUID integer

The member unique diocese identifier.

Owner Organization Id
ownerOrganizationID integer

The member owner organization identifier.

Family Id
familyDUID integer

The member family unique diocese identifier.

salutation string

The member salutation.

Full Name
fullName string

The member full name.

Display Name
display_MemberName string

The member display name.

Member Display Full Name
display_MemberFullName string

The member display full name.

Display Full Name
display_FullName string

The display full name.

First Name
firstName string

The member first name.

Last Name
lastName string

The member last name.

Family Last Name
familyLastName string

The member family last name.

birthdate date-time

The member birthday.

Date of Death
dateOfDeath date-time

The member date of death.

age integer

The member age.

Family Home Phone
family_HomePhone string

The member family home phone.

Home Phone
homePhone string

The member home phone.

Work Phone
workPhone string

The member work phone.

Mobile Phone
mobilePhone string

The member mobile phone.

Email Address
emailAddress string

The member email address.

Marital Status Id
maritalStatusID integer

The member marital status identifier.

Marital Status
maritalStatus string

The member marital status name.

sex string

The member gender.

Member Status
memberStatus string

The member status name.

Member Type
memberType string

The member type name.

Career Type
careerType string

The member career type.

Has Envelopes
envelopes integer

The member has envelopes.

Envelope Number
envelopeNumber integer

The member envelope number.

Graduation Year
gradYear integer

The member graduation year.

School Name
school string

The member school name.

education string

The member education name.

religion string

The member religion name.

language string

The member language name.

Ethnic Origin
ethnicOrigin string

The member ethnic origin name.

Member Deleted
memberDeleted integer

The member deletion status.

Maiden Name
maidenName string

The member maiden name.

Family Registration Status
family_RegistrationStatus boolean

The member family registration status.

Family Deleted
familyDeleted integer

The family deletion status.

Send No Mail
family_SendNoMail boolean

The family mail distribution status.

Publish Address
family_PublishAddress boolean

The family allows publishing address.

Publish Photo
family_PublishPhoto boolean

The family allows publishing photos.

Publish Email
family_PublishEMail boolean

The family allows publishing email address.

Publish Phone
family_PublishPhone boolean

The family allows publishing phone number.

Participation Status
family_ParticipationStatus string

The family participation status.

Family Full Address
familyAddres_PrimaryAddressFull string

The family primary full address.

Family Address City
familyAddres_PrimaryCity string

The family primary address city.

Family Address State
familyAddres_PrimaryState string

The family primary address state.

Family Address Postal Code
familyAddres_PrimaryPostalCode string

The family primary address postal code.

Family Address Zip Plus
familyAddres_PrimaryZipPlus string

The family primary address zip plus.

Family Address Full Postal Code
familyAddres_PrimaryFullPostalCode string

The family primary address full postal code.

Organization Id
registeredOrganizationID integer

The member registerd organization identifier.

Organization Name
registeredOrganizationNameAndCity string

The member registerd organization name and city.

Birthday Year
birthdate_Year integer

The member birthday year.

Birthday Month
birthdate_Month integer

The member birthday month.

Birthday Day
birthdate_Day integer

The member birthday day.

Last Modified
dateModified date-time

The date member was last modified.

Record Count
recordCount integer

The toal number of matching records.


Name Path Type Description
Member Status Id
memberStatusID integer

The member status identifier.

Member Status Name
memberStatusName string

The member status name.


Name Path Type Description
Organization Id
organizationID integer

The organization identifier.

Type Id
organizationTypeID integer

The organization type identifier.

Type Name
organizationType string

The organization type name.

organizationName string

The organization name.

city string

The organization city.

region string

The organization region.

Postal Code
postalCode string

The organization postal code.

Parent Organization Id
childOf integer

The organization's parent identifier.

Parent Organization Name
childOfName string

The organization's parent name.

Entity Type Id
entityTypeID integer

The organization entity type identifier.

Street Address
address_1 string

The organization street address.

Street Address 2
address_2 string

The organization street address.

Address State
state string

The organization address state.

country string

The organization country.

