ADFS - No strong authentication method found for the request from Error

dimago 41 Reputation points


I'm running Windows Server 2019 ADFS migrated from old version of ADFS. Everything is working fine, but we had to remove/disable the 3rd party MFA vendor we had. So I disabled the vendor's tool from the Authentication Methods in ADFS console and removed the program. We did this because we federated our ADFS with company, so instead of I'm authenticating using my own ADFS/AD local domain, I'm using the company and everything is done by them, including the MFA - I have 2 Claims Provider Trusts because of this.

But, we have 1 RP that does not work with that config so are still using the local AD, but now we noticed after login it is showing an error about "No valid strong authentication method found".

It seems to be general, because I tested other RPs and using the local AD and same issue.

How can I get rid of this and just authenticate even without MFA, just using the username and password?

See attached my current config for Authentication Methods.

"No valid strong authentication method found. Contact your administrator to configure and enable appropriate strong authentication provider."

Event ID 364

"**Exception details:   
Microsoft.IdentityServer.Web.NoValidStrongAuthenticationMethodException: No strong authentication method found for the request from https://MY-RP.COM.  
   at Microsoft.IdentityServer.Web.Authentication.AuthenticationPolicyEvaluator.EvaluatePolicy(Boolean& isLastStage, AuthenticationStage& currentStage, Boolean& strongAuthRequried)  
   at Microsoft.IdentityServer.Web.PassiveProtocolListener.GetAuthMethodsFromAuthPolicyRules(PassiveProtocolHandler protocolHandler, ProtocolContext protocolContext)  
   at Microsoft.IdentityServer.Web.PassiveProtocolListener.GetAuthenticationMethods(PassiveProtocolHandler protocolHandler, ProtocolContext protocolContext)  
   at Microsoft.IdentityServer.Web.PassiveProtocolListener.OnGetContext(WrappedHttpListenerContext context)**"  



Active Directory Federation Services
Active Directory Federation Services
An Active Directory technology that provides single-sign-on functionality by securely sharing digital identity and entitlement rights across security and enterprise boundaries.
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  1. Pierre Audonnet - MSFT 10,181 Reputation points Microsoft Employee

    You might still have the rules to trigger MFA enabled on your Relying Party trust.

    Can you show us the output of a Get-ADFSRelyingPartyTrust for this failing relying party trust?

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  2. dimago 41 Reputation points

    Sure @Pierre Audonnet - MSFT - this is the output from one of my RP:

    Get-ADFSRelyingPartyTrust -Name "RP"

