How to configure Microsoft Entra certificate-based authentication

Microsoft Entra certificate-based authentication (CBA) enables organizations to configure their Microsoft Entra tenants to allow or require users to authenticate with X.509 certificates created by their Enterprise Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) for app and browser sign-in. This feature enables organizations to adopt phishing-resistant modern passwordless authentication by using an x.509 certificate.

During sign-in, users will see also an option to authenticate with a certificate instead of entering a password. If multiple matching certificates are present on the device, the user can pick which one to use. The certificate is validated against the user account and if successful, they sign in.

Follow these instructions to configure and use Microsoft Entra CBA for tenants in Office 365 Enterprise and US Government plans. You should already have a public key infrastructure (PKI) configured.


Make sure that the following prerequisites are in place:

  • Configure at least one certification authority (CA) and any intermediate CAs in Microsoft Entra ID.
  • The user must have access to a user certificate (issued from a trusted Public Key Infrastructure configured on the tenant) intended for client authentication to authenticate against Microsoft Entra ID.
  • Each CA should have a certificate revocation list (CRL) that can be referenced from internet-facing URLs. If the trusted CA doesn't have a CRL configured, Microsoft Entra ID won't perform any CRL checking, revocation of user certificates won't work, and authentication won't be blocked.


Make sure the PKI is secure and can't be easily compromised. In the event of a compromise, the attacker can create and sign client certificates and compromise any user in the tenant, both users whom are synchronized from on-premises and cloud-only users. However, a strong key protection strategy, along with other physical and logical controls, such as HSM activation cards or tokens for the secure storage of artifacts, can provide defense-in-depth to prevent external attackers or insider threats from compromising the integrity of the PKI. For more information, see Securing PKI.


Please visit the Microsoft recommendations for best practices for Microsoft Cryptographic involving algorithm choice, key length and data protection. Please make sure to use one of the recommended algorithms, key length and NIST approved curves.


As part of ongoing security improvements Azure/M365 endpoints are adding support for TLS1.3 and this process is expected to take a few months to cover the thousands of service endpoints across Azure/M365. This includes the Microsoft Entra endpoint used by Microsoft Entra certificate-based authentication (CBA) * and * TLS 1.3 is the latest version of the internet’s most deployed security protocol, which encrypts data to provide a secure communication channel between two endpoints. TLS 1.3 eliminates obsolete cryptographic algorithms, enhances security over older versions, and aims to encrypt as much of the handshake as possible. We highly recommend for developers to start testing TLS 1.3 in their applications and services.


When evaluating a PKI, it is important to review certificate issuance policies and enforcement. As mentioned, adding certificate authorities (CAs) to Microsoft Entra configuration allows certificates issued by those CAs to authenticate any user in Microsoft Entra ID. For this reason, it is important to consider how and when the CAs are allowed to issue certificates, and how they implement reusable identifiers. Where administrators need to ensure only a specific certificate is able to be used to authenticate a user, admins should exclusively use high-affinity bindings to achieve a higher level of assurance that only a specific certificate is able to authenticate the user. For more information, see high-affinity bindings.

Steps to configure and test Microsoft Entra CBA

Some configuration steps to be done before you enable Microsoft Entra CBA. First, an admin must configure the trusted CAs that issue user certificates. As seen in the following diagram, we use role-based access control to make sure only least-privileged administrators are needed to make changes.

A Global Administrator is needed to manage this feature.

Optionally, you can also configure authentication bindings to map certificates to single-factor or multifactor authentication, and configure username bindings to map the certificate field to an attribute of the user object. Authentication Policy Administrators can configure user-related settings. Once all the configurations are complete, enable Microsoft Entra CBA on the tenant.

Diagram of the steps required to enable Microsoft Entra certificate-based authentication.

Step 1: Configure the certification authorities

You can configure certificate authorities(CAs) by using the Microsoft Entra admin center or Microsoft Graph REST APIs and the supported SDKs, such as Microsoft Graph PowerShell. The PKI infrastructure or PKI admin should be able to provide the list of issuing CAs. To make sure you have configured all the CAs, open the user certificate and click on 'certification path' tab and make sure every CA until the root is uploaded to the Microsoft Entra ID trust store. CBA authentication will fail if there are missing CAs.