Postal Code
zip string

The organization address postal code.

Postal Code Extension
zipExt string

The organization postal code extension.

phone string

The organization phone number.

fax string

The organization fax number.

Web Site
organizationWebSite string

The organization web site address.

Email Address
organizationEmail string

The organization email address.

Vicariate Id
vicariateId integer

The organization vicariate identifier.

Region Id
regionID integer

The organization region identifier.

Region Name
regionName string

The organization region name.

Vicariate Name
vicariate string

The organization vicariate name.

School Id
schoolID integer

The organization school identifier.

School Name
schoolName string

The organization school name.

Local Id
localOrgID string

The organization local identifier.

Report Name
organizationReportName string

The organization's report name.

Address Type Id
addressTypeID integer

The organization address type identifier.

Grade Change Over
religiousEducation_GradeChangeOver string

The organization religious education grade change over.

Enrollment Cut Off
enrollmentCutOff string

The organization religious education enrollment cut off.

Registration Number
registrationNumber string

The organization registration number.

Last Modified
lastUpdated date-time

The date the organization was last modified.


Name Path Type Description
Member Id
memberDUID integer

The member unique diocese identifier.

Member Title
memberTitle string

The member title.

Member First Name
memberFirstName string

The member first name.

Member Middle Name
memberMiddleName string

The member middle name.

Member Gender
memberGender string

The member gender.

Member Last Name
memberLastName string

The member last name.

Member Suffix
memberSuffix string

The member suffix.

Sacrament Baptism Id
sacBaptismID integer

The sacrament baptism identifier.

Member Unique Identifier
memberGUID uuid

The member unique identifier.

Sacrament Is Complete
isComplete boolean

The sacrament is complete.

Sacrament Completed Date
dateCompleted date-time

The date the sacrament was completed.

Sacrament Organization Id
parishID integer

The sacrament organization identifier.

Sacrament Organization Name
parishText string

The sacrament organization name.

Celebrant Id
celebrantDUID integer

The sacrament celebrant diocese unique identifier.

Celebrant Name
celebrantText string

The sacrament celebrant name.

Sponsor Id
sponsor1DUID integer

The sacrament sponsor diocese unique identifier.

Sponsor Name
sponsor1Text string

The sacrament sponsor name.

Sponsor 2 Id
sponsor2DUID integer

The sacrament sponsor 2 diocese unique identifier.

Sponsor 2 Name
sponsor2Text string

The sacrament sponsor 2 name.

Witness Id
witness1DUID integer

The sacrament witness diocese unique identifier.

Witness Name
witness1Text string

The sacrament witness name.

Witness 2 Id
witness2DUID integer

The sacrament witness 2 diocese unique identifier.

Witness 2 Name
witness2Text string

The sacrament witness 2 name.

Baptismal Name
baptismalName string

The baptismal name.

Is Catholic
isCatholic boolean

Is member religion catholic.

Faith of Baptism
faithOfBaptismText string

The faith of baptism text.

Preparation Year
prepYear string

The preparation year.

notes string


Registry Volume
registryVolume string

The sacrament registry volume.

Registry Page
registryPage string

The sacrament registry page.

Registry Number
registryNumber string

The sacrament registry number.

Owner Organization
ownerOrganizationID integer

The owner organization identifier.

Source Organization
sourceOrganizationID integer

The source organization identifier.

Sacrament Id
dioUniqueID integer

The sacrament unique diocese identifier.

Sacrament Member Title
sacMemberTitle string

The sacrament member title.

Sacrament First Name
sacMemberFirstName string

The sacrament member first name.

Sacrament Member Middle Name
sacMemberMiddleName string

The sacrament member middle name.

Sacrament Member Last Name
sacMemberLastName string

The sacrament member last name.

Sacrament Member Maiden Name
sacMemberMaidenName string

The sacrament member maiden name.

Sacrament Member Suffix
sacMemberSuffix string

The sacrament member suffix.

Executor User Id
executorUserID integer

The sacrament executor user identifier.

Record Number
rn integer

The record number.


This is the basic data type 'string'.