    AllowedAuthenticationClassReferences : {}  
    EncryptionCertificateRevocationCheck : CheckChainExcludeRoot  
    PublishedThroughProxy                : False  
    SigningCertificateRevocationCheck    : CheckChainExcludeRoot  
    WSFedEndpoint                        :  
    AdditionalWSFedEndpoint              : {}  
    ClaimsProviderName                   : {Company Global}  
    ClaimsAccepted                       : {}  
    EncryptClaims                        : True  
    Enabled                              : True  
    EncryptionCertificate                :  
    Identifier                           : {}  
    NotBeforeSkew                        : 0  
    EnableJWT                            : False  
    AlwaysRequireAuthentication          : False  
    Notes                                : Notes for the RP  
    OrganizationInfo                     :  
    ObjectIdentifier                     : IDENTIFIER  
    ProxyEndpointMappings                : {}  
    ProxyTrustedEndpoints                : {}  
    ProtocolProfile                      : WsFed-SAML  
    RequestSigningCertificate            : {}  
    EncryptedNameIdRequired              : False  
    SignedSamlRequestsRequired           : False  
    SamlEndpoints                        : {Microsoft.IdentityServer.Management.Resources.SamlEndpoint}  
    SamlResponseSignature                : AssertionOnly  
    SignatureAlgorithm                   :  
    TokenLifetime                        : 0  
    AllowedClientTypes                   : Public  
    IssueOAuthRefreshTokensTo            : NoDevice  
    RefreshTokenProtectionEnabled        : True  
    RequestMFAFromClaimsProviders        : False  
    ScopeGroupId                         :  
    ScopeGroupIdentifier                 :  
    DeviceAuthenticationMethod           :  
    Name                                 : RP  
    AutoUpdateEnabled                    : False  
    MonitoringEnabled                    : False  
    MetadataUrl                          :  
    ConflictWithPublishedPolicy          : False  
    IssuanceAuthorizationRules           : @RuleName = "1-Get User Groups"  
                                           c:[Type == ""]  
                                            => add(store = "Active Directory", types = (""), query =  
                                           "mail={0};memberOf;DOMAIN\user", param = c.Value);  
                                           @RuleName = "2-Remove OU"  
                                           c:[Type == ""]  
                                            => add(Type = "", Value = RegExReplace(c.Value,  
                                           ",[^\n]*", ""));  
                                           @RuleName = "3-Remove the CN="  
                                           c:[Type == ""]  
                                            => add(Type = "", Value =  
                                           RegExReplace(c.Value, "^CN=", ""));  
                                           @RuleName = "4-Filter Group_RO and Grant Access"  
                                           c:[Type == "", Value =~ "^(?i)Group_RO$"]  
                                            => issue(Type = "",  
                                           Value = "PermitUsersWithClaim");  
                                           @RuleTemplate = "Authorization"  
                                           @RuleName = "Permit_Group_RO"  
                                           c:[Type == "",  
                                           Value =~ "^(?i)S-1-5-21-290840851-546066832-394647578-5115$"]  
                                            => issue(Type = "",  
                                           Value = "PermitUsersWithClaim");  
    IssuanceTransformRules               : @RuleName = "1-Get the Local DOMAIN username"  
                                           c:[Type == ""]  
                                            => add(store = "Active Directory", types = ("DOMAIN"), query =  
                                           "mail={0};sAMAccountName;DOMAIN\user", param = c.Value);  
                                           @RuleName = "2-Send LOCAL domain username as NameID"  
                                           c:[Type == "DOMAIN"]  
                                            => issue(Type =  
                                           "", Issuer  
                                           = c.Issuer, OriginalIssuer = c.OriginalIssuer, Value = c.Value, ValueType =  
                                           c.ValueType, Properties["  
                                           perties/format"] = "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:DOMAIN");  
                                           @RuleTemplate = "LdapClaims"  
                                           @RuleName = "Send NameID"  
                                           c:[Type ==  
                                           Issuer == "AD AUTHORITY"]  
                                            => issue(store = "Active Directory", types =  
                                           (""), query  
                                           = ";sAMAccountName;{0}", param = c.Value);  
    DelegationAuthorizationRules         :  
    LastPublishedPolicyCheckSuccessful   :  
    LastUpdateTime                       : 12/31/1899 7:00:00 PM  
    LastMonitoredTime                    : 12/31/1899 7:00:00 PM  
    ImpersonationAuthorizationRules      :  
    AdditionalAuthenticationRules        :  
    AccessControlPolicyName              :  
    AccessControlPolicyParameters        :  
    ResultantPolicy                      :  

    We have another "Application Groups" using OAuth, but I was not able to run the same command on that. This one is also facing the same issue.

    Get-AdfsApplicationGroup -Name "OAuth Application"

    ApplicationGroupIdentifier : Application-Test  
    Description                : OAuth test application  
    Name                       : OAuth-Test  
    Enabled                    : True  
    Applications               : {OAuth-Test - Server application, OAuth-Test - Web API}  
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  3. Pierre Audonnet - MSFT 10,181 Reputation points Microsoft Employee

    I don't see any requirement in the rules. Then I guess it might be the actual application requesting a specific authentication method (in the redirect the app sends to the user).

    It is possible for an application to request a specific authentication method or even MFA. Could you share what the redirect URL looks like when you hit the app and are redirected to ADFS?

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