Configure certification authorities using the Microsoft Entra admin center

To enable the certificate-based authentication and configure user bindings in the Microsoft Entra admin center, complete the following steps:

  1. Sign in to the Microsoft Entra admin center as a Global Administrator.

  2. Browse to Protection > Show more > Security Center (or Identity Secure Score) > Certificate authorities.

  3. To upload a CA, select Upload:

    1. Select the CA file.

    2. Select Yes if the CA is a root certificate, otherwise select No.

    3. For Certificate Revocation List URL, set the internet-facing URL for the CA base CRL that contains all revoked certificates. If the URL isn't set, authentication with revoked certificates won't fail.

    4. For Delta Certificate Revocation List URL, set the internet-facing URL for the CRL that contains all revoked certificates since the last base CRL was published.

    5. Select Add.

      Screenshot of how to upload certification authority file.

  4. To delete a CA certificate, select the certificate and select Delete.

  5. Select Columns to add or delete columns.


Upload of a new CA fails if any existing CA expired. You should delete any expired CA, and retry to upload the new CA.

A Global Administrator is needed to manage this feature.

Configure certificate authorities (CA) using PowerShell

Only one CRL Distribution Point (CDP) for a trusted CA is supported. The CDP can only be HTTP URLs. Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) or Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) URLs aren't supported.

To configure your certificate authorities in Microsoft Entra ID, for each certificate authority, upload the following:

  • The public portion of the certificate, in .cer format
  • The internet-facing URLs where the Certificate Revocation Lists (CRLs) reside

The schema for a certificate authority looks as follows:

    class TrustedCAsForPasswordlessAuth
       CertificateAuthorityInformation[] certificateAuthorities;

    class CertificateAuthorityInformation

        CertAuthorityType authorityType;
        X509Certificate trustedCertificate;
        string crlDistributionPoint;
        string deltaCrlDistributionPoint;
        string trustedIssuer;
        string trustedIssuerSKI;

    enum CertAuthorityType
        RootAuthority = 0,
        IntermediateAuthority = 1

For the configuration, you can use Microsoft Graph PowerShell:

  1. Start Windows PowerShell with administrator privileges.

  2. Install Microsoft Graph PowerShell:

        Install-Module Microsoft.Graph

As a first configuration step, you need to establish a connection with your tenant. As soon as a connection to your tenant exists, you can review, add, delete, and modify the trusted certificate authorities that are defined in your directory.


To establish a connection with your tenant, use Connect-MgGraph:



To retrieve the trusted certificate authorities that are defined in your directory, use Get-MgOrganizationCertificateBasedAuthConfiguration.




Upload of new CAs will fail when any of the existing CAs are expired. Tenant Admin should delete the expired CAs and then upload the new CA.

Follow the preceding steps to add a CA in the Microsoft Entra admin center.


  • Use 0 to indicate a Root certification authority
  • Use 1 to indicate an Intermediate or Issuing certification authority


You can download the CRL and compare the CA certificate and the CRL information to validate the crlDistributionPoint value in the preceding PowerShell example is valid for the CA you want to add.

The following table and graphic show how to map information from the CA certificate to the attributes of the downloaded CRL.

CA Certificate Info = Downloaded CRL Info
Subject = Issuer
Subject Key Identifier = Authority Key Identifier (KeyID)

Compare CA Certificate with CRL Information.


The value for crlDistributionPoint in the preceding example is the http location for the CA’s Certificate Revocation List (CRL). This value can be found in a few places:

  • In the CRL Distribution Point (CDP) attribute of a certificate issued from the CA.

If the issuing CA runs Windows Server:

  • On the Properties of the CA in the certification authority Microsoft Management Console (MMC).
  • On the CA by running certutil -cainfo cdp. For more information, see certutil.

For more information, see Understanding the certificate revocation process.

Configure certification authorities using the Microsoft Graph APIs

MS Graph APIs can be used to configure certificate authorities. Please follow the steps at certificatebasedauthconfiguration MSGraph commands to update the Microsoft Entra Certificate Authority trust store.

Validate Certificate Authority configuration

It is important to ensure that the above configuration steps result is Microsoft Entra ability to both validate the certificate authority trust chain and succsessfully acquire the certificate revocation list (CRL) from the configured certificate authority CRL distribution point (CDP) . To assist with this task, it is recommended to install the MSIdentity Tools PowerShell module and run Test-MsIdCBATrustStoreConfiguration. This PowerShell cmdlet will review the Microsoft Entra tenant certificate authority configuration and surface errors/warnings for common mis-configuration issues.

