Hi @Glasier
Thanks for the question and using MS Q&A platform.
Adding to the above answer, unfortunately, p_helptext is not supported in Synapse Analytics. However, you can use the view sys.sql_modules and its definition column to get the SQL text for a view. For example, you can use the following query to retrieve the SQL text for a view:
Alternatively, you can use the OBJECT_DEFINITION function to retrieve the SQL text for a view. Here is an example query:
Replace 'your_view_name' with the name of the view you want to retrieve the definition for. This query will return the original SELECT statement used to create the view.
For more information, please refer: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/relational-databases/system-catalog-views/sys-sql-modules-transact-sql?view=sql-server-ver15
Hope this helps. Do let us know if you any further queries.
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