Hi @Michael Bear,
Thank you for letting us know.
As an original poster cannot accept their own answer, I am reposting it so that you can accept it an answer. Accepted answer will help other community members navigate to the appropriate solutions.
Issue: FQDN not shown for Azure Container Instance
Solution: While the Azure Portal (webui) would not show the FQDN for my Azure Container Instance (ACI) ... the following link [0] provided a workaround suggestion to use the Azure CLI. Though I needed more complex commands, so I chose to fill out this post with my solution.
I chose to use the Azure Cloud Shell within the Azure Portal to run the commands.
# Already created a Resource Group via webui and had uploaded a Container Image
az container create --resource-group RESOURCE_GROUP --name CONTAINER_NAME \ --image IMAGE --registry-login-server SERVER --registry-username REGISTRY \ --registry-password PASS --ip-address Public --dns-name-label SOMENAME \ --ports 80
az container list --resource-group RESOURCE_GROUP
az container delete --name CONTAINER_NAME --resource-group RESOURCE_GROUP
az group list
az group delete --name RESOURCE_GROUP