Kubernetes Load Balancer 403 AuthorizationFailed and InvalidApiVersionParameter
When deploying a Kubernetes Service (type LoadBalancer), the service shows the following event: Warning SyncLoadBalancerFailed 1s (x2 over 7s) service-controller Error syncing load balancer: failed to ensure load balancer: Retriable: false,…
Azure Kubernetes Service - Why Are System Pods Being Scheduled On User Node Pools?
I have a cluster which is made up of 3 node pools: system - System Node Pool project 1 - User Node Pool project 2 - User Node Pool On the System node pool, I have the taint set CriticalAddonsOnly:true:NoSchedule. My issue is that for some reason, system…
How to create Native Prometheus Alert on Managed AKS/Prometheus
Hey folks, I have Managed Grafana and Prometheus on AKS. Native Opensource Prometheus has been in use for few years, hence has many custom (application/service) related alerting and recording rule setup. Is there anyway in Azure, where we can deploy…
I need to know the exact difference between container insights and Azure managed Promotheus and grafana in azure kubernates cluster
I am unable to figureout the exact difference between container insights, promotheus and grafana, and if i need to integrate azure managed promotheus, in my .net core app(POD), what changes i need to make in my application to get metrics. Can any help me…
How can I improve cost efficiency of Azure Kubernetes?
I am creating a suite of online services. To better control database usage and scalability, I selected AKS as the platform to host my various services. This includes database pods, API pods, Blazor app pods, Keycloak, and more. At the moment, my app is…
Microsoft CAF - Shared AKS Cluster
Hello, We currently have a Platform Landing Zone with follows Microsoft's Cloud Adoption Framework with Identity, Management & Connectivity Subscriptions. We are looking to implement a Shared Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) module for all of our…
Can I upgrade AKS from 1.24.9 to 1.28.13 without rebuilding cluster
I've inherited an AKS 1.24.9 cluster and need to update. Can this be done without rebuilding.
we have our Azure web apps and this had an issue yesterday .the node was low on memory and front end stopped .
we have opted for Azure -Pay as you go plan . Yesterday the warnign came : node was low on resoure memory .Threshold quantity 750Mi , available 703984Ki.Container was using 1584984Ki request is 500Mi, has larger consumtion of memory. The application…
Security - manual NFS mount in a pod
Hello I successfully configured my AKS cluster to mount nfs share from a netapp resource. I use PV and PVC. If I check the mount points in the pod, I get : nfs.xxx.com:/share/prd on /var/www/shared type nfs4…
Microservice Solutions with Ocelot on Azure
I am looking to deploy multiple microservices using Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS). All communication between these microservices is routed through an API Gateway. The services include: API Gateway (Ocelot) Auth API Core Service RabbitMQ These are all…
AKS pod in CrashLoop error due to managed identity integration
We have an AKS cluster on which one of our Deployments which now uses DefaultAzureCredential class to fetch connection strings stored in Azure Key Vault. We have provide the "System Assigned Managed Identity" contributor access to Key Vault to…
Unable to create AKS Cluster from CLI
az aks create --resource-group myResourceGroup --name myAKSCluster --node-count 2 --generate-ssh-keys Invalid base64-encoded string: number of data characters (17) cannot be 1 more than a multiple of 4 I tried executing this command multiple times…
Adoption of Podman inside an AKS cluster.
We are evaluating the adoption of Podman instead of Docker for the creation of containers. We are using AKS as our container orchestrator in Azure. I am wondering if AKS is compatible with Podman? It is my understanding that AKS comes with Docker…
image not available anymore in microsoft container registry
Hello All, the image mcr.microsoft.com/azuredocs/azure-vote-front:v1 is not available anymore, and on a lot of pages from microsoft to this image is refered. could you put it back or tell me where i can find it now? Normal BackOff 21s …
When will the Azure Storage FUSE driver (Blobfuse2) support MS Entra Workload Id for mounting to AKS?
This GitHub issue details the issue many customers are experiencing attempting to mount Azure Blob Storage to AKS Pods, using Managed Identity (MS Entra Workload Id) and the Azure Storage FUSE driver (Blobfuse2):…
Enabling Managed Identity from SPN on VMSS based AKS clusters
We are currently enabling Managed Identity on the AKS clusters which are SPN based for configuring Prometheus monitoring rules. Regarding the MI enablement activity we have the below query, please help us with the solution: For the AKS cluster which…
Insufficient regional vcpu quota left for location uksouth. left regional vcpu quota 0, requested quota 2.
Preflight validation check for resource(s) for container service aksdemo1 in resource group aks-rg1 failed. Message: Insufficient regional vcpu quota left for location uksouth. left regional vcpu quota 0, requested quota 2. Details:
HTTPS on a custom port using ingress (AGIC)
I am trying to create a listener on a custom port. The minute I start using custom port my listener in application gateway is created on http protocol and if i am not specifying the custom port it is coming on https on port 443. Below are the annotations…
AKS unable to pull image from ACR
Created an AKS cluster, attached the ACR to the AKS. The AKS can pull other images from the same repository. But when ever I am running the below deployment it is failing with error: Failed to pull image…
AKS upgrade to 1.29.7 triggers daily NSG update activity logs
I recently upgraded from AKS 1.28 to 1.29.7 and after that, everyday I can see AKS is initiating updates to the NSG, but not displaying any change history, its like doing a poll check to the NSG. Is this expected? If yes, what is it doing…