Step 2: Enable CBA on the tenant


A user is considered capable for MFA when the user is in scope for Certificate-based authentication in the Authentication methods policy. This policy requirement means a user can't use proof up as part of their authentication to register other available methods. If the users do not have access to certificates they will be locked out and not be able to register other methods for MFA. So the admin needs to enable users who have a valid certificate into the CBA scope. Do not use all users for CBA target and use groups of users who have valid certificates available. For more information, see Microsoft Entra multifactor authentication.

To enable the certificate-based authentication in the Microsoft Entra admin center, complete the following steps:

  1. Sign in to the Microsoft Entra admin center as at least an Authentication Policy Administrator.

  2. Browse to Groups > All groups > select New group and create a group for CBA users

  3. Browse to Protection > Authentication methods > Certificate-based Authentication.

  4. Under Enable and Target, select Enable.

  5. Select All users, or select Add groups to select specific groups like the one created above. It is recommended to use specific groups rather than All users.

    Screenshot of how to enable CBA.

Once certificate-based authentication is enabled on the tenant, all users in the tenant will see the option to sign in with a certificate. Only users who are enabled for certificate-based authentication will be able to authenticate using the X.509 certificate.


The network administrator should allow access to certauth endpoint for the customer's cloud environment in addition to Disable TLS inspection on the certauth endpoint to make sure the client certificate request succeeds as part of the TLS handshake.

Step 3: Configure authentication binding policy

The authentication binding policy helps determine the strength of authentication to either a single factor or multifactor. The default protection level for the certificates on the tenant is single-factor authentication.

An Authentication Policy Administrator can change the default value from single-factor to multifactor and configure custom policy rules. Authentication binding rules map certificate attributes, such as Issuer, or Policy OID, or Issuer and Policy OID, to a value and select default protection level for that rule. You can create multiple rules.

To modify tenant default settings in the Microsoft Entra admin center, complete the following steps:

  1. Sign in to the Microsoft Entra admin center as at least an Authentication Policy Administrator.

  2. Browse to Protection > Authentication methods > Policies.

  3. Under Manage, select Authentication methods > Certificate-based Authentication.

    Screenshot of Authentication policy.

  4. Select Configure to set up authentication binding and username binding.

  5. The protection level attribute has a default value of Single-factor authentication. Select Multifactor authentication to change the default value to MFA.


    The default protection level value is in effect if no custom rules are added. If custom rules are added, the protection level defined at the rule level is honored instead.

    Screenshot of how to change the default policy to MFA.

  6. You can also set up custom authentication binding rules to help determine the protection level for client certificates. It can be configured using either the issuer Subject or Policy OID fields in the certificate.

    Authentication binding rules will map the certificate attributes (issuer or Policy OID) to a value, and select default protection level for that rule. Multiple rules can be created.

    To add custom rules, select Add rule.

    Screenshot of how to add a rule.

    To create a rule by certificate issuer, select Certificate issuer.

    1. Select a Certificate issuer identifier from the list box.

    2. Select Multifactor authentication, Low affinity binding, and then click Add. When prompted, click I acknowledge to finish adding the rule.

      Screenshot of multifactor authentication policy.

    To create a rule by Policy OID, select Policy OID.

    1. Enter a value for Policy OID.

    2. Select Multifactor authentication, Low affinity binding, and then click Add. When prompted, click I acknowledge to finish adding the rule. .

      Screenshot of mapping to Policy OID.

    To create a rule by Issuer and Policy OID:

    1. Select Certificate Issuer and Policy OID.

    2. Select an issuer and enter the policy OID.

    3. For Authentication strength, select Single-factor authentication or Multifactor authentication.

    4. For Affinity binding, select Low.

      Screenshot of how to select a low affinity binding.

    5. Select Add.

      Screenshot of how to add a low affinity binding.

    6. Authenticate with a certificate that has policy OID of and Issued by CN=CBATestRootProd. Authentication should pass and get a multifactor claim.


