Queries for the DeviceHardwareHealth table

For information on using these queries in the Azure portal, see Log Analytics tutorial. For the REST API, see Query.

Hardware Minor

SurfaceHub hardware minor.

|where EventName != "CameraInUnexpectedState" and EventName != "WiredIngestInUnexpectedState" and EventName != "WiredTouchInUnexpectedState" and EventName != "WifiDirectInUnexpectedState" and EventName != "MicInUnexpectedState" and EventName != "WiredTouchInUnexpectedState" and EventName != "SpeakersInUnexpectedState" and EventName != "WirelessCardInUnexpectedState" 
| sort by TimeGenerated des

Hardware Alert


|where EventName == "CameraInUnexpectedState" or EventName == "WiredIngestInUnexpectedState" or EventName == "WiredTouchInUnexpectedState" or EventName == "WifiDirectInUnexpectedState" or EventName == "MicInUnexpectedState" or EventName == "WiredTouchInUnexpectedState" or EventName == "SpeakersInUnexpectedState" or EventName == "WirelessCardInUnexpectedState" 
| sort by TimeGenerated desc