There is a known issue where a Microsoft Entra tenant admin configures a CBA authentication policy rule using both Issuer and Policy OID impacts some device registration scenarios including:

  • Windows Hello For Business enrollment
  • Fido2 Security Key registration
  • Windows Passwordless Phone Sign-in

Device registration with Workplace Join, Microsoft Entra ID and Hybrid Microsoft Entra device join scenarios are not impacted. CBA authentication policy rules using either Issuer OR Policy OID are not impacted. To mitigate, admins should :

  • Edit the certificate-based authentication policy rules currently using both Issuer and Policy OID options and remove either the Issuer or OID requirement and save. OR
  • Remove the authentication policy rule currently using both Issuer and Policy OID and create rules using only issuer or policy OID

We are working to fix the issue.

To create a rule by Issuer and Serial Number:

  1. Add an authentication binding policy that requires any cert issued by CN=CBATestRootProd with policyOID needs only high affinity binding (that is, Issuer and serial number are used).

    Screenshot of Issuer and Serial Number added the Microsoft Entra admin center.

  2. Select the certificate field. In this example, we'll select Issuer and Serial number.

    Screenshot of how to select Issuer and Serial Number.

  3. The only user attribute supported is CertificateUserIds. Select Add.

    Screenshot of how to add Issuer and Serial Number.

  4. Select Save.

The sign-in log shows which binding was used and the details from certificate.

Screenshot of sign-in log.

  1. Select Ok to save any custom rule.


Enter the PolicyOID by using the object identifier format. For example, if the certificate policy says All Issuance Policies, enter the OID as when you add the rule. The string All Issuance Policies is invalid for the rules editor and won't take effect.

Step 4: Configure username binding policy

The username binding policy helps validate the certificate of the user. By default, we map Principal Name in the certificate to UserPrincipalName in the user object to determine the user.

An Authentication Policy Administrator can override the default and create a custom mapping. To determine how to configure username binding, see How username binding works.

For more information on scenarios using certificateUserIds attribute see Certificate user IDs.


If a username binding policy uses synchronized attributes, such as the certificateUserIds, onPremisesUserPrincipalName, and userPrincipalName attribute of the user object, be aware that accounts with administrative privileges in Active Directory (such as those with delegated rights on user objects or administrative rights on the Microsoft Entra Connect Server) can make changes that impact these attributes in Microsoft Entra ID.

  1. Create the username binding by selecting one of the X.509 certificate fields to bind with one of the user attributes. The username binding order represents the priority level of the binding. The first one has the highest priority, and so on.

    Screenshot of a username binding policy.

    If the specified X.509 certificate field is found on the certificate, but Microsoft Entra ID doesn't find a user object using that value, the authentication fails. Microsoft Entra ID tries the next binding in the list.

  2. Select Save to save the changes.

The final configuration will look like this image:

Screenshot of the final configuration.

Step 5: Test your configuration

This section covers how to test your certificate and custom authentication binding rules.

Test your certificate

As a first configuration test, you should try to sign in to the MyApps portal using your on-device browser.

  1. Enter your User Principal Name (UPN).

    Screenshot of the User Principal Name.

  2. Select Next.

    Screenshot of sign-in with certificate.

    If you enabled other authentication methods like Phone sign-in or FIDO2, users might see a different sign-in screen.

    Screenshot of the alternative sign-in.

  3. Select Sign in with a certificate.

  4. Pick the correct user certificate in the client certificate picker UI and select OK.

    Screenshot of the certificate picker UI.

  5. Users should be signed into MyApps portal.

If your sign-in is successful, then you know that:

  • The user certificate has been provisioned into your test device.
  • Microsoft Entra ID is configured correctly with trusted CAs.
  • Username binding is configured correctly, and the user is found and authenticated.

Test custom authentication binding rules

Let's walk through a scenario where we validate strong authentication. We'll create two authentication policy rules, one by using issuer subject to satisfy single-factor authentication, and another by using policy OID to satisfy multifactor authentication.

  1. Create an issuer Subject rule with protection level as single-factor authentication and value set to your CAs Subject value. For example:

    CN = WoodgroveCA

  2. Create a policy OID rule, with protection level as multifactor authentication and value set to one of the policy OIDs in your certificate. For example,

    Screenshot of the Policy OID rule.

  3. Create a Conditional Access policy for the user to require multifactor authentication by following steps at Conditional Access - Require MFA.

  4. Navigate to MyApps portal. Enter your UPN and select Next.

    Screenshot of the User Principal Name.

  5. Select Sign in with a certificate.

    Screenshot of sign-in with certificate.

    If you enabled other authentication methods like Phone sign-in or security keys, users might see a different sign-in screen.

    Screenshot of the alternative sign-in.

  6. Select the client certificate and select Certificate Information.

    Screenshot of the client picker.

  7. The certificate appears, and you can verify the issuer and policy OID values. Screenshot of the issuer.

  8. To see Policy OID values, select Details.

    Screenshot of the authentication details.

  9. Select the client certificate and select OK.

  10. The policy OID in the certificate matches the configured value of, and satisfies multifactor authentication. Similarly, the issuer in the certificate matches the configured value of CN=WoodgroveCA, and satisfies single-factor authentication.

  11. Because the policy OID rule takes precedence over the issuer rule, the certificate satisfies multifactor authentication.

  12. The Conditional Access policy for the user requires MFA and the certificate satisfies multifactor, so the user can sign in to the application.

Test username binding policy

The username binding policy helps validate the certificate of the user. There are three bindings that are supported for the username binding policy:

  • IssuerAndSerialNumber > CertificateUserIds
  • IssuerAndSubject > CertificateUserIds
  • Subject > CertificateUserIds

By default, Microsoft Entra ID maps Principal Name in the certificate to UserPrincipalName in the user object to determine the user. An Authentication Policy Administrator can override the default and create a custom mapping, as explained earlier in Step 4.

Before enabling the new bindings, an Authentication Policy Administrator must make sure the correct values for the bindings are updated in the user object attribute Certificate UserIds for the corresponding username bindings.


The format of the values of Issuer, Subject, and SerialNumber should be in the reverse order of their format in the certificate. Don't add any space in the Issuer or Subject.

Issuer and Serial Number manual mapping

Here's an example for Issuer and Serial Number manual mapping. The Issuer value to be added is:


Screenshot of the Issuer value.

To get the correct value for serial number, run the following command, and store the value shown in CertificateUserIds. The command syntax is:

Certutil –dump –v [~certificate path~] >> [~dumpFile path~] 

For example:

certutil -dump -v firstusercert.cer >> firstCertDump.txt

Here is an example for certutil command:

certutil -dump -v C:\save\CBA\certs\CBATestRootProd\mfausercer.cer 

X509 Certificate: 
Version: 3 
Serial Number: 48efa06ba8127299499b069f133441b2 

   b2 41 34 13 9f 06 9b 49 99 72 12 a8 6b a0 ef 48 

The SerialNumber value to be added in CertificateUserId is:



X509:<I>C=US,O=U.SGovernment,OU=DoD,OU=PKI,OU=CONTRACTOR,CN=CRL.BALA.SelfSignedCertificate<SR> b24134139f069b49997212a86ba0ef48 

Issue and Subject manual mapping

Here's an example for Issue and Subject manual mapping. The Issuer value is:

Screenshot of the Issuer value when used with multiple bindings.

The Subject value is:

Screenshot of the Subject value.


X509:<I>C=US,O=U.SGovernment,OU=DoD,OU=PKI,OU=CONTRACTOR,CN=CRL.BALA.SelfSignedCertificate<S> DC=com,DC=contoso,DC=corp,OU=UserAccounts,CN=FirstUserATCSession

Subject manual mapping

Here's an example for Subject manual mapping. The Subject value is:

Screenshot of another Subject value.



Test affinity binding

  1. Sign in to the Microsoft Entra admin center as at least an Authentication Policy Administrator.

  2. Browse to Protection > Authentication methods > Policies.

  3. Under Manage, select Authentication methods > Certificate-based Authentication.

  4. Select Configure.

  5. Set Required Affinity Binding at the tenant level.


    Be careful with the tenant-wide affinity setting. You can lock out the entire tenant if you change the Required Affinity Binding for the tenant and you don't have proper values in the user object. Similarly, if you create a custom rule that applies to all users and requires high affinity binding, users in the tenant can get locked out.

    Screenshot of how to set required affinity binding.

  6. To test, select Required Affinity Binding to be Low.

  7. Add a high affinity binding like SKI. Select Add rule under Username binding.

  8. Select SKI and select Add.

    Screenshot of how to add an affinity binding.

    When finished, the rule looks like this screenshot:

    Screenshot of a completed affinity binding.

  9. Update all user objects CertificateUserIds attribute to have the correct value of SKI from the user certificate. For more information, see Supported patterns for CertificateUserIDs.

  10. Create a custom rule for Authentication binding.

  11. Select Add.

    Screenshot of a custom authentication binding.

    When finished, the rule looks like this screenshot:

    Screenshot of a custom rule.

  12. Update the user CertificateUserIds with correct SKI value from the certificate with policy OID

  13. Test with a certificate with policy OID and the user should be authenticated with SKI binding and get MFA with only the certificate.

Enable CBA using Microsoft Graph API

To enable CBA and configure username bindings using Graph API, complete the following steps.

  1. Go to Microsoft Graph Explorer.

  2. Select Sign into Graph Explorer and sign in to your tenant.

  3. Follow the steps to consent to the Policy.ReadWrite.AuthenticationMethod delegated permission.

  4. GET all authentication methods:

  5. GET the configuration for the x509 Certificate authentication method:

  6. By default, the x509 Certificate authentication method is disabled. To allow users to sign in with a certificate, you must enable the authentication method and configure the authentication and username binding policies through an update operation. To update policy, run a PATCH request.

    Request body:

    PATCH https: //
    Content-Type: application/json
        "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.x509CertificateAuthenticationMethodConfiguration",
        "id": "X509Certificate",
        "state": "enabled",
        "certificateUserBindings": [
                "x509CertificateField": "PrincipalName",
                "userProperty": "onPremisesUserPrincipalName",
                "priority": 1
                "x509CertificateField": "RFC822Name",
                "userProperty": "userPrincipalName",
                "priority": 2
                "x509CertificateField": "PrincipalName",
                "userProperty": "certificateUserIds",
                "priority": 3
        "authenticationModeConfiguration": {
            "x509CertificateAuthenticationDefaultMode": "x509CertificateSingleFactor",
            "rules": [
                    "x509CertificateRuleType": "issuerSubject",
                    "identifier": "CN=WoodgroveCA ",
                    "x509CertificateAuthenticationMode": "x509CertificateMultiFactor"
                    "x509CertificateRuleType": "policyOID",
                    "identifier": "",
                    "x509CertificateAuthenticationMode": "x509CertificateMultiFactor"
        "includeTargets": [
                "targetType": "group",
                "id": "all_users",
                "isRegistrationRequired": false
  7. You get a 204 No content response code. Rerun the GET request to make sure the policies are updated correctly.

  8. Test the configuration by signing in with a certificate that satisfies the policy.

Enable CBA using Microsoft Power Shell

  1. Open a power shell command window
  2. Connect to Microsoft Graph
    Connect-MgGraph -Scopes "Policy.ReadWrite.AuthenticationMethod"
  3. Create a variable for defining group for CBA users
    $group = Get-MgGroup -Filter "displayName eq 'CBATestGroup'"
  4. Define the request body
    $body = @{
    "@odata.type" = "#microsoft.graph.x509CertificateAuthenticationMethodConfiguration"
    "id" = "X509Certificate"
    "state" = "enabled"
    "certificateUserBindings" = @(
            "@odata.type" = "#microsoft.graph.x509CertificateUserBinding"
            "x509CertificateField" = "SubjectKeyIdentifier"
            "userProperty" = "certificateUserIds"
            "priority" = 1
            "@odata.type" = "#microsoft.graph.x509CertificateUserBinding"
            "x509CertificateField" = "PrincipalName"
            "userProperty" = "UserPrincipalName"
            "priority" = 2
            "@odata.type" = "#microsoft.graph.x509CertificateUserBinding"
            "x509CertificateField" = "RFC822Name"
            "userProperty" = "userPrincipalName"
            "priority" = 3
    "authenticationModeConfiguration" = @{
        "@odata.type" = "#microsoft.graph.x509CertificateAuthenticationModeConfiguration"
        "x509CertificateAuthenticationDefaultMode" = "x509CertificateMultiFactor"
        "rules" = @(
                "@odata.type" = "#microsoft.graph.x509CertificateRule"
                "x509CertificateRuleType" = "policyOID"
                "identifier" = ""
                "x509CertificateAuthenticationMode" = "x509CertificateMultiFactor"
    "includeTargets" = @(
            "targetType" = "group"
            "id" = $group.Id
            "isRegistrationRequired" = $false
    ) } | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 5
  5. Execute the PATCH request
     Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Method PATCH -Uri "" -Body $body -ContentType "application/json"

